Chapter 8

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A/N: I do not own Fairy Tail cannons. I own the lunatics I throw at the cannons to cause mayhem and bedlam for everyone’s entertainment  ***Ambush is the name I picked to distinguish Fey groups from human tribes.*** 2 different POV’s divided by ==oo0oo== symbol.


    Metalicana looked down at his adopted son who was sulking between his forelegs. Gajeel was leveling his rankest stink eye at Sertatsie and Winhermeare. Among the highest ranked Bane Warriors to have left time suspension, Winhermeare was the last Fey Metalicana expected to act as Sertatsie’s care giver for the day. However, Winhermeare arrived with a large platter heaped high with raw meat cut into small chunks. The woman had completed her task of hand feeding the chopped meat to Sertatsie, who swallowed without chewing.
    A few minutes after Winhermeare set the large platter on the ground, Gajeel stood up, and without additional warning, exploded. “So let me see if I got everything I’ve heard so far straight? Your group thinks Bunny Girl’s super powerful, is that right?”
    Sertatsie nodded, her thought orb shimmering with the full spectrum of colors as Gajeel’s hand lifted to ward off any commentary. “I got the impression that your group also thinks Bunny Girl’s going to have so much more power after you guys remove those chains, she’ll die if you didn’t curse two Dragon Slayers to be stuck to her for the rest of their lives. So your little fucking Fairy pals cursed two Slayers without even explaining anything because they think they have the right to tell others how to live. Did I leave anything out?”
    Sertatsie’s telepathic orb flashed. The hues and the voice blared her miffed state. “Neither Braydon, nor his bonded mates knew about Fairy magic being lost to antiquity when your Lightning Slayer asked how he could save the girl’s life. They recognized a harmonious life force that could mesh with hers, so did what they felt would save the girl’s life. It was more important to block the Abyss Lord’s escape than waste time explaining all the possibilities at that moment. Stopping the Abyss Void from corrupting the Astral Star Chains took priority even if the pair bound to the Singer are less than ideal in hind sight.”
    Gajeel growled deep in his chest before unleashing more vitriol. “How the fuck could anyone get the boneheaded idea that cursing anyone, much less Dragon Slayers, was the best way to save Bunny Girl’s life? None of you know anything about us so you should’a asked questions before pulling such a stupid stunt!”
    The Fey woman, Winhermeare held the translation lacrima in her lap as she let Gajeel’s furious words get translated. She spoke in her guttural, hissing language which the lacrima translated in neutral tones. “When was there enough time to ask anything? The Star Singer’s soul was breaking apart. Final death for the Singer was the other option. To waste time learning intricacies was impossible. No matter how much you rant, the Singer is alive because of the Fairies using Soul Binding magic. The Abyss Lord is still tied down because they made a snap decision to accept two compatible, and equally strong life force bearing men’s offers.”
    Metalicana watched his fledgling’s anger drive the man into a new fit of pacing. Had things played out differently, it might have been Gajeel who was robbed of a piece of his soul over asking the wrong question. Gajeel was fortunate to have escaped getting fused to the Star Singer’s soul in Metalicana’s opinion. Knowing Gajeel’s concern was directly related to how territorial all Slayers became once they found their chosen mate, Metalicana agreed that his fledgling had reason to be incensed about the cavalier treatment of fellow Slayers. As long as the two Slayers were unable to speak for themselves, perhaps Gajeel felt he had to humiliate the Ancients in their places.
    Igneel was sure to explode when he arrived and learned about the dangerous magical situation foisted upon his own fledgling. Metalicana was dreading Igneel’s unfettered wrath once he knew all that had transpired. Of all the Elemental Dragon Kings and Queens, Igneel’s temper was the most volatile when roused. Dealing with Igneel was going to be a pain the moment he knew what had befallen his Natsu.
    “Calm down, Fledgling. Fury dulls your wits and blocks the means to find working solutions, and you well know it. Winhermeare and her kind went into Time Suspension long before humans were actually taught Dragon magic by us, so they were ignorant and that is a fact. Dragon Masters are not like Slayers so they can’t be compared to you or the others. Our focus should be kept where it belongs right now. Undoing this mess before they wake up must be our priority.” Metalicana reminded the furious man.
    “The Fairies said the spell can’t be undone, Dad. If Laxus and Natsu do wake up, their dragon instincts will take over and make them kill each other. Bunny Girl’s caught in the middle of their fight no matter what she wants, and that’s going to shred her sanity. She can’t deal with this kind of bullshit! She’s the biggest hearted human I’ve ever met. Those bastards’ fight is gonna hurt her badly no matter who survives! Bunny Girl’s going to blame herself and it’s all these ancient idiots’ fault!”
    The translation lacrima pulsed in Winhermeare’s hand while she spoke in her own tongue. The crystal resonated, words rolling out of the magical sphere. “Soul Binding will prevent them from killing each other. In fact, it will keep them unmoving until they make peace with each other and accept new roles. Such has always been the case with that kind of magic. Soul Bond makes each aware of every truth that the others hide. As the smaller man seems to have Fey birthright, the new soul shards will force order upon his chaotic mind.”
    Gajeel stalked closer to the Bane Warrior woman. His fury turned his voice into a borderline roar. “You people flat refuse to listen to anyone who knows what it means to be a Dragon Slayer which is the worst fucking kind of arrogance! Your so damned sure that your screwed up spell is going to force two Dragon Slayers to lose their individual personalities and instincts that they won’t realize they aren’t the same person. Well guess what, bitch, you’re completely off your fucking rocker wrong! The minute either one wakes up, you’ll find out exactly how wrong you can get if I know those two.”
    Sertatsie hummed softly as she tried to calm the pair of combatants before either struck a physical blow. “Young one, you have the right to feel anger over what seems like a great wrong done to your companions. Nevertheless it is possible that the Fairy Soul Bond will hinder their deadlier instincts toward each other. The common practice to stabilize three is for Soul Shards to be exchanged equally between all three. It is long proven knowledge that sways Winhermeare’s judgement in this case.”
    “Well excuse me for only being a real Dragon Slayer, with dragon instincts and ways that I learned from Metalicana. Guess I’m not good enough if I don’t appreciate their high and mightier than the rest of us variety of shit stinking attitude.” Gajeel snarled with his fists and teeth clenched hard. “As a Dragon Slayer who knows what it means, all I can say is that fighters like us don’t lose ourselves to anything but actual death, Old One. Sparky and Ash Breath will fight to keep their independent personalities. Considering nobody warned any of them about the possible loss of identity before they got used, they’ll fight even harder to beat this raw deal! If this spell won’t let them wake up because they’re fighting to be themselves, all three of them are already dead.”
    Metalicana snorted a stream of smoke through his nose, but refrained from speaking. To Gajeel’s mind, both his fellow Dragon Slayers, and the Star Singer, were exactly as he said. All of them were dead which sent Gajeel into a state of loss triggered rage. The only thing that remained was to see which route their deaths took in Gajeel’s mind. One route meant a lot of physical destruction, blind rage, and agony before someone’s last breath was drawn. The other was nothing short of an indignant wasting away of comatose bodies.
    In Metalicana’s opinion, the former was more likely to happen. Dragon magic changed humans on very deep and subtle levels that the Fairies had not accounted for when they used two Slayers in their scheme. Because of constant exposure to the dragon’s life force as they learned dragon magic, their adopted humans developed dragon like senses, and instincts. Metalicana doubted Fairy magic could fully negate a Slayer’s deepest ingrained draconic instincts. Although, with one being artificially made, it was possible that the Lightning Slayer was more susceptible to Fairy magic than Igneel’s fledgling.
    Winhermeare’s lacrima began translating her soft, growled words. “If they have such strong instincts from their Dragon magic, then it may be easier for them to align for the Singer’s benefit. Instincts determine roles in many creatures, and the same is true with Soul Binding. Therefore, the female Star Singer’s position will decide which roles both males will take. She will be the Alpha female so will control their foolish male aggression. I believe her strong enough to manage both males. She has great inner strength, or would not have survived feeding so many Astral Chains as long as she has.”
    Watching Gajeel stomp over the same ground and return was dull, but Metalicana smelled his fledgling’s unabating fury quite sharply. Somewhat perplexed by the blatant change in Gajeel’s personality since he had last seen his fledgling, Metalicana tried to maintain the dregs of his strained patience. To learn what had caused Gajeel’s change in personality required clear thinking. So far, the words his Fledgling had spewed after helping get his comrades put in the infirmary pointed to Gajeel having a strong attachment to the girl. Metalicana mulled over the best way to breach the topic without sending his irate fledgling into a deadly fight with the Bane Warrior. If he was mourning the girl’s death prematurely, things would only deteriorate beyond salvage whenever she did die.
    Sertatsie lowered her head next to Winhermeare who also reeked of anger, and impatience as a means to prevent the Fey woman from attacking Gajeel. Narrowing his eyes, Metalicana watched the Bane Warrior even closer than Gajeel since she was the more dangerous smelling. Little about her scent reminded him of anything remotely human. If anything, the Fey smelled alarmingly similar to a demon. Was Winhermeare an actual Spawn, or a Fey Demon Bane?
    Metalicana considered Winhermeare’s vivid skin, now free of filth after Fairy Tail’s population managed to get her scrubbed clean. Her skin was not even a passable human color. Winhermeare’s dull carmine flesh resembled tough hide, identical to that of a hairless demon’s pelt. The points in favor of a Bane was that Winhermeare had strange hair for a Spawn. It was too curly and supple in the tones of chestnut and amber. Spawns had livid colored hair through pitch black with the stiffness and texture of poorly spun wire. Her eyes were a garish pink, but lacked the silvery pupil slits of a Spawn also.
    Winhermeare could still pass for a Spawn, but was most likely a Fey Demon Bane Metalicana concluded. Few Feys survived eating such poisonous prey, but those few survivors were recalled in Dragon Lore as legendary fighters. According to the oldest lore Metalicana knew, Feys started eating real Demons to survive during the Purging Times. Only the hybrids who settled into the most inhospitable land zones where food was scarce were ever left alone by the other races. The downside of their exile had been the proximity of demon gates which constantly belched out new enemies. Any hybrid child not confined on Tenru continent as a Fairy slave, was relentlessly hunted down and butchered by the pedigree races during that stone age era.
    Only the tiny Satyrs, and Centaur races had refused to get involved with the meaningless slaughter of Fey children. Dragons had treated Fey ambushes the same as they did Human tribes during that period. If a dragon was hungry, they would eat an ambush, or tribe, but considered such food akin to appetizers instead of meals because it took so much effort to kill and eat enough of them at one time.
    Gajeel’s snarling voice grabbed Metalicana’s attention. “. . . insanely territorial when it comes to our spouse. We’re no different than our dragons when we settle down with our lifelong partner and start a family. We even get the same empathic links as any normal dragon pair. You’re Sacred Saint admitted that those damned Fairies used a spell that they created for their own breeding purposes! So why can’t any of you admit your Fairies really fucked up by using a mating spell to tie two Dragon Slayers to the same woman?”
    Winhermeare’s translated answer echoed outward after several moments. “Mistake it may be to your thinking, yet none of us know the outcome even if the males are territorial by nature. Your people know nothing of the magic used to save the Star Singer, and we know little of Dragon Slayer people. The outcome may be completely different from anything either side expects because of the Star Singer.”
    Sertatsie’s eyes whirled with multiple colors as she dipped her head to meet Gajeel’s eyes. “Perhaps the three will surprise us all due to the one factor of this kind of Bonding magic which has always proven true. It is impossible for any of them to misunderstand each other now. Lies are no longer possible between them. When soul shards are exchanged, each life becomes dependant upon the other life involved. The shards may even bring these two males together for all we know.”
    “We don’t do things that way, Old One. Even if they somehow manage to wake up and not kill each other, it’s against the law to have multiple spouses. Bunny Girl will be forced to pick one of them, and ignore the other which will make things unbearable for her. They’re all getting the shaft thanks to your little deluded pals’ bullshit!”
    Metalicana shook his scaled head to loosen his bemused state. He had never envisioned Gajeel being so protective of a non mate material human, but his fledgling’s time with these humans had changed him. The way the Slayer continued to pace and the fury he could not contain spoke eloquently of his emotions. The little Star Singer was precious to Gajeel, but why if she was not coveted as his mate.
    “How do you see your Bunny Girl, Fledgling?”
    “Huh? Why’re you asking me that, Dad?” Gajeel whirled on his heels and glared up at him.
    “Because, you won’t stop stomping around and roaring at this Demon Bane who had nothing to do with casting that infernal spell. It’s been two days so you’ve had enough time to make peace with this, but you flat refuse. Bunny Girl, as you call her, must be very important to you, even if you try to deny it.” Metalicana snapped.
    “Guess you could say Bunny’s everyone’s sister. Wasn’t always that way for me . . . but, uhmm well, after Phantom Lord got disbanded . . . and how she forgives everyone for being an asshole, . . . You could say that people can’t help but get used to having her around.” Gajeel spluttered as his indignant scowl grew.
    Siblings were very important to humans as Metalicana knew very well. Gajeel’s answer was not unexpected, yet Metalicana wanted his fledgling to recognize his unsettled temper’s true cause. To hear his fledgling spitting out words with such a scowl was proof that Gajeel still thought emotions like caring for others was a weakness.
    “So you finally found yourself a human family, and your closest sibling is in danger. Your anger will take time to burn out I suppose.” Metalicana answered as amusement began to stir in the back of his mind. Fledgling got more interesting every day it seemed.
    Sertatsie wheezed at his flippant tone. The Ancient Queen realized what he was up to Metalicana knew. Her rapidly changing eye color was proof that she was thinking about whether or not his way of dealing with his fledgling was acceptable.
    “Shut it, Dad! There’s nothing wrong with my being pissed off. Mass destruction’s gonna happen if they wake up! Bunny Girl’s not gonna be able to stop those two morons for long, even if she’s damned scary when pissed off enough.”
    Winhermeare’s peals of laughter was echoed by Sertatsie and finally by Metalicana. Recovering first, Metalicana gave Gajeel a toothy grin and asked, “How is it you can doubt that your adopted sibling can keep two Slayers in line after saying you consider her damned scary when angry?”
    “Erm, you just don’t get it, Dad. Bunny Girl’s too soft hearted to stay mad for long, and she’ll blame herself for their fighting. Trust me when I say this really could destroy Bunny Girl.” With those words, Gajeel swivelled on his heels and stomped toward his guild’s door.
    The last thing Laxus recalled was how the smelly weirdos from another era planted their hands on his chest and Blondie’s before he felt like he was being electrocuted, torn apart, and boiled at the same time. As if those sensations were not bad enough, they were followed by intense dizziness, and the sensation of being tugged toward Blondie. Laxus thought he heard the one in the middle telling him to share his energy with Blondie if he really wanted to save her. Nothing but a strange sense of almost being connected to Blondie had registered after that.
    Laxus figured he must have passed out, but the constant pained cries that sounded suspiciously like Blondie’s voice kept him seeking a way to get closer to her if only to silence the heart wrenching sobs. So Laxus had tried stumbling around in this utter darkness to follow the constant keening that reached his ears.
    Focusing on walking seemed to be getting Laxus nowhere. How was he supposed to help save Blondie if he could not reach her? The reoccurring thought made Laxus furious with himself. It was too dark for Laxus to think that he was having some lucid dream any longer. It made sense that trying to walk as Laxus would in a dream or normal waking life was worth a shot, but it had failed him.
    Deciding to sit down and contemplate less obvious ways to get around, Laxus realized that nothing was happening. For a while Laxus had been bothered by how strange this place was and now the answer was sinking in. Somehow Laxus had ignored his instincts screaming at him that gravity was missing. Bending over with his hands sweeping in the vicinity of his feet to find the floor, Laxus discovered nothing at all. An irritated snort exploded from him over the recognition that lacking gravity and ground made trying to wander around the normal way to get to Blondie impossible.
    The gears began spinning as Laxus pieced together what he knew about this weird place. Everything was very dark, and he was somehow floating in the air for a lack of a better way to describe his dilemma. Since Laxus could not walk, but felt an irresistible tug with each wail that reached his ears, was it possible to use his magic instead? Focusing on hands which Laxus could not see, he shot his magic through palms and fingertips. Sparks began to crisscross Laxus’ palms and dance at his command. For the first time since Laxus became aware of being in this pitch black place, he could see.
    Laxus felt his lips slide into a grin as palpable relief flooded his senses. Now to see if he could use his lightning form to get him to wherever Blondie was located within this dismal place. With the next cry that reached Laxus’ ears, he shifted his body to the lightning form. The sound still tugged at Laxus, so he let it dictate his direction. Without warning Laxus found himself slamming into something very solid and hard.
    Shifting back to normal, Laxus touched the wall that was both warm and solid feeling. Much to Laxus surprise, whatever it was that had stopped him began to cave forward beneath his hand. When he increased the pressure of his fingers with slow and steady pressure, the barrier gave more ground. Considering that so long as he made no drastic moves, the barrier continued to give way, Laxus forced his impatience over hearing Lucy’s much louder crying into the back of his mind. For whatever reason, Laxus was certain that he had gotten closer to his goal if only because the familiar sounding voice releasing those cries was louder. Yet letting his irritation overcome his wits would get Laxus nowhere fast if he screwed up.
    Treating this barrier like any delicately triggered magic trap Freed created, Laxus knew caution was the best way to proceed. Firm, slow, and steady pressure that he kept pace through counting his heartbeats increased his progress. First his fingers and hands plunged through the warm wall of resistence. Laxus froze for several seconds as he wiggled his fingers, twisted his wrists around, and tried to identify anything on the other side.
    As nothing attacked him from the other side, Laxus began moving forward once more. One of Laxus feet breached the barrier next. Yet as Laxus continued to move forward, a jarring sensation such as he identified with walking on solid ground ran up his leg. Excitement skated up Laxus spine as he redoubled his efforts. Soon enough his head and shoulders were breaking through the malleable shield.
    The moment Laxus opened his eyes a gasp escaped his throat. Scenery reminiscent of a formal garden with a large fountain in the center greeted Laxus eyes. Stepping fully through the last of the barrier, Laxus  watched as it bounced back into its original shape for a moment. Unsure of where to find Blondie, Laxus paused to listen for her next shriek of anguish.
    When Blondie’s next wracking sob came, four things immediately snagged Laxus attention. First thing; the barrier shrank inward by a good foot all around as the ground shuddered. Second thing; what could only be a fountain in the middle of the garden spluttered as if a partial clog was getting lodged in the mechanism. Third thing; the wails seemed to be coming from the fountain. Fourth thing; the area’s light dropped noticeably as if the sun were going down in the evening sky.
    All of Laxus instincts shivered as a very bad feeling coursed through his body to wedge in his gut. Worry took hold of Laxus body to make him move fast toward the fountain area. Within moments he saw the Celestial Spirit Mage was halfway buried by what he had thought was a fountain, being pulled into some kind of silvery pool while struggling to keep her head above the substance Laxus had first mistaken for water. The chains they had been unable to touch when fighting the void spell were very much in view as Laxus skidded to a halt beside the pinned down mage. Dark veins were writhing across the woman’s skin, tainting her face, shoulders, and even what Laxus could see of her stomach. To top it off, what looked like a dead corpse holding a large jar was slowly sinking into the woman’s upper back, merging into Blondie’s nude body.
    Part of Laxus mind registered her lack of clothing and sought to control his eyes long enough to not ogle the woman. Laxus mentally slammed the door on his more perverted side before it could slow him down. Saving Blondie’s life took precedence over getting an eye full of above average feminine beauty he silently chastised himself.
    The actual fountain effect was due to the silvery energy exploding from the jar Laxus recognized as he took in the scene before him. It was not an actual fountain that had grabbed his attention, but a raw wellspring of power getting sucked into different directions and taking everything within it’s path away with every pulse of life it ripped out of Lucy.
    “What the fuck’s happening to you, Blondie?” Laxus growled at the trapped woman in an attempt to cover how shaken he felt.
    Dropping onto his haunches, Laxus wrapped one of his muscular arms under the girl. With a glare at the blue haired corpse, Laxus pushed his arm between Lucy’s shoulders and the sinking body, hoping to pry the corpse off her back. As Laxus discovered he could not pry the corpse off his crush, he began doing what he could to get her body lifted higher. The chains were resistant to the motion, but somehow Laxus managed to get Lucy into an upright position where he could get a look at her face.
    “Come on, Blondie, snap out of it. Look at me damn it!”
    “Go away, Laxus. I betrayed and killed Aquarius. I’m a horrible person. You shouldn’t bother with someone like me.”  Managed to slip past her blood stained lips.
    “Like I’m going to abandon you over shit you had no control over. I heard about how you were told to break your key, Blondie. Aquarius demanded that you do what you did. The only one who got betrayed was you, not that damned spirit of yours!” Laxus barked in her ear as he held her against his chest.
    Another heart wrenching wail escaped Lucy’s lips as the spirit sank deeper into her back. Another drop in area size and light shook the area. Even less ground was left within the barrier. Laxus found his eyes widening as he got an unwelcome idea about what was happening to the young woman. Was this what happened within a person’s depths when they were dying physically? The thought almost locked down Laxus ability to think for a few seconds as panic threatened.
    Recalling the hazy memory of being told to give Blondie energy when he asked how he could save her, Laxus took a deep breath. He focused on sending a small spark of his magic into the girl as a test to ensure he did not hurt her. Almost immediately the energy was inhaled, and Laxus found himself getting drained. With every pulse of energy wrenched from Laxus magic reserves, the area began to shudder and buckle, brightening and expanding. Painful as it was, Laxus did not allow his instincts to break free. Each pulse was returning color and vibrancy to the woman’s skin. The area was expanding into a lush and beautiful setting with sunlight gaining in strength to showcase the garden’s flowers. 
    The biggest shock to Laxus was when the barrier suddenly expanded yet again and a very confused and annoyed looking Natsu appeared out of nowhere. The pink haired idiot immediately began shouting. “Luce! Where are you? I’m here to save you, so answer me!” 
    Before Laxus could open his mouth, he suddenly found that his mind was swarming with images, emotions, and thoughts that were not his own. Lucy’s fists pushed against Laxus chest which gave him a way to focus on his surroundings again. Hiccuping sniffles continued to slap at his heart as the woman tried to catch her strangled breath.
    “W,w,w,wh,why a, a,a.are you h,h,h,e,here a,a,a,and na,na,naked, Laxus?” Lucy stuttered as her head yanked to the side to avoid looking at him.
    “No idea why I’m naked, but so are you, and Flame Brain. As to why I’m here, I volunteered to save you, so I’m guessing that squinty eyed idiot you call your partner is here for the same reason.”
    As if his words had given Natsu a way to lock onto Blondie’s location, Natsu dropped beside them. “Luce? Are you okay?” With a darkening glare, Natsu snarled at Laxus. “What do you think you’re fucking doing, groping Luce like that?”
    Resisting the urge to release the shaking blond in his arms to beat the moron into oblivion, Laxus snapped back, “I’m not groping Blondie, Firebrand!  I have to hang onto her in order to give her as much of my energy as possible to keep her alive! Why don’t you stop jumping to conclusions and get the fucking corpse off her back before it kills her?!”
    Natsu nodded, leapt to his feet, and suddenly made a weird choking noise. Laxus swivelled his head and glanced at a horrified looking Natsu. “I know it’s disturbing, but we gotta save Blondie so you gotta pull that off her back!”
    “How’d Aquarius get here? Why’s she stuck to Luce like this?” Natsu muttered in barely audible tones.
    “We don’t have time for questions before we get them separated, Flame Brain. Blondie’s in serious danger of dying. If we can get Blondie stable, I’ll tell you what I figured out about what’s happening. We have to work fast, and get Blondie stable or she’s going to die. If you got caught in that pitch black nothingness like I did, then you should realize it exists because Blondie’s dying.”
    “But, everything turned into this place all of a sudden.” Natsu protested.
    “I’m giving Blondie enough energy to keep her alive. Considering how much it’s drawing off of me, it allowed her to stabilize enough to return part of her vitality and energy which is what this garden represents, Dumb Ass! What do you think those healers were talking about us doing when they used that weird feeling spell to link us to our Guild mate? To save her, we have to work together to undo the damage and give her enough energy to survive this attack that’s killing her.”
    Comprehension sparked in the pink haired man’s eyes. After another shudder of distaste, Natsu circled behind Lucy, grabbed the Celestial Spirit’s arm, and began tugging the spirit in the opposite direction. “You know, I could hold onto her and you could try to get Aquarius free. You’re taller than me.”
    “If I could, I would switch places with you to try and rip that corpse off her back. The problem is that you’d probably fry Blondie instead of give her a manageable level energy boost. Plus the rate I’m being drained is frightening.”
    “I’m so sorry, Laxus, Natsu. You don’t have to do this for me. Just let me go.”        
    “Forget it, Luce! ‘You’re my best friend and I won’t abandon you!” Natsu snarled.
    Laxus sighed. The woman deserved to know what was happening to her. “We got some visitors right after Gajeel used that spell to knock you out so we could buy enough time to get you healed. The strangers admitted to tampering with some kind of demon trapping seals that your damned Lion spirit helped create several thousand years ago, Blondie. The original seals that keep the damned demon trapped are destabilizing because of the tampering they did to turn certain human bloodlines into automatic repair lacrimas of a sort. The chains stuck to you right now are from the tampering that was done to the seals. Your being sucked dry of your magic and life force at an impossible rate to keep that fucking demon locked away. The tampering that the newcomers did to make the prison stronger is putting your life at risk for some reason. The fact that Loke knows, but doesn’t trust the Fairies in that party is also worrisome. But right now, I do know that if you die, some really bad ass demon that destroyed all but a small chink of a continent will be free to destroy Fiore at an insane pace if we can’t save you.”
    Blond hair flowed across Laxus face as the woman whipped her head around and looked into his eyes for the first time. Dull brown eyes met his as Lucy blinked with her mouth hanging ajar. “No way! Are you messing with me?”
    Laxus felt his brows plunge as his temper sparked over the obvious doubt shining upon Lucy’s face. “How the fuck could I come up with such a ridiculous story on my own, Blondie?  You’re from the Orion bloodline according to those damned Fairies. They claimed to have come out of a Time Suspension spell to stop the demon they call Abyss Lord from getting free. You’re the key to releasing the damned demon but nobody knew it until now. The reason for all the Dark Guild attacks on you is because of those bastards making your ancestors into the power source that feeds the prison and repairs it.”
    “Why would anyone do something so horrible?” Blondie whispered as fresh tears began to fall.
    Laxus swallowed hard, tugged the woman’s head against his chest and responded. “You’re guess is as good as mine, Blondie. But they already verified that you’re illness is because of what they did, and Loke said they were telling the truth.”
    A muffled sob from the Celestial mage had Laxus and Natsu’s eyes meeting. If Natsu’s angry expression was proof of being a fraction as enraged as Laxus felt, his own features probably looked downright terrifying, Laxus thought as he tried to comfort Lucy and keep her life force stable.

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