Chapter 11

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A/N: I do not own Fairy Tail Cannon characters. Please drop a line to let me know how I am doing with this new genre dip. To be honest, I’m not at all certain if I am doing the Fantasy genre writing correctly. Hope everyone likes this new installment. ~~~ooo0ooo~~~ separates 2 POV’s and scenes.   

    Staring at the dark stone throne sitting in the middle of a cave, Ikaruga wondered what her clients thought to achieve. As a member of Death’s Head Caucus, it was not unusual to get hired to assassinate someone. However, of all the places she had met clients, this was the first time she met someone in a weird cave that made her skin craw with dark magic buildup. The torch lighting was abysmal as the group wanting to hire her seemed too cheap to insure they could see where they were going. The silent, robe shrouded, mask wearing crowd was nothing short of stupid looking in Ikaruga’s opinion. It was as if the client thought to intimidate her, and Ikaruga was almost amused. The most intimidating people put on the friendly act, so this act was a complete failure. 
    If they wanted someone dead, that was perfect since killing was Ikaruga’s forte. Still, she thought it was rather asinine of the client to try playing games with her head. Little bothered her beyond the fleeting moments where she recalled her battle with Erza Scarlet, and the painful reality of losing to Titania. All of her old team had lost to Fairy Tail Mages. Now that Ikaruga had found new talent, she had no reason to worry about that guild ever again. Getting stronger was part of the trade, and Ikaruga had gotten far stronger in the years since she last tasted humiliation. Having escaped the Tower of Heaven, Ikaruga had vowed to be the best, and now felt she had earned the title.
    Another group of weirdos entered the large natural cavern. Three of them walked to the throne area. With a wave of a hand, the one who was in charge magically lit a couple torches behind the throne and sat down. Everyone but Ikaruga prostrated themselves on the ground.  “I am pleased to see you have arrived, Assassin.”
    “Of course, this is business after all. So care to share the details so I can get to work?” Ikaruga responded.
    A weird hissing laugh escaped the shadowed man’s lips. “A very cocky attitude. Can you back your arrogance little girl?”
    “Arrogance has nothing to do with this, but if you wish a demonstration, so be it.”
    The shrouded man snapped his fingers. A large, muscular man was dragged into the room by four others who relied heavily upon the chains attached to their captive. A weapon was thrust into his hands. All of the occupants of the room backed away to make a ring as various magical seals formed to insure only Ikaruga and the captive were unprotected.
    “Show me your merit, Woman.” The sibilant demand was not unexpected.
    With a nod, Ikaruga watched the man, hand on her sword’s hilt. She did not bother to draw as it was not her style. The captive tried to slash at his abductors, but barrier magic prevented the blade from making contact.
    “If you wish your freedom, I suggest you fight for it.” The leader of the group prodded the man into action.
    Angry eyes turned to Ikaruga. The man knew how to use a sword, but did he have the necessary speed and limberness needed to be an actual challenge? A deep growl was emitted from the desperate man’s throat, followed by his lunge. In a flash, Ikaruga slipped to the side and dashed forward, sword sliding from it’s sheath, slicing deep, and returning to it’s place. A single perfected movement that few could see with their eyes. Turning once the smell of blood began to taint the air, Ikaruga enjoyed the meaty thud and the quiet gasps of some of the room’s occupants.
    “I am a killer and I know how to do my job well. If not, Master would not have sent me. Death’s Head Caucus is the best for a reason.”
    “True. Considering your display of prowess, I will grant you this duty on one condition. The reward is five million jewels, five hundred thousand up front for your travel and lodging expenses, and the balance when you bring me the targets.”
    Ikaruga nodded her head. “So who are the targets, and what is the condition?”
    The targets are two Celestial Spirit Mages, Lucy Heartfilia, of Fairy Tail guild, and Yukino Aguria of Sabertooth. However, Heartfilia is by far the most important target. Heartfilia must be brought here alive so that I may personally see her die within fifteen days. I’ll even increase your reward for capturing and bringing me Heartfilia specifically.”
    “Sounds amusing considering I am an assassin, not a kidnapper. Why hire someone like me if you want them alive?”
    “To remove any protectors they have requires a true killer. You’re payment is to kill their prospective bodyguards, and insure that I receive the little bitches.”
    “So where shall I meet you to deliver Heartfilia and Aguria once I capture them?” Ikaruga asked with savage joy rising in her breast.
    Vengeance was a true bitch best served very cold. Getting the opportunity to hurt Erza Scarlet was icing on the cake to Ikaruga’s thinking. To kill the Titania, one of Heartfilia’s closest companions, made the job irresistibly.
    “Someone will be waiting at Hogs Head Inn, the same as this time.” A hefty bag was tossed from the dias. “As soon as you are escorted from this holy temple, child, do begin seeking the wenches. I have need of them as ingredients. You can do whatever you like to them, so long as they are alive, and still contain all of their blood.”
    “Interesting. Time for me to get to work.”
    Ikaruga allowed herself to be blindfolded a second time. She lost track of the twists, turns, and echoing footfalls, yet did not care as much as she normally would about this kind of paranoid precaution. The chance to break Erza Scarlet was far to delightful to pass up. Although Ikaruga preferred to kill her targets wherever she found them, the kidnaping scenario was even sweeter because it would drive Titania into despair. Drive Titania to despair and she would make a fatal mistake. Ikaruga began pondering the best way to steal the weak little bimbo and make Erza Scarlet taste the bitterness of despair. Life was becoming quite delightful of late in Ikaruga’s opinion.  Her silent guide spoke for the first time. “We are at the carriage. Please step up, Ikaruga san.”
    “With little difficulty, Ikaruga found the step and complied. Soon she was swaying and jostling as the carriage moved. Remaining calm in the face of such strange tactics had become second nature. If nothing else, the paranoid often paid higher prices for murder. It was yet another fact of life. However, Ikaruga knew this group was not the average paranoid rich person trying to kill off their stiffest competition. As Ikaruga considered the fact that this group wanted Heartfilia as an ingredient, along with Aguria, she considered the benefits of finding an abduction expert to insure the job went off without a hitch. The offer of a larger pay off if Heartfilia was in good shape was a perk that Ikaruga wanted to capitalize upon if at all possible. 
    It was not everyday that the Fiore Royal Family visited any guild, much less a Magical Guild with the notoriety of Fairy Tail. Having the pleasure of showing King Toma Fiore and Princess Hisui around Fairy Tail fell upon Makarov’s shoulders. With the Guild’s most destructive mages out of the way, Makarov could breathe much easier. Although Makarov hated that Natsu was unconscious within the infirmary, it was for the best. With a swelling of pride, Master Makarov watched Mirajane and Kinana outdoing themselves with the food they were busy laying out on long tables. Most of his children were being on their best behavior, and showing respect which was a great relief. Mirajane had promised to make a feast worthy of the Royal family, their guards, and the Guild members, and she had delivered.
    “You have a beautiful guild here, Makarov. Although I must say that seeing real Centaurs is most startling. I always thought they were simple folk lore to be honest.” Toma said as he watched the feast being set out in his family’s honor.
    “Yes. I think everyone rather startled when the Centaurs and genuine Fairies came through the Space Suspension Gate to help save our Celestial Spirit Mage, Lucy Heartfilia, Your Majesty. You’re very generous in your praise of our humble guild also. Now, I’m sure you must be tired from your long journey. So, please enjoy the hospitality of our Guild, and relax for a bit. After you’ve finished eating, and resting, I’ll explain everything we’ve learned about the possible crisis to come.”
    “How about explaining things while we eat together. I would not be here if I did not think things were rather dangerous for my country, Makarov.” The King responded with a calm, yet commanding tone.
    “Of course, Majesty. I’m here to serve in any way I can. However, I was hoping to wait until Sabertooth’s Guild Master and Celestial Mage arrive. They need to listen to what is happening. Their Celestial Spirit Mage will also be targeted by the Dark Guilds just like Lucy has been.” Makarov answered.
    “I see. I was not aware that you had also invited Master Eucliffe to join us. Very well, I would still like a bit of basic information, and we can go over the in depth version once Master Sting and his Celestial Spirit Mage arrives.” Toma nodded as he took a seat at the table.
    Makarov was quick to see that the Princess was also seated next to her father before bowing. “I need to get a couple people who you will also wish to speak with since they know far more than I do. They’ve actually fought the demon in question. In fact, they are also the reason I sent you the emergency message. So if you’ll excuse me for a moment.”
    “By all means, please bring them over to dine with us, Master Makarov.” Toma gave his consent before turning to accept a glass from Mirajane.
    With deceptive speed, Makarov headed toward the Ancient’s corner of the guild. Picking up a large Translation Lacrima on the way, he motioned for Loke and Vraylinish to follow him back to the banquet area. Stepping up to the table again, Makarov began introducing everyone. “Your Majesty, this is Vraylinish, the Sacred Saint, and leader of the Ancient Bane Warriors who helped stop the Abyss Lord from getting free a few days ago. Vraylinish was also one of the warriors who first helped to seal the Abyss Lord.”
    “A pleasure to meet you, Lady Vraylinish.” The King intoned.
    Before Makarov could continue, Princess Hisui addressed Loke. “Why are you here, Leo sama? I don’t see Miss Lucy anywhere.”
    “Lucy’s upstairs in the infirmary alongside two of Fairy Tail’s Dragon Slayers who are magically attached to her to stabilize her life force, Your Highness. I opened my own gate so I can monitor my master’s health on behalf of the Celestial King.”
    “Infirmary? I don’t recall seeing any infirmary.” The King spoke up with a frown.
    Makarov interjected before things could get further sidetracked. “Ah, well, Majesty, the healers won’t allow anyone to enter the room. One of the Ancients and our Guild’s strongest telpath, Warren Rocko, are working on a mental link to determine how our three companions are faring so we all have a better idea of how long until they awaken.” 
    Princess Hisui and the King both nodded their understanding. “Please have a seat and join us. We have much to discuss.” Toma waved to the bench beside his position.
    After they were all seated with the rest of the Royal family’s guards filling the next table over, Makarov nodded and Kinana and Mirajane set plates in front of everyone. Once they were finished setting down food laden dishes, and the King had thanked Fairy Tail’s twin servers, Makarov started to speak in a somber, yet clear voice. “We learned about a curse that was lain on specific bloodlines who are decedents of Star Singers. Several of us witnessed the curse first hand three days ago, Your Majesty. The curse is doing all it possibly can to kill our Lucy Heartfilia.”
    “So your message said. I also understand that you’ve had dragons visiting you. Is this correct?” The King asked as he cut off a bite of meat.
    “Yes, Majesty. Gajeel’s dragon, Metalicana, brought us the initial warning, and used his magic to slow the curse on Lucy until the Ancients could arrive. He and Ancient Queen Sertatsie are staying near Natsu Dragneel’s place since it has a large field for them to nest in.  Unfortunately, someone attacked Lucy using a spell we’ve never imagined could exist. It was a foul spell meant to rip Lucy apart physically, and failing to kill her body, it would rip her soul from her body to kill her that way. It came far to close to succeeding. If not for Natsu and my Grandson agreeing to be the two shoring up her life force, Lucy would be dead and the Abyss Lord would be free right now.”
    “But why is Lucy Heartfilia th key to it’s release?” Princess Hisui asked
    Vraylinish snorted and thumped her hands on the heavy wooden table top. “The woman has five Astral Star Chains connected to her soul seat. She is one of the strongest Star Singers ever born to the Orion lineage. No human should be able to sustain and repair that many chains with instinctive magic, but that woman has been maintaining multiple Astral Chains throughout her life. The fact that she has always ben able to summon any spirits at all means in truth the woman is probably stronger than myself, and that is saying something since I’ve broken mountains down to their foundations during battles with demons.”
    Loke nodded, and began speaking in a thoughtful tone. “True. The thing that confuses me is why Metalicana and Sertatsie are so worried about Princess Hisui the way they are. Princess Hisui doesn’t have a single Celestial Spirit contract. She specializes in making objects that can help us, but has never once opened a gate.”
    Makarov watched as Vraylinish glared at the Celestial Spirit. “Senility has set in because of being so ancient, hasn’t it, Reagaltiel?”
    The furious glare Loke shot the woman did not escape Makarov’s notice. “I’m Loke. Reagaltiel died that day. Just because the star Phoenix decided to make me look like him doesn’t mean I’m the same person, Sacred Saint.”
    “Then why has it not yet crossed your mind that she might be unable to open gates because of having multiple chains on her also? As I understand things from Metalicana and the other dragons that yet live, the Royal house is tied to Orion.”
    The color drained from Loke’s face as her accented words slapped him. “You think she has multiple chains on her too?”
    “Most likely. I doubt as many as your Lucy upstairs. Three would consume the life from most very powerful mages in a matter of a few months normally. Also the chains tend to gravitate to women as they have a stronger creation facet than men magic wise.” Vraylinish answered before her lips pursed. “Only way to determine if she does have multiple chains is to have Zayden and Skuhldra reveal them.”
    “No way are you letting that little Fairy bitch anywhere near the Royal Family. She can’t be trusted and you know it.” Loke snarled coming halfway off his bench seat.
    “You seem to forget that I’m the one Skuhldra fears most. I’m capable of ripping her wings off and she knows I won’t hesitate if she screws up.” Vraylinish answered with a blood thirsty smile.
    The King coughed a couple of times and took a drink from his glass. “Good heavens. Why ever would you say something like that about your own allies, my Lady?”
    “Because, it would be the perfect payback for her since she ripped my wings off my back when I was a small child. Fairy Wings allow pure bloods or half breeds like myself to absorb energy from our surroundings. In other words, immortal as they are, rip their wings off and you cripple a fair amount of their power, Fiore King.” Vraylinish spoke the brutal words with a guttural inflection.
    Loke sighed as Makarov’s eyes widened over the hard toned words. The fact that the woman would contemplate such actions made Makarov uneasy. To say that the Ancients must have lived brutal lives was an understatement Makarov realized as he watched their leader.
    Loke spoke up. “It was a standard practice thousands of years ago. The goal was to cripple the Fairy race’s power because of their immortality and overwhelming power. Only the Fairy race thought it more important to amuse themselves than to treat the other races with dignity. You could say that Fairies brought their demise upon their own heads because of how cruel they became due to their boredom.”
    Princess Hisui tapped her chin. “I always thought that Fairies were tiny little beings, no larger than birds.  I must admit the ones here are far larger than I ever expected. It is a shame since I have read beautiful stories of the small folk.”
    “Pictasey Clan Fairies are probably the ones you have knowledge of if the knowledge concerns matters of plants and flowers. They are very small beings who love all plants and wild things. Humans were always fond of them, while bitterly despising every other Fairy Clan.”   Vraylinish explained.
    Makarov saw the confusion that the Royals could not hide. It was to be expected since even he had found it hard to understand three days before. If not for Loke explaining things to himself, and the Guild, Makarov knew they would still be in the same position.
    Clearing his throat, Makarov spoke. “I was just as confused as yourself, Your Highness. It seems that most of the larger sized clans were considered demons. It’s a pity we have lost so much of the ancient knowledge. At least Levi chan is learning all she can about the history we have lost.”
    Loke chuckled. “Levi does enjoy learning all that she can.”
    A weird whistling snort from the Ancient’s area had Makarov and the rest twisting to see what was happening. The Centaurs were again displaying mild agitation.  “Is it the second group you noticed earlier?” Vraylinish demanded.
    The answer was in the ancient tongue so Makarov turned to look at the frowning woman who was seated beside him. “Five are heading toward your guild, Makarov. How do you wish to proceed?”
    “Hhhhmmmmm.” Makarov hummed as he considered the implications. It was possible that Sting had brought extra people with him. “Let’s wait and see if it is Sting’s group. I did warn hm that his Celestial Spirit Mage might be targeted like Lucy has been, so five people would be a reasonable number for security reasons.”
    Vraylinish nodded and made several hand gestures. The Centaurs all bowed at the waist and crossed their arms over their chests in unison as they lifted their torsos to stand tall. Not one of them returned to laying down which told Makarov that their Sacred Saint had told them to remain alert, but to act non threatening.
    “I do hope it is Sabertooth’s young Master. This waiting is rather irritating if Fiore is in danger.” King Toma grumbled from his place at the head of the table. As if Mirajane had been summoned from thin air, she stepped up to the King’s side and whisked away his cleared plate. A lovely looking dessert took it’s place. Distracted by the sweet, toma smiled. “At least I am enjoying this fine meal while we wait. You have an excellent chef, Makarov kun.”
    With those words, King Toma E Fiore dug into his dessert.

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