Chapter 9

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A/N: I do not own Fairy Tail cannons. I own the lunatics I throw at the cannons to cause mayhem and bedlam for everyone’s entertainment


    Laxus swallowed hard, and pulled the magically exhausted woman’s head against his chest. “You’re guess is as good as mine, Blondie. But they already verified that you’re illness is because of what they did, and Loke said they were telling the truth.”
    Muffled bawling followed his unpleasant revelation. Unsure how to respond to such copious tears, Laxus caught Natsu’s eyes over Blondie’s head. If Natsu’s furious expression was any indication of his feelings, Laxus figured his own features must look downright terrifying considering his own barely controlled rage.
    Unlike the pink haired man standing somewhat behind the Celestial Mage, Laxus knew plenty about this sickening trap that threatened to snuff out Lucy’s existence. Taking a deep breath, Laxus forced his magic to stay inert so he would not do accidental damage as she absorbed much needed power.  Excruciating discomfort shivered through Laxus chest when the petite woman collapsed fully against him, tears cascading down his bare chest.
    “Calm down, Luce. I’ll get you out of this mess, same as always. You know I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Natsu said with a look of fierce determination settling onto his features as he shifted his stance in preparation to drag Aquarius’ carcass out of Lucy’s back.
    Blondie sniffed and gulped several times to steady her breathing before trying to twist around inside Laxus hold to look at the Guild’s number one dimwit. However, instead of saying anything rational, Blondie cut loose with an ear splitting scream, face whipping back toward Laxus so fast that he wondered if her neck would break.
    “Natsu, you pervert! Where the hell are your clothes? It’s bad enough Gray strips all the time, but I expect better from you! How dare you copy Gray?” Laxus repressed a groan that Blondie was going off on the same exact tirade that they had already covered. After warning her that they were all nude, Laxus had assumed the subject was closed. However, it seemed as if Blondie had other plans.
    “I’m not copying that stupid stripper! You’re just as naked as me and Laxus, Luce! Damn, you’re such a weirdo at times!” Laxus heard Natsu snarl while jerking on Aquarius’ arm hard enough to almost yank her out of his firm hold.
    ‘Why does the hottest woman in the whole fucking guild have to be such a damned prude at a time like this? It totally screws up her sex appeal when she flakes out about her body. Why the hell am I even thinking about this? Focus on the real issue here. Blondie’s running out of time and I’ve got to find a way to put a stop to this damned bloodline curse before she dies.’
    The next thing Laxus knew, the Celestial Spirit Mage did an about face and turned demonic. If not for how tight he was holding onto her because of Natsu’s struggles to yank the Celestial Spirit out of her, Laxus was sure the woman would have used her vicious signature kick on them both. However, as she could not break free, Blondie did her level best to cover her breasts and settled on screaming at them both.
    “Don’t look at me you perverts! Where’re my clothes? You two better get dressed right now! This isn’t funny!”
    Laxus recalled thinking earlier that he would put up with her screams even if his ears bled due to the agony she had to be suffering. Instead of trying to silence Lucy, Laxus let her yell, wincing as her loud voice assaulted his eardrums. It was about the only thing Laxus knew he could do for her until he figured out how to undo the curse that was the root of her problems. Still, Laxus also knew that neither he nor Natsu had known this would happen and leaving Lucy in the dark would only increase her hysteria. Granted Laxus was not absolutely certain where they were located, but figured he had a decent grasp of the probabilities. It also gave him an opportunity to tease the feisty woman.
    Ears still ringing, Laxus barked to get Lucy’s attention, “Shut it, Blondie! We’re inside your mind so we can’t do a damned thing about not wearing any clothes in your territory. We’re probably naked because some part of your own brain wants to see us like this. Furthermore, we didn’t know when we agreed to shore up your life force to save you that this would happen. The Fairies cast some spell that is supposed to strengthen your life force by using our energy. So if being naked bugs you so much, figure out how to make clothes for us all to wear!”
    “Don’t you dare blame this on me, Jerk! Let me go, Idiot! I can’t believe you’d take advantage of me like this! No way am I responsible for your perverted thoughts!”
    Laxus swallowed the smart ass comeback trying to trip off his tongue. The way Lucy squirmed as she tried to break away was sorely taxing Laxus’ formidable will power and composure. His mind was having a hard time focusing on how to extricate her from her Celestial Spirit’s corpse because she was squirming in the most enticing way. Laxus could do little more than bite the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood and create the most revolting images inside his mind. Still, the pain did little to prevent his perverted side from rising to the occasion.
    ‘If only we weren’t in the middle of this crisis I would so be enjoying this to the fullest right now. I’d be doing all sorts of delightful things to make Blondie scream in pleasure instead of suffering in agony. I’m going to kill those fucking bastards who did this to her the moment this is over and done.’
    Aloud, Laxus snapped to force the woman to be still before his body reacted to the sensations. “Shut up, be still, and listen, Blondie! If I let go of you, you’re going to be drained to the point that you’re life will be in danger a second time. We volunteered to give you energy so you won’t die while everyone else figures out how to break these chains that are killing you! None of this is a big deal, so knock it off with the panicking prude act. You’re being hysterical without any reason. Although, can’t say I blame you for being freaked out looking at everything your dealing with right now.”
    “What are you saying, Laxus?” Lucy demanded.
    “I doubt anyone realizes that you’ve got what looks like a very dead spirit stuck in here with you, Blondie. So calm down and let us save you without fighting us!” Laxus growled right back at her.
    Laxus thought for a moment that he was getting through to the woman as she stopped squirming. However, Lucy lifted her chin and Laxus got a good look at her features. Tears streaked her face, and her skin kept sliding between a sickly blizzard white and mottled ham red. “Don’t call me Blondie when you’re just as blond as me, Laxus! I have a name and I’d appreciate it if you used it. As to Aquarius, I deserve a lot worse punishment because I betrayed her when I broke her key to summon the Celestial King. Doesn’t matter that she told me to do it. I should have asked her what would happen to her before doing it.” Lucy hissed while giving him a dirty look.
    Seeing the fight return life to Lucy’s eyes, Laxus chose to bait her to make her mad enough to keep fighting. “Tch . . . Stop blaming yourself over this bullshit. Although, I gotta admit you have a rare talent for getting yourself into trouble, . . . you’re stuck with me and Fire Breath until these damned astral chains are gone. After we’re through with this mission, you can go back to hating me to your little heart’s content, Cosplayer.”
    Without any warning, Natsu heaved back on Aquarius as Laxus was arguing with the distraught woman. Concentrating on riling Blondie enough to make her forget their nakedness, Laxus failed to brace himself in time. The hold Laxus had on Lucy insured that he was yanked into her. Trying to stabilize herself, Lucy clutched Laxus’ shoulders and tried to haul herself back into him. Because Laxus had squatted when he hauled Lucy out of the weird pool earlier, they tumbled on top of Natsu, dragging him down beneath their combined weight.
    To say that they landed in a very compromising position was an understatement. Unable to get both arms liberated because of one being trapped by Aquarius’s body, Laxus landed fully on top of Lucy. Although it was an accident, Laxus forehead slammed into the astral chains’ ring which was protruding from the top of Lucy’s voluptuous breasts. Laxus could not suppress the pained grunt that escaped his throat because it made his skull ache. Aside from that, drowning in Blondie’s firm, silky skinned perfection was something Laxus had to enjoy. Definitely was nice to feel her, better than an average man’s handful, breasts smothering his face. It was a real shame that Lucy was keeping such gorgeous breasts to herself Laxus decided. 
    Lucy was spluttering incoherent noises, and squirming because she was trapped between two muscular bodies. ‘For the love of God, she’s going to kill me if she keeps moving that way. I’m so never going to believe the prude act ever again. Shit, I’ve gotta get off her like yesterday or lose it.’
    If not for Natsu’s audible growl from the bottom of their human pile, Laxus would have been very tempted to loiter right where he was by using pain as an excuse. However, Laxus was mindful that Natsu could burn Lucy if he failed to get up and save her from Natsu’s potential melt down.
    “Get off me and Luce! You’re way too freaking heavy, Bastard!” Natsu yowled as Laxus untangled his confined arm.
    “Give me a damned second, Lame Brain! I had to get my arm free since it got trapped between Blondie and the damned corpse.” Laxus growled in replay.
    Pulling back so he could grab Blondie’s arm and help her up, Laxus could not miss the saucer sized eyes and crimson flush that the dishy little prude was sporting. Lucy Heartfilia was blushing all the way down into her ample boobs. As if she read his mind, Lucy whipped her arms over her chest and almost yanked him off his feet again.
     ‘Really is a pity that such a gorgeous, smoking hot body belongs to a damned fuddy-duddy personality. I’d love to break Lucy out of playing little miss nice girl all the time. Talk about a complete waste of one incredibly sexy body! If there is a god out there, I bet he totally hates me because this kind of irony is downright cruel.’
    “I’m going to kill you for saying something like that about Luce, Lightning Rod!” Natsu snarled as a flame shot from his mouth. “Apologize to Luce right now, or so help me I’m going to beat an apology out of you!”
    “Huh? Laxus didn’t say anything, Natsu.” Lucy responded with a furrowed brow while biting her lower lip. Laxus took the opportunity to yank her up and off of Natsu, and pulled her back into his hold.
    “I heard him, Luce!” Natsu jumped up as flames erupted across his fists.
    Alarm skittered down Laxus spine. Somehow they were in the same situation as Lucy’s spirit. His instincts howled that Natsu’s anger backed magic could kill Lucy. Instincts had Laxus shifting his body to protect Lucy from accidental injury before he even thought about how his actions might look.   
    “Are you seriously trying to kill Blondie, Dumb Ass? Have you already forgotten that we’re magically linked into her right now? Any careless moves with our magic could do irreparable damage to her body or her mind. No matter how many healers are working to save her on the outside right now, if either one of us lose control of our power, she won’t make it out of this mess alive.”
    The flames evaporated. “I don’t get you, Laxus. What’s your problem with Lucy being herself? And why do you think we’re somehow inside Lucy when she’s right there in front of us, with you pawing her no less?”
    “I am not pawing Blondie, you Jackass. And if you ever tried listening when people are talking, you’d already realize what’s happening. Your biggest problem is your refusal to sit still long enough to pay attention to the things people say, Salamander.” 
    “That’s Lucy’s job because she’s good at solving puzzles and that kind of stuff. I’m the brute strength in our team. Lucy figures out the weirder parts of all our missions because she’s really good at it. I’d bet Luce can figure things out faster than you, Laxus.”
    “Wait a minute, Natsu! I don’t even know how I got here, or why you two are here, or where these crazy things attached to me came from. The last thing I remember was sending you to get Wendy because I could barely breathe since it felt like I was being crushed from the inside.”
    Laxus pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand as he listened to the two bickering. “Well I’ll look forward to Blondie getting into the S class soon. As to what has been happening I can fill you in on the details any time.”
    “I’m sure I’ll make it before Luce because I’m a lot stronger.”
    Laxus temper flared at Natsu’s smug tone. “You’re wrong if you think brute strength alone will cut it, Idiot. Gramps said Lucy did a great job of figuring out the clues he gave at the test several years ago, so I believe she’ll have what it takes if she improves her basic combat skills to get rid of that specific weakness. Above all else, S class requires leadership, listening, and thinking skills, Flame Thrower. I’ve done many S class missions. Not one of my missions has ever been solely about demonstrating brute magical strength, and winning fights through guts and stamina alone. Many S class jobs require me to uncover clues and answer riddles. I’d say the percentage requiring brains over brawn is over sixty percent. Fail the mental test, and no amount of brute strength and raw power will ever get you into the S class ranks. As much as I like your eagerness to tackle any problem, Natsu, you lack the most important ingredient for being an S class mage. If you can’t pay attention long enough to notice the clues, you’ll never be able to solve the majority of S class cases.”
    Exhaustion must have begun skewing Laxus perception of time. How long had it been since he began this power struggle to keep Lucy alive? The answer was beyond Laxus at this point. Natsu was damned strong physically. It was one reason Laxus assigned him the task of pulling the Celestial Spirit’s corpse out of Lucy’s back to temper his raw power through physical exercise. It was disappointing that Natsu had failed to accomplish anything more than giving Laxus a free grope during his attempts to separate the two.
    Aquarius, even in death, was perhaps the most stubborn being that Laxus had ever encountered. Hearing rumors about the fish woman from his guild mates could not do justice to the reality he was facing now on Lucy’s behalf. Laxus was determined to find the answer to this riddle, plus get rid of this corpse because it could only cause serious harm to Lucy’s magic and life force.
    Laxus had more refined magical control so was better suited to supporting Lucy’s life force needs than the overly eager younger Slayer who did not even understand the concept. The bigger problem that Laxus was noticing was all the magic power flying to the ceiling which did not return to Lucy as Laxus thought it should. If his suspicion was correct, all the power he was sharing with Lucy was getting diverted which was a very bad sign. Natsu collapsed onto his knees in front of them in a childish pout.
    “Can’t get Aquarius off of Luce unless I burn her off. But if it will hurt Luce, I can’t risk it.”  Natsu grumbled while glaring at the arm wrapped urn with head and part of the Spirit’s shoulder still visible on Lucy’s back. The urn pissed Laxus off because it was shooting a steady stream of energy into the air and out of sight.
    “Glad you realized something that important on your own. If you hadn’t, I’d be knocking you out for Blondie’s safety, Natsu. Now we know that we won’t be able to detach the spirit from Blondie by using brute force. So I’ll have to figure out another way to safely separate them.  I don’t know more than the rudimentary stuff about Celestial Magic so it’s going to take me some time to come up with a working plan. I’m a lot more worried about how the urn and the chains are taking so much of Blondie’s magic and life force away from her. The two draining elements may kill her if we can’t reverse at least one of these power flows.”
    Despite the deadly nature of Lucy’s situation, Laxus found that he was pleased to be in the thick of saving her no matter the frustrations it entailed. A voice in Laxus mind attributed his irrational contentment to finally following his ethics and aiding the young woman leaning against his bare chest, panting from her own growing fatigue. Another part of Laxus mind snapped that protecting his favorite girl made this headache worthwhile.
    “What do you know about what’s happening to me, Laxus?” Lucy asked which side tracked Laxus from the unwelcome mental argument.
    Blondie seemed like she was finally calm enough to get curious. With a heavy sigh, Laxus dropped down onto the grass covered ground and tugged her halfway across his lap. When she tried to squirm away, Laxus wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Stop struggling. I’m only doing this to keep you stable so quit acting like a pain in the ass. I have to touch you to keep my magic flow regulated, Blondie. Trying to do this without contact means I could electrocute you by accident”
    “How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that before you’ll open your own ears and listen, Sparky?” Lucy snapped as she whacked the outside of his thigh with a pitiful attempt at a punch. Still, Laxus was relieved that she stopped trying to escape.
    “Do you really prefer getting called Cosplayer then?” What possessed Laxus to ask such a question escaped him.
    Yet Laxus was not the least disappointed when Lucy’s temper ignited and she gave him a very intimidating glare while punching him in the chest. “Oh you are such an arrogant ass, Laxus Dreyer! I swear you do that to make me mad on purpose.”
    Laxus could not contain the smirk and chuckle that her female pique caused him. “Sorry, I can’t help picking on you in good fun, Lucy. You’re way too funny when you overreact.”
    Huffing, Lucy crossed her arms over her ample chest and turned up her cute little nose to glare off in the distance. A moment later Lucy leaned forward, almost overbalancing with the added weight on her back shifting from her movement. “Uhm, what’s that?”
    Laxus shifted to hold her steady as Lucy lifted an arm and pointed behind Natsu. Following her gaze, Laxus was startled to see images that seemed to focus on Natsu’s life flashing and flowing across the shield. The shield looked as if it had contracted somewhat since he first arrived and gave Lucy a much needed power boost.
    The pink haired youth twisted around and leapt to his feet. “Wow! I remember that day. Igneel was making me break boulders to teach me how to focus my fire and spirit strength into my fists. I really do miss dad. Maybe Gajeel’s dragon is right, and I’ll get to see Igneel soon.”
    Lucy twisted to look around the space they were trapped within, a thoughtful look crossing her features. Without warning she reached back, grabbed onto Laxus bicep and hauled herself back into his lap, and then rose onto her knees. Laxus cocked an eyebrow while wondering if she had decided he was her new personal jungle gym. The view of peaches and cream skin especially her voluptuous chest up close was almost worth the indignity, but not quite under the circumstances.
    “Oy, Blondie, what the fuck are you doing now?”
    “Sorry, Laxus, but Natsu’s memories aren’t the only one’s appearing. Looks like yours are also.” Lucy reported.
    His jaw clenching, Laxus twisted to see where she was pointing with a look of real sadness on her face. The sight that greeted Laxus eyes was not a pleasant memory. His father was holding the dragon lacrima that was magically implanted into his right eye. Seeing his father leaning in closer with magic sparking upon his fingers, Laxus felt bile rising in his throat. His eyes closing, Laxus took a deep breath to contain his suddenly roiling stomach.
    ‘Why is one of my most horrible memories showing up inside Blondie’s head like this? So are Natsu’s memories for that matter. What the hell is going on here? Nobody mentioned anything like this happening when I volunteered to help Blondie by sharing my power with her. Don’t recall ever reading or hearing about any magic that has this kind of effect. What the hell did those bastards do to us?’ 
    “Are you alright, Laxus?” Lucy’s voice pulled Laxus out of his thoughts. He turned away from the images playing out his life, and looked into the woman’s warm brown eyes.
    “Fine, Blondie. Just trying to figure out what the hell is happening. I’ve never heard of magic that has so many oddities to it”
    “I’ve heard that some branches of ancient magic had really strange side effects. It was the side effects that convinced Mages to stop using it in the long run,”
    “Could be. Considering it seems we are dealing with real Fairies and they have been extinct for a long time, I can only guess that their magic has an adverse effect on humans at this point.”
    “Then why did you and Natsu volunteer to get stuck inside my mind like this?” Lucy asked with a stern, worried expression marring her features.
    “I’ve already told you that we’re keeping you alive while the rest of our Guild figures out how to save your life. Fairy Tail Mages don’t abandon out own when they’re in trouble and you damned well know it, Blondie.” Laxus growled.
    The last thing Laxus wanted was for Lucy to start feeling sorry for him since she had seen such a gruesome and cruel piece of his own history. Stranger still, Laxus had the strangest feeling that he knew things about Lucy that was a physical impossibility no matter how he looked at the situation. The feeling that the woman sitting in his lap had felt very lonely for a very long time was one of many things surfacing from an unidentified corner within himself.
    “Look, let’s focus on how we can get rid of the chains and the Spirit that’s attached to you for now. We need to keep our priorities straight, Lucy. Same goes for you too, Natsu. Stop spacing out and let’s get things fixed on this end so we can all wake up.”
    Natsu smacked his fists together with his trademark grin. “Sure. Tell me what needs to get done and you can count on me.”
    Laxus rolled his eyes and held in the groan he felt rising at the back of his throat. If nothing else, Laxus figured he was going to discover an all new level of patience after dealing with the hyperactive Slayer.

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