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Monday morning ,1994; You woke up to the sound of rain and wind beating on your window. You sighed as you went upstairs to take a shower. So you took a shower and went outside across the street to your beauty boutique,even though you are a minor you are still owner of the shop after your Grandfather died. So you opened the shop and went upstairs to put the new products on display,you wore makeup to hide the scars ,but you were so much more than your scars. You didn't have much business that day so you started to leave. You heard the doorbell chime as a man walked inside ,"I'm Y/N." You told him. He looked at you. He was tall he had black boots and a leather trenchoat. "Guess this isn't the pawn shop is it?" He asked looking around at the makeup and purses.. "That's across the street." You told him pointing. "Thank you." He said sarcastically. You looked at him from across the street. He looked like he was selling something, you didn't want to he nosey. Anyways you didn't have any business so you closed for the day. You had heard of a man that died years ago ,him and his wife Sarah ,his name was Eric Draven. Your Grandpa told you that story about him ,and apparently this was the 10th year that they had been deceased. You just thought that there was more to the story.
That next year came,
It was a Monday morning ,it had been raining all week. You owned a makeup boutique that had discounts every Saturday. You didn't have any customers which was expected due to the weather so you closed early. You grabbed your raincoat and walked outside over to the cemetery to have a smoke break. You weren't old enough to smoke so you hid where no one would see you. You sat on top of a tombstone so you could relax. "Don't you have any respect for the dead?" A man asked you. You looked at him without another word. "K don't talk." "You really shouldn't smoke ,but I do too so ,who am I to talk?" "What's your name?" The man asked you. You both sat quiet for a couple of minutes. "Blair." You said quietly. "Claire?" He asked. "Blair." You said. "Sorry." He said. "I'm Eric." He told you. "As if I care." You said sarcastically.
You began to walk down the street away from Eric. "That's my sister you know?" Eric asked pointing to the grave. You looked at him in shock. "It's a joke." He smiled. "Where did you come from?" You asked him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I've never seen you around in my life where did you come from?" You repeated. "You've only lived for seventeen years." He said. "How do you know that?" You asked. "I've always been around, you just haven't noticed me." He said. "Well no offense but its a little odd you following a girl to her apartment at night." You said. He cleared his throat as he muttered something. "If you have something to say just say it ,I won't be offended." You told him. "Nothing." He smiled. "I won't bother you anymore." He added. You went inside of your apartment. "Thank you." You said slamming the door in his face. You fell asleep that day and afterwards you didn't see Eric for a while. You figured he might have moved out of town or something. That next year came and you saw him again. You left your apartment to head down the the boutique shop to close up since it was almost midnight . You turned the corner onto a dark alley where you saw Eric standing there. "Hi." He said quietly. "What are you doing here?!" You screamed. "Shhh. You'll wake everyone." He said. "Come on." You grabbed his hand and took him to the boutique shop. "Wait right here." You told him. So you closed up the shop. You turned to him and noticed him reading a book. "Follow me." You told him. So you were to the graveyard and talked for a couple of hours. "So why haven't I seen you this time?" You asked him. "I've been around." He said. You both shared cigarettes and stories about your life but you were both hiding something. So Eric walked you back to your apartment, and you went to sleep.
You woke up the next morning ,the rain wouldn't stop ,but still you kept the shop open in case you did have any customers.
You were bored that day so you took a stroll on the town, you entered a part of town that wasn't dark, your stroll was longer than you thought, you saw bright street lights and a billboard sight, there was a movie theater in with the rest of the small shops in the town. "Never been to this side before?" A man asked grabbing your hip. You yelled. "Sorry ,sorry ,I shouldn't have touched you." Eric said. "You scared me that's all." You told him. "You should probably head back it's getting late." Eric told you. "Your right." You said as you began to walk away from the town ,you went home and you were really gonna sleep on how you wanted to spend the rest of your life.

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