Thunder only happens when it's raining

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AHH Tuesday morning ,you woke up at ease with yourself you just had a good feeling about the day for once in your life. You went outside and noticed that it wasn't raining. IT ALWAYS RAINS. You were looking through a magazine of decent places to live. Nowhere caught your eye. You didn't know why the town was so "Bleh" but it just felt "Empty". You walked over to the shop to make sure the door was locked since it was the weekend and you wouldn't be going there ,especially after your Grandfather got mugged about four years ago. A man came up behind you and you turned around to see that it wasn't Eric. "Hi." You said shyly. You weren't quite sure what he wanted because he didn't say much but you had a weird feeling. You opened the boutique door and slammed it in his face then locked it behind you ,you backed away from the door slowly ,you were scared ,not they he would take your money or anything you just wanted to live. "It's okay." A man said behind you. "Eric." You said. He was inside of the boutique, you could have sworn you locked the door. "I thought I locked the door?" You said looking confused. "A man's trying to break in and your worried about if you locked the door? Doesn't look like it's doing you good either way." He laughed. "Follow me." Eric told you. You grabbed his hand as you both ran up the stairs and up the emergency stairs that led to the top roof. You both jumped from the boutique building into the apartment buildings onto the back of a billboard where no one would see you. You both sat on the billboard to catch your breath. He laughed as he looked down and noticed you guys were pretty high up. "What if he takes my stuff?" You asked concerned. But you couldn't help but laugh. You smiled ,you held Eric's hand. He looked at you and closed his eyes. "Is something wrong?" You asked removing your hand. "No." He said. He held your hand again. "We should go back to my place tonight." Eric said. "What?" You chuckled. "I mean I'll take the couch but I don't want you to get mugged ,or hurt, or better yet, killed." He said. So you went back to his place but just for one night. You went inside to see that Eric had a nice, large house. It looked like it had been there for quite some time but it was nice. You thanked him for letting you stay with him. He smiled as he noticed the street lights turn on. "Blair there's something that you don't know about me." "But i don't know how to tell you either." He said. "What is it?" You asked him. "I umm. I've made a lot of mistakes Y/N ,i am not a good man." He said. "Yes you are." You told him. "What is it?" You asked him. "I've been married before." He said. You laughed. "So?? That's nothing it's okay ,I thought you had killed someone or something." You laughed.
"What lead you to divorce?" You asked him. "She passed away." He said. "Eric i didn't-." You said. "-it's okay." He smiled interrupting you.
So you both went to sleep. You woke up the next morning to see that Eric had boughten groceries and was cooking breakfast. "I'm not the best cook you know ,that was ny wife's job." He laughed. "I will help you." You told him. Well you cooked breakfast then you and Eric had a day together so that he could get to know you more. But you didn't talk that much so it was a bit hard to communicate. Eric was a but confused at your personality, you had very similar personalities, you and him. After a couple of weeks of talking and talking you met back at that graveyard.
You shared cigarettes and you saw a tear roll down Eric's face. "Eric?" You said. "Blair I have lied to you." "I wasn't just married before.." I umm. She was shot and was i ." He finally said. "Eric I didn't know but it's okay." You said. "You don't get it Blair I died that night!!!" He yelled. " I was trying to protect her ,I got shot i thought that I could at least protect her but I couldn't! That's why I want to protect you, Blair." He added. "What do you mean you died that night?"'s real?" "My grandpa told me about the story but I never believed him.." You questioned. "Blair." Eric said touching your shoulder. "Give me a minute to think!" You yelled brushing his hand away. "I'm sorry." You said taking a deep breath. "Look I am gonna love you either way but you can't lie to me again." You told Eric. "I won't." He replied. "Who shot you?" You asked him. "I don't know his name ,but I know his location." Eric said. So you guys were going to go first thing in the morning that they you had time to get a plan together.

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