Chapter 1

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I wish I could have loved him. I have run out of time to love him.

You awoke to a loud pop and a bright flash of light.

"Oh god........thank god....." A woman said.

There was a blaring ringing sound coming from the inside of your head.
Slowly, you opened your eyes to meet the gaze of a man in a blue short sleeved uniform shirt. It had the star fleet science officer emblem on the left side. He was in a cold sweat and you could feel his damp hands on your chest. His brown hairs were sprung up on his sweat coaxed arms and he was breathing heavily. You were stuck in a trance looking into the eyes of said man. They were wide and bright. You noticed how his pupil had slightly expanded. You stared at each other for what felt like ages. It was until nurse chapel had talked to the doctor again that you noticed the crowd of people around you. To your right you saw.......

"Captain?" You muttered.

So called "captain" looked at you with wide eyes and said nothing. He didn't know what to say. The man next to him looked the same. He was tall and had his hands crossed behind his back; brows raised. You turned back to the man atop you who, at the moment was talking to the nurse. You forgot who this man was or what had previously happened but inside you felt butterflies. Your mind went blank. It was as if something had snapped off your control switch.

You slowly took your hand and placed it on his cheek, intertwining your fingers around his hair. Quickly, his eyes followed yours. He twitched. Gently, you pushed his head down and kissed his lips. The room went silent, and it was as if time itself had stopped to tune in on your first ever inter-galactic kiss. Believe me, Its not gonna be the last.

You woke up cold and thirsty. Very thirsty. You hadn't a clue as to why you were in medbay but you did know you had to get back to your post before Kirk realized your tardiness. Attempting to sit up was an inevitable failure. You winced and groaned. Your hand involuntarily reached for the bed covers which were grasped hard.

Over the next half hour you tried multiple ways to get up but couldn't quite make it. That was when a familiar face had walked through the door of the room. You felt relief seeing him half walk half jog to the bed.

"Y/N?! Hey, what are you doing!?"

He grabbed your hand and gently sat you up. By then you were damp in a hot sweat and breathing heavily. He sat himself down at the edge of the bed.

"You should've called for help I've been in the other room for a few hours!" He said, handing you the glass of water in his hand.

"I came in assuming you'd still be asleep, I was gonna leave this here. Should 'a known you'd be as stubborn as ever and not call for help when you did wake. " You took the glass of water from his hand and chugged it. He smiled.

"It's good you're drinking. Most patients in that kinda condition wouldn't even attempt. Not this early."

"Len....what happened....? Why am I in med bay?"

You watched him rustle around in the drawer next to the bed. He pulled out a syringe with red liquid in the chamber at the top. He took his right hand and flattened it on your forehead. His cool fingers on your burning face.

"Y/N you're burnin up like a damn house fire! Don't you feel that, you must be feeling a tad bit warm....?" His eyes averted towards the syringe.

"Doctor, why am I in med bay" You said once again.

He sighed.

"Stab wound, right in the abdomen."

You looked at him in complete suprise.


"By who?"

"By one of our crew members. He was a changeling pretending to be one of our crew members that is. He had stabbed you with a pipe that looked to be ripped right off the damned engineering wall. We are still looking." McCoy took the syringe and pointed it towards you.

"Ready?" He said

"Ye- OW" you yelp

"Sorry, they say it hurts less when it's a suprise." He placed the syringe back into the drawer. He then wiped up the small trace of blood coming from your arm.

"A'right that should do it."

He stood up and looked down at you.

"You should get some rest...."

This has happened before hasn't it? I cant pin-point when, but It feels somehow nostalgic to be patched up by this handsome man....

did I say handsome man? I meant Leonard, patched up by Leonard. What on earth did he just dose me with? Got me thinking some crazy shit.


"What? Sorry, I zoned must be the crap you just injected into me...."

"It was an anesthetic, should also ease the fire going on inside...."

Oho, the old "Its an anesthetic and not a horse tranquilizer 'cause we can put you under with some 'happy pills'" talk.

I know how doctors are with me. McCoy himself knows how unaffected I am by the average anesthetic. Maybe horse tranquilizer is a leap, but its definitely not a very vast one.

"Get some winks, Ill be back in a few."

And then he was gone and you were left in the bright medbay. Although the lights were blinding, you fell asleep decently quick.

Authors note;

This is the first chapter of this series, and to be honest I'm quite afraid. I haven't written anything like this before. My poor grammar skills may also have an effect on the story line so forgive me if its bothersome. I'm doing this to help improve that haha. I tried to be creative and come up with an original plotline, and my best interpretation of Dr. McCoy. If you are wondering, in this story I'm picturing the 1966 Leonard and not the 2009, though I don't think it matters. They look fairly similar and act the same. I'm using female pronouns but everything else will be discrete. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, race. That is up to you since you are the reader. Anyways, your attention is always appreciated; same with constructive criticism. Please don't be afraid to give your opinions. That is all from me, until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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