Not Fine (part II) - 06 Scars

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Webpril day 06:  "Scars"


After the Snap is undone, Tony is over the moon to have his Spider-kid back. He spends more time with him than ever, only to realize that Peter is not quite himself. Peter doesn't seem to bond with the team as well as Tony had hoped, in fact it seems like he has lost any interest in being Spider-Man.

Or... Peter struggles to accept how different things between the Avengers are. As much as everyone else seems to have moved on from what tore the group apart, Peter is not ready to forgive and forget.

tags: Post-Endgame, Tony Stark Lives, Not Spider-Man Far From Home compliant, Civil War Team Iron Man, Protective Peter, Peter Parker Needs A Hug, 

[reformatted this because the algorithm was screwing with it, for those wondering who might have read it in April]


It was quiet for a Thursday afternoon. Even with the mid-November weather mild and sunny, there weren't many people out on the streets. Truth be told, that was exactly how Peter liked it. He had his hoodie pulled up shielding his face while he watched life go on from the rooftops of Queens.

He had been lying low for more than 3 months now. Sometimes, there were the small things that his senses picked up, helpful stuff he could do for people like a kid that lost his parents. Heavy grocery bags that had to be carried across the street. Anything he wouldn't need his suit for.That, he wouldn't risk. Too many people knew his face now. Too many people could expose him and put May in danger. Ned and MJ. Maybe even Tony. No, Peter had to lay low. That had been one of the reasons why he had spent so much time upstate at Tony's new house. It removed the temptation. Out there in the woods in Tony's basement, his senses weren't tingling, calling for him to be more useful.

Well, that had worked well until two weeks ago. Until the event at the new Compound Tony had made him go to. He hadn't been able to hold back any longer. The senses he had been suppressing for months had been screaming at him to jump so he had.If only, he had never gone to the stupid event.

He hadn't seen Tony in almost two weeks. Not since he had bolted. It had been stupid and impulsive but Peter hadn't been able to help it. He couldn't stay there with these people looking at him for another minute.

Goosebumps erupted on his arms. Frowning, he leaned a little forward-looking down into the street. Maybe it was just the memory of that day, of Rogers' hands on Tony that made his senses chime up.

No. When the hair on his neck stood up, there was no doubt. Slowly, he rose to his feet, tugging the sleeves of his hoodie a little further down to make sure that his web-shooters were well hidden.

"Hello, Peter."

He turned fast towards the voice. Rogers stood in the middle of the rooftop, right next to the stairway. Peter's pulse was throbbing in his ears. He was such a fool, should have never gone out without the suit.

Rogers' hands were in the air, his head inclined towards him. "I'm just here to talk..."

"I don't want to talk to you," Peter hissed.

"Yeah," he nodded. "And that's exactly why I think we should."

Peter had his arm still stretched out in Rogers' direction, trying to keep him away. "What's wrong with you?"

Roger's sighed, his shoulders slagging a little. "You don't have to be scared of me, Peter."

"Scared of you." He huffed out a dry laugh. "You think I'm scared of you? The last time we went toe-to-toe I was 14 and I almost beat you even then." He tried to keep his breathing in check, but his heart was racing. "I've only gotten stronger since then."

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