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"Good morning mom." I said
cheerfully coming downstairs to the
dining table. "Hie Riddhima." I
added as I noticed her coming out of
the kitchen. Riddhima smiled at me
slightly. I felt good somehow.
"Good morning Armaan, how come
you are up this early?" Mom asked
faking surprise. I looked at the watch
which said 9 am. Well, since my stay
in Bangalore this spell, I didn't wake
up before 11. And surely my coming
downstairs to have breakfast with her
is surely the first time.
"I couldn't sleep well. How are you
feeling now?" I asked her diverting
the topic. It was true, I wasn't
blessed with a peaceful sleep last
night. After apologizing to Riddhima,
somehow I wasn't able to sleep. She
invaded not only my house, but also
my thoughts. To my horror I also
remembered dreaming about her
vaguely last night. As I realized I was
dreaming about her, I woke up with
a start and didn't dare to sleep the
rest of the night, until it was early in
the morning.
"I am fine. But what's the reason
behind your sleepless night?
Dreaming about someone?" Mom
asked me with a frown, yet smiling.
I choked on the roti, of which I took
a bite. I looked at mom. She couldn't
be serious, could she? I then looked
at Riddhima. She was trying hard to
suppress her smile.
"Yeah, dreaming about Rahul." I
replied slightly irritated.
I couldn't say that I had been
dreaming about Riddhima, could I?
The next moment, it was Riddhima's
turn to choke on her roti. She then
coughed pretty bad with tears
slipping down her cheeks while
trying to drink some water. Mom
patted her head lovingly while I
simply stared at the sight. She
stared at me strangely, once she was
fine. I didn't quite understand the
meaning of her look. So I averted my
gaze away from her and concentrated
on my roti.
"When is he coming by the way?"
Mom asked after a moment.
"Who? Rahul? He said he would be
here by tomorrow." I replied and
then looked at Riddhima, who had
the same strange expression on her
face. She looked at mom and then
back at me. I tried to recall if I
missed something, but failed.
"Who is Rahul?" I heard Riddhima
asking my mom.
"He is Armaan's friend. He works in
the same office too. They stay
together at Hyderabad." Mom replied
reading the news paper.
"They stay together?" Riddhima asked
again surprised, with a big frown
adorning her face. I looked up at her
trying to understand what's so
surprising in that. She then gave me
a disapproving look.
And then it hit me. Could she be
thinking that I was a gay? I replayed
the events that took place five
minutes back. That strange
expression on her face only existed
after I said that I had been dreaming
about Rahul. She even choked at that
revelation. God, this girl doesn't have
a sense of humour. Could it possible
that she took it serious?
"Yes they stay together. And Rahul is
his best friend since childhood."
Mom replied casually. And
Riddhima's eyes widened at that
confirming my doubts about what
she had been thinking. She stood up
from the dining table and moved
towards the kitchen.
"Riddhima, we are not gays, if that's
what you have concluded." I said
hurriedly and she dropped the plate
she was holding. "I was joking when
I said that I was dreaming about
Mom looked at me shocked at my
words. "If I am not wrong, she
thought that I was seriously
dreaming about him." I told my mom
and we burst out laughing looking at
Riddhima who turned red by then.
She quickly picked up the plate and
ran into the kitchen.
"Thanks for talking to her. She looks
happier today." Mom added, smiling,
still staring in the direction of
kitchen. That was true, Riddhima's
face had been sparkling with
happiness. There was a remarkable
difference between yesterday's
Riddhima and today's Riddhima,
which I couldn't help noticing.
"And so do you." I said. "You love
her so very much, don't you?"
"Not as much as you. But yes, a
pinch or two less than you." She
replied, patting my cheek.
I and mom went to the living room
and sat on the sofa; mom with some
magazine and I with the TV remote
shuffling the channels, before
settling with some music channel.
Mom had taken leave for two days
and so did Riddhima.
After a while Riddhima joined us.
And the song in the music channel
suddenly changed to 'Maada ladla
bigad gaya' from Dostana. I looked at
mom while she stared back at me for
two seconds. We then simultaneously
looked at Riddhima and all of us
burst out into fits of laughter. I
wished Rahul was there too.
While we were still laughing, I
noticed mom suddenly stop laughing.
I followed her gaze and then spotted
Riddhima whose eyes were full of
tears ready to spill out. I first
thought they were just due to excess
laughter but only when mom went to
her hugged her, did I know that they
were for different reason.
"Sshh Riddhima. Now stop crying."
Mom wiped her tears.
I looked baffled. What happened all
of a sudden? Two minutes ago, she
was laughing with us and now? Mom
then signaled me to leave, with her
eyes. I looked at Riddhima. She was
trying to hide her face in mom's
embrace. Maybe she is not
comfortable with me watching her.
So I got up to move upstairs.
"Okay Riddhima. What happened?" I
heard mom asking her. I stood near
the staircase. I didn't want to go. For
some reason, I wanted to know what
was wrong.
"Sorry aunty. I don't know. I never
laughed this much." Riddhima's voice
was hoarse and low but I managed to
hear. "I don't want to leave you."
"I don't want you to leave either."
Mom's voice was choked too. The
scene of them hugging and talking
brought a smile to my lips somehow.
"Okay. Both of you aren't going to
leave each other anywhere soon. So
stop crying." I said, loudly coming
back to the living room. "I should be
crying to go back to Hyderabad in 10
"Who asked you not to?" Mom asked
me while Riddhima quickly wiped her
tears and moved away from mom. I
still don't understand. Why is she,
still, scared of me? Or is it something
"Fine, I and Rahul will both cry
hugging each other when he comes."
I said and then noticed Riddhima
smiling slightly. "Let's go somewhere
"Where?" Mom asked back. I just
shrugged my shoulders. I looked at
Riddhima and mom. They were in
some non-verbal conversation, talking
through their eyes.
"Fine we'll go to Nandi Hills." Mom
said after a while. And Riddhima's
face broke into a wide smile, one of
its kind. "That's Riddhima's favourite
place." Mom added and Riddhima's
smile faltered a little and she looked
at me apologetically.
"No I am sorry. I mean, we'll go to
some other place." Riddhima
clarified quickly.
"No Riddhima. We'll go to Nandi
Hills." Mom insisted. But I knew its
Riddhima who wanted to go there.
"Fine mom. Get ready. I'll ask Muski
if she wants to come." I said getting
up to go to Muski's home.
"Muskaan has class today." I heard
Riddhima's voice instantly. "No I
mean, she may come but I thought-.
Sorry." She added, lowering her eyes,
when I frowned at her.
'Okay. I'll ask Padma aunty then." I
told her and moved out of the house.
I didn't take the elevator. Rather
thought of taking steps. My thoughts
wandered around Riddhima, yet
again. Today I could see that she was
just any normal girl, with a usual
share of excitement in her. She was
happy, she was sad and she was
nervous. But she wouldn't speak her
heart out. Amidst everything, one
thing kept me wondering. Why
doesn't she say it? It might be
something related to her past. I
don't know.
The serenity of Nandi Hills calmed
my disoriented and disturbed mind.
As per mom's request, which is weird
as she never asked to drive slow
during the hair pin turns, I drove
almost at snail's speed while
Riddhima who sat in the front beside
me peeped her head out and
enjoyed the ride. The excitement and
joy were clearly etched in her eyes,
but she only restricted them to her
eyes, not letting them to reflect the
same on her face, which I managed
to spot when she would turn her face
to look and mom and Padma aunty.
And that's when I realized why mom
had asked to drive slow.
As Riddhima had said, Muskaan had
a class at college and surprisingly
she decided to go for it inspite of
the tempting ride to the hill station.
So in the end, Padma aunty decided
to come with us to enjoy some time
with mom, alone. We started at 2 in
the afternoon to as to reach the
place by 4 in the evening, spend a
couple of hours there and head back.
She and mom sat in the back seat of
the car enjoying their leisurely talks
about everything under the sun, with
Riddhima joining them now and
I don't know why but today I could
see a different Riddhima. Not in
physical presence but in an
emotional stand. She was happy as I
already mentioned but she was full
of life since the time we stepped out
of our colony. She started speaking
joyfully to mom or aunty sometimes,
but then would abruptly shut her
mouth when she realized my
presence beside her. Somehow her
personality was intriguing me.
Come on, my readers, if you find a
person with weird-in a positive way-
individuality, wouldn't you show
some interest towards them? But the
point to be noted is that, why I, even
though she is absolutely not inclined
to me, am I racking my brain to
understand her. I don't think any
guy would be interested in a girl if
she doesn't reciprocate the same.
Well, atleast I think so.
"Don't you think so Armaan?" I heard
aunty's voice and though startled for
a moment, pushed my thoughts
aside. The side line being I am not
aware of what they were speaking
"Yes, yes aunty." I replied playing
"See Ananya, I told you so." Aunty
squealed happy.
Now that bothered me. Such a voice
from aunty could only mean one
thing. Some plot regarding my
marriage. I looked at mom from the
back view mirror. She smirked at me.
I then turned to Riddhima who was
smiling, well only half heartedly,
point to be noted.
What the hell did I agree for? I
"So Armaan, I'll ask Sanjana to meet
you this Sunday." It was not a
question, a mere statement. But
wait, who is Sanjana? An another
match for me?
"She is way better than Akshara."
Aunty added, confirming my doubts.
Well Akshara was another girl I met
some eight months ago. Well, she
was a nice person, very practical. So
practical that she insisted that after
marriage we shall not stay with mom.
Not that I am planning to stay with
mom, which though I would love to, I
am sure mom isn't anywhere to
agree, but that mere statement irked
me to no end. Well you could guess
the rest. And now, what's her name?
yeah Sanjana. Why is that I am
always stuck at such a place when
people around me start planning
about my marriage. It's embarrassing
I tell you. I couldn't leave the car
and walk away now, could I?
So I stayed mum, with Riddhima
keeping me company in silence,
sometimes listening to their chats
and sometimes cursing Rahul for
delaying his arrival. "Aunty, we'll stop here for some time
and enjoy a small walk?" Riddhima
asked mom slowly. Shouldn't she ask
me? I was the one driving. But being
the person she is, I guess not.
"No mom, you are not completely fit.
I don't think it's a good idea for you
to walk." I said butting in before
mom could speak. But when I
glanced at Riddhima for her reply,
she just looked at me for a second
before lowering her eyes. I could see
a speckle of hurt.
"Armaan stop that. Riddhima knows
better than you about Ananya's health."
Aunty retorted quickly. Ananya is fine
Oh! Did I sound like that? I didn't
mean it that way nor was I finding
faults with Riddhima. Somehow it
appeared like something else. "I
didn't mean it that way aunty." I
defended myself. I didn't want to
appear like a villain accusing a
person who had been taking care of
mom for a little over two months.
"Stop the car near the pathway
Armaan." It was mom's order this
time. And I knew by the tone of hers,
that it's better that I shut my
mouth. So I obliged. I stopped the
car near a horticulture exhibition
and the ladies stepped out. Aunty
pulled out the shawls from the bag
we carried and they draped
themselves, as I sat on the bonnet of
the car staring at them. To my
absolute horror, none of them talked
to me before leaving. And Riddhima's
sullen face added to my worry. So I
followed them anyhow inviting
"Whats up Rahul?" I asked cheerfully
as I picked up my mobile. That was
the only good thing happened to me
from the past two hours. With mom
and aunty firing their cold shoulders
at me and Riddhima-well I don't
expect her to smile and talk to me
after the little scene back in car, I
wandered behind them like a puppy.
Well, I couldn't leave three ladies in
a crowdy area.
"What's the fuss around? Where are
"I am horticulture exhibition at
Nandi Hills. When are you starting?"
I asked him, keeping an eye on three
of them. I still don't understand
mom and aunty come to this
exhibition once in every two months,
whats there for them to enjoy the
bushes all over the place. We don't
even have space for a garden back at
our home.
"I'll be taking midnight flight. Will
reach there early in the morning." He
said, sounding happy. "Is aunty near
you? Can I speak to her?"
"Ye-" Shit! I muttered to myself.
Looking down I saw myself and
Riddhima with our dresses drenched
with some deep brown colour liquid.
May be mud water. MUD? Well the
damage was very less to mine when
compared to that of hers for her
entire upper front was totally wet
upto her waist and the dress clung
to her body, umm a bit revealing. I
averted my gaze quickly, while she
pulled the shawl closer to her body
in horror.
"Sorry, I wasn't looking and-"
Riddhima started with her apologies.
I knew pretty well that the fault was
mine. I had been following them.
May be they had stopped moving
further when I was on phone and
then I bumped into her.
"That's fine Riddhima, relax." I
mumbled looking around for mom.
"Go get your dress cleaned." I
I spotted mom and aunty near a
nursery and went to them. "Mom,
Rahul wants to talk to you." I said
giving her the mobile. I looked back
and saw Riddhima walking
somewhere probably to a wash area.
"What happened? What's this?"
Aunty asked twisting her nose at my
stained shirt. Mom moved little away
to talk to Rahul.
"I bumped into Riddhima when she
was holding some liquid. So-" I left
the sentence incomplete, wiping the
stains with a cloth which aunty gave.
"That's not some liquid budhu, its
mud water." Aunty laughed at me
softly, while I mumbled a whatever.
"Where is Riddhima?" Mom asked
coming back and giving me my
"I am here aunty." Riddhima
answered for me coming back from
washroom, her dress all wet. "Aunty,
I'll go out for sometime till the dress
dries up." She added and mom
nodded hesitantly. I watched
Riddhima move towards the entrance
of the exhibition. I wondered
whether I should go with her as it's
getting late in the evening.
"Armaan, go and stay with Riddhima
till we return." Mom told me when I
was staring in the direction
Riddhima has retreated. I smiled at
her and nodded. Well I was thinking
on the same lines. It's not safe to let
a girl wander on a hilly area all alone,
you know. Stop grinning, my readers,
if you are doing so. It's just out of
courtesy, you see.
"Hey Riddhima" I ran upto her and
fell in steps with her. She looked at
me surprised, probably due to my
presence. "Mom sent me to keep you
company till they return."
"No, I am fine. You can go back if-"
There she goes again.
"What if I change my previous
statement to 'I came to keep you
company'?" I asked cheekily. I don't
know from where I got that filmy
idea. That's very rare of me. But she
didn't say anything. Just smiled and
we moved out to walk along the road
"Riddhima, I didn't mean it what I
said in the car earlier. I was just
worried about mom." I said slowly
and calmly. I felt like apologizing.
"That's fine Armaan. I am used to
it." She told her voice equally calm.
"To what?" I asked.
"To rejection." I heard her words and
stood rooted to my spot while she
continued walking ahead. "Changed
your mind about keeping me
company?" I heard her voice again,
this time a bit faint. Looking ahead I
spotted her a furlong ahead of me.
"No. But that doesn't mean rejection.
I mean, I would never reject you." I
fumbled with words. What the hell, I
would never reject you, where did
that come from? It somehow sounded
some other way and I looked at her if
I needed to clarify that. But she was
drowned in enjoying the sunset
amidst the hills. It was a sight to
watch. Not her, well it also was, but
the sunset.
"You like greenery, don't you?" I
didn't mean to startle her but she
was startled.
"Yes. And you?" she asked back. I
was happy she was trying to make
some conversation with me rather
than getting scared. She is different
today and that difference kept me
wondering about her, yet again.
"I like, I guess." I said scratching my
chin. She just smiled. Then silence
prevailed again as we walked ahead.
The shrill ring of my mobile put an
end to the silence. It was mom.
"Yeah mom."
"We are done Armaan. Where are
"Uh'" I turned back and tried to
identify how far we have walked. I
then realized we have walked pretty
far. "We are nearby by mom. Come to
the parking and wait for us. We'll be
back in 10 minutes." I said and cut
the call.
And then we headed back. After a
moment, I received another call from
my colleague so I stopped walking for
a minute while she continued ahead.
I kept an eye on her though. I cut
the call and followed her.
While she was walking ahead, I
noticed few guys going by bikes
hooting at her. I couldn't help but
smile at her nervous steps. Well, she
is pretty, who would leave a chance
in admiring her? Then a biker
stopped by her whistling. She
stopped walking and turned around,
for me I guess. I quickly walked up
to her.
"You need something dude?" I asked
the guy on the bike while wrapping
my arm around Riddhima's shoulder
gently. I felt her stiffen and then
relax after a second. The guy just
shook his head and I guided her
"Thanks." She mumbled when we
took a couple of steps and I removed
my arm from around her shoulder.
"For taking care of you?" I asked. "I
am used to it." I shot back her words
smiling. "Taking care of Muski, mom
or aunty when we go out."
"But they are your family." She
"You may not be our family
Riddhima, but you are much more
important than that." I said, looking
straight into her eyes, while she just
smiled, yet again.
We reached parking area in a little
more than 10 minutes. During our
ride back, though the three of them
talking in glory, my mind kept
wondering about the last words I
spoke to Riddhima. You may not be
our family Riddhima, but you are
much more important than that. Is it
so? I found myself asking that. I
guess so, some voice in me answered
it for me.

That's it for today. Please read and vote for the story. There's a surprise for you'll and you guys will love it. Bye. Good Nigt. -Isha

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