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"Who is it?" I mumbled into the
phone as I took the call.
"Armaan, it's me, mom" I heard the
voice and blinked my eyes slowly.
They hurt like hell as I forced them
"Mom? What happened?" Though half
dazed, I felt my heart racing slightly.
I switched the light on and checked
the watch. Its 5 am in the morning.
"When are you coming to Bangalore?
Did you tell Riddhima that you
would be coming late?" Her
questions made sure I am completely
"Riddhima? Why?" The mere mention
of her name gave rise to some panic
at the pit of my stomach.
It had been three days since she
went to Bangalore. And she called
me plenty of times the next day she
went there. But I was tired and
emotionally exhausted then. Acting
in haste, I cut all her calls. She
didn't call me after that and neither
did I. I was strangely relieved. I
needed some time to sort my mind
and the next two days gave me
ample time to calm me down.
The sole reason behind my hesitance
to talk to her was that her reaction
hurt me. The look she gave me that
day somehow shook my insides. That
fear in her eyes, the way she
clutched her shirt when she emerged
out of the washroom made me feel
like I was forcing myself on her when
she willingly responded to our
intimacy. I doubted if she trusted
me in the first hand because she
only opened the door when I yelled
that I would call mom. And that
made me feel sick, because after all
these days of togetherness I couldn't
imagine her to be still afraid of me-
be it emotionally or physically.
Somewhere I was also guilt-ridden.
Many a time in the last couple of
days, I thought maybe I behaved a
bit desperate; maybe she wasn't
ready for our physical relation yet.
But then I couldn't help it. That day,
watching her only in my shirt made
me go crazy. And when I kissed her,
the way she responded back with so
much eagerness and fervor somehow
snapped my control. And it scared
me. Because all my life, I was always
in control. I would just avoid any
scenarios that I felt would let me go
off my control. And this time too, I
just did the same. I avoided that
scenario ' Riddhima.
Moreover, she didn't talk to me what
troubled her. I knew that she wasn't
the person who would speak openly
but then it was our relationship that
was at stake. I would have been glad
if she said anything other than that
freaking same sorry. That one word
made me sick to the pit of my
stomach. It was as if she was saying
that she felt sorry for what had
transpired between us. Because that
was one beautiful moment, a moment
of pure bliss.
Amidst everything, I missed her. I
missed her smile when she would
wake me up. I missed her giggles
when I would fight with Rahul. I
missed the way she would shy away
when I gazed at her intently. I
missed the lunch bag. I missed
talking to her. I missed kissing her. I
missed sleeping next to her hugging
her. I missed her presence. I just
missed her; terribly.
"Armaan, are you there?" Mom raised
voice broke my chain of thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah mom. What happened to
Riddhima?" I asked.
"I don't know. She told me that you
would come last night itself, it being
Friday. She was up all night, waiting
for you." Her words made my heart
skip a beat just like that.
"Mom, I told you I would come today
afternoon." I reminded her. Since
there was some urgent work at office
last night, I called mom and
informed her that I would be coming
today. And true to my words, I stayed
at office until something around 3
"I told her the same, but she
wouldn't believe me. And now, she is
running fever and crying for some
reason, she wouldn't tell me." She
said, slightly exasperated and I
almost jumped from the bed.
I was scared of Riddhima's
conclusion she would have derived
from my coming late. Every time
something like this happens, she
concludes something like I would
leave her or that I was angry with
her and she just flips out.
"Mom, is she" I cleared my throat "Is
Riddhima beside you? Can I speak to
her?" I asked, my heart now beating
"Yeah, one minute." She said and I
waited holding my breath.
After a moment, I heard mom
speaking to Riddhima and then I
heard her voice faintly. After a
moment, I heard her uneven breath
and then her sniffs. I knew she held
the mobile.
"Riddhima?" I spoke and waited for
her to respond. "Are you there?" I
asked when she didn't reply. "Are
you listening to me?"
"Hmm" I heard her whisper and I
knew she was crying. I sighed.
"Riddhima, speak something." I
pleaded. It pained to imagine her
"I-m-i-s-s-y-o-u" I heard her broken
voice and felt something gripping my
throat making it difficult to breath.
"I-I am- I am so-sorry." She
whispered and then I heard her
"Don't cry Riddhima, please." I
whispered, almost pleading.
"I-I-" I heard her hiccups. "I-am-
sorry-Armaan. Don't-leave-me-please"
I closed my eyes, when I felt them
"Riddhima, listen to me." I said,
trying to keep my voice calm. "Listen
to me carefully, Okay?"
I heard her voice and continued, "I
am not going to leave you ever. I am
taking the next flight and coming
there, okay? Now give the mobile to
"What's wrong Armaan? Why is she
so upset?" Mom sounded scared.
"Nothing's wrong, mom. We kind of
had a fight before she came there. I
will take an early flight. Ask
Shashank uncle to give her a sedative
to make her sleep." I told her,
making my way towards the
"Are you fine, Armaan? You seem
disturbed." I knew mom would never
intrude into my personal space. I
knew she was concerned but she
wouldn't ask me what fight we had.
And I only love her more for that.
"I am fine, mom." I replied. "Take
care of her, mom." I couldn't help
but add.
"I will. You take care of yourself." She
said. "I love you, beta"
I swallowed the lump in my throat.
She would use beta only when she
knew I needed her. That word gave
me an odd sense of relief. "I love you
too. Bye" I said and cut the call.
I leaned against the wall and
couldn't help but let my eyes turn
moist, partly due to lack of sleep and
mostly due to Riddhima's words.
What have I done to her!
After a lot of hesitance, I knocked at
Rahul's door. Firstly, because he had
also worked last night at the office
along with me and secondly because
of my behavior towards him two days
back. A day after Riddhima had left
for Bangalore, he tried to talk to me
what the matter was. He also told me
that she had been crying all the way
to the airport and that she refused
to stay back as I would be angry if
she did. In desperate need to take
my frustration out on anyone, I
yelled at him to stay out of my
personal matters. And since then, he
stood by his words, just stayed away
from me. I knew I had acted like a
jerk but I couldn't muster my
courage to speak to him, to apologize
to him. Just like what I had done
with Riddhima, I avoided him.
He just stared at me blankly when he
opened the door. Then looking at my
attire, he grew alert.
"Rahul, I am leaving for Bangalore." I
told him simply.
"What?" He almost shouted. "Why? Is
something wrong?" He asked, the
frown on his forehead deepening.
"No, no nothing is wrong. It's just
that Riddhima is not well." I replied
and he gave me a nod.
"Just give me five minutes, I'll come
with you." He said and turned
around to go but I stopped him.
I hugged him tight. "I am so sorry
Rahul. I didn't mean to shout at
you." I said and drew back. "I was
just out of my mind." I added.
"You sure were." He smiled and I
knew I was forgiven. I was, as always,
surprised at how easily he forgives
people. I know it sounds weird but I
love him as much as I love mom.
"I love you Rahul." I said, gleefully
and hugged him again.
"Stay away from me saale." He jerked
me away and went inside, with me
following. He quickly brushed his
teeth and put a set of his clothes in
a small bag.
"What happened to Riddhima?" He
asked me while I locked the door.
"She is running fever." I replied,
without meeting his eyes.
"You didn't talk to her, did you?" He
asked me and I looked at him
surprised. He just smiled. It was
always a wonder how he could read
me so effortlessly. "You shouldn't
have done that." He added when I
didn't reply.
"I know." I said. I knew that now but
I wished I had known it back then.
It was 11.30 am when we reached
home. Mom sighed in relief when
she opened the door for us. I hugged
her tight when she let us in. I just
needed some comfort and only mom
could give me that. She didn't
question me anything, just rubbed
my back and kissed my forehead.
"She is asleep. Shashank gave her
two sleeping pills." She informed me
before I could ask her. "Go and sleep
for some time. I'll call you when the
lunch is ready." She added.
When I headed for the stairs, I heard
mom talking to Rahul. I couldn't
help but wonder why I was blessed
with these two wonderful people in
my life. With the amount of
imperfections I had, it's a blunder
that HE granted me with them.
Entering the room, I found Riddhima
sleeping like a baby curled into
herself, hugging the blanket, at one
corner of the bed. Removing my
jacket, I sat on the floor beside the
bed staring at her face. Her cheeks
were still damp from the tears and I
cursed myself another time for
putting her through this. But I
hadn't planned it, did I? Everything
happened so out of blue that I had
no idea where we were heading.
What was my fault in that?
I wiped her cheeks with my thumb
and lay on the bed beside her. I
contemplated on hugging her but
thought otherwise and maintained
space between us. The last thing I
wanted was to scare her more than
she probably was. I checked her
forehead and was relieved when her
skin wasn't very warm. The fever
must have been subsided; I thought
when I saw her skin breaking out in
faint sweat. I pulled the bedsheet
away from her body and was
astonished at the sight that greeted
Riddhima slept hugging one of my
shirts. I stared at her trying to make
sure it was real. But when I realized
it was indeed real, I remembered her
telling me how she used to hug her
school bag in her childhood
imagining it to be her mom. I smiled
as I realized she wasn't scared of me
the way I had imagined her to be. I
knew there was something I was
missing but I was determined to find
it out before we head back to
Carefully, I pulled the shirt out of
her grip and pulled her closer gently.
Though unconscious, she placed her
head on my shoulder and wrapped
her hand around my waist. She
breathed in deeply and moved closer
to me, nuzzling my neck. I turned my
face just a little until my lips
touched her forehead. I kissed her
and let my lips linger there for a
while. I closed my eyes when I heard
her murmur something in her sleep.
"I am sorry Armaan." That was the
last thing I heard before I slipped
into a dreamless sleep with her in
my arms after what I felt like ages.
I opened my eyes slowly when I felt
my stomach aching slightly
demanding its feed. But all could see
was strips of thick black darkness and
bright light in irregular patterns.
Stretching my body, I tried to take in
the surroundings. After a couple of
silent moments, I realized that the
darkness is due to her hair covering
my face. Taking a deep breath, I
turned my face to find her sleeping
peacefully with her lips slightly
parted. Placing her head back on the
pillow, I tried to get up only to be
pulled back slightly. Looking down, I
noticed her fist gripping my collar
tightly. Kissing her fingers, I removed
my collar from her grip and sat on
the bed. She tossed and turned,
pulled the bedsheet closer to her
and went back to sleep. I smiled. I
looked at the watch and found it to
be 3 pm. I had got a good three
hours of sleep but I felt more rested
than the last couple of days.
Taking a shower, I went downstairs
to find Rahul and mom chatting at
the dining table. I noticed that they
had finished their lunch.
"Hey!" I greeted them, my voice
strangely cheerful. Rahul smiled at
me but I found mom looking at me
"What happened mom?" I asked
sitting at the table while Rahul
passed me the food.
"Nothing." Mom shook her head
smiling. "You both have put on some
weight." She added simply.
"Why not aunty? Riddhima's culinary
skills are amazing. She makes us take
lunch bags daily. And she would give
a big lecture if we left any food."
Rahul added with a chuckle.
"Mom, I am planning to take
Riddhima to Nandi hills tomorrow." I
"That's good. She needs to get out of
the house." Mom nodded. "She
seemed troubled ever since she came
"It's simple aunty. She missed
Armaan." Rahul smirked and winked
at me. I smiled. It's not completely
false after all.
Talking about random things, I
finished my lunch. Not once did they
let the topic of the tiff between
Riddhima and me come up. Suddenly
we heard hurried footsteps on the
stairs and turned around to find
Riddhima coming down hurriedly.
She stopped in her tracks and stared
at me with a blank face when she
spotted me.
"Rahul and I have some work with
Padma. We'll go down." Mom
announced and I watched them
leaving us alone. I was thankful.
Riddhima took slow steps descending
the stairs but her steps came to a
halt at the last one. She looked
tentatively at me as if seeking
permission to come to me. I smiled
at her and took a step towards her.
The next moment, she ran into my
arms and held me tight with a death
grip. I wrapped my arms around her
and rubbed her back gently while
she sobbed. I didn't stop her for I
wanted her to vent it all out. When
her sobs gave away to hiccups, I
drew her apart gently.
"Sshh. It's okay, Riddhima. Stop
crying now. I am with you." I
whispered, cupping her face in my
palms and wiped her tears with my
thumbs. But she shook her head and
hid her face in my neck. I felt her
warm tears on my skin and sighed.
May be a loving kiss would do! My
heart reprimanded me the instant
that thought took a shape in my
brain. The idea was tempting enough
but it could wait.
"What happened, Riddhima? Hmm?"
I knew it was a waste to ask as we
both were aware what her tears were
for. But I wanted to know much
more. Once again I wiped her tears
when she looked at me with her big
round eyes. "You scared everyone."
"I don't know; I was scared." She
whispered slowly. "I thought you
wouldn't come."
"Why wouldn't I come?" I asked,
resting my hands on the back of her
"I knew you were angry with me."
She mumbled lowering her eyes,
playing with the buttons of my shirt.
I realized she does that every time
she gets nervous.
I avoided that because I, myself,
wasn't sure what I felt -anger or
hurt. Instead I replied, "I missed
"You did?" She asked raising her eyes
to meet mine. I smiled and she said,
"I missed you too."
"Rahul missed you, too." I added.
She smiled slightly. "He was so
worried that day when I cried." She
said slowly and looked down again. I
waited for her to say something
which she did after a few moments.
"Armaan," She looked at me and
started. I knew what was coming. "I-"
I placed my fingers on her lips and
cut her short. "Anything but that
sorry, Riddhima. Please." I was fed
up with her apologies and those
sorries. "You want to say something?"
I asked praying she would.
But she lowered her eyes, shook her
head and rested her head on my
chest. I sighed. This would be quite
a task, making her speak. But I
decided not to prober her further. I
wanted her to speak it herself, to
trust me and to share her secrets
which were probably troubling her.
"Fine. Mom made khichdi for you.
Come and eat it." I led her towards
the dining table. She looked at me in
wary but I gave her a smile and she
returned it back.
By the time she ate and had her
shower, Mom and Rahul came back
along with Padma aunty and Muski.
She wore a light green saree and
looked fresh. Rahul went and gave
her a bear hug when he met her.
"Wow, the color is back on
Riddhima's face!!" Muski exclaimed
the moment she spotted Riddhima.
"We will ask dad to follow this,
momma. Whenever a wife falls ill, the
husband would be the best
medicine." She added with a wink.
Everyone chuckled while I shifted my
position on the couch while the
shade of the color, whatsoever, on
her face deepened.
"And look at her dress. Last two days
she didn't even care with what she
wore. Now that Armaan is here, she
dressed up for him in saree." Padma
aunty played along but that caught
my attention. I wondered if she did
that to please me, taking into
account the fact that she told me
she was not fond of sarees.
"Armaan isn't any lesser. He went
literally crazy without Riddhima."
Rahul butted in. Padma aunty and
Muski laughed while mom smiled
and I kicked his leg. I had to admit
that was partially true. I watched in
amusement as Riddhima's face
turned completely red. I always
wonder how these small things affect
And we lazed around in the living
room as Muski put forth Riddhima's
probable tactics in my absence while
Rahul complimented her with his
exaggerated stories of mine in
Hyderabad. Everyone's focus as on
what they were speaking but mine
was rested on them. I smirked as I
felt sparks flying between them and
wondered when Rahul would come
up with his feelings towards Muski.
Or maybe knowing him, Muski might
reveal it first or who knows even
Padma aunty or Shashank uncle
might come up with the proposal of
getting them married.
I diverted my mind from them to
Riddhima when I noticed her looking
at me. She looked away when I
caught her but spotted her stealing
glances at me when she thought I
wasn't looking at her. She seemed
happy or so I thought. Though I was
happy, I was also disturbed.
Whatever it might be, I will make
sure everything gets fine before we
leave Bangalore.
As I observed Riddhima closely, I
found her behavior slightly strange.
Not that she was acting weird, but
she appeared to be on wary every
moment. Sometimes she appeared
lost somewhere. And she was startled
more than a couple of times when
our arms touched accidentally. She
hesitated to sleep or take rest in the
evening in our bedroom. She sticked
by me all through the evening, not
letting me go out of her sight even
for a minute. I found her searching
around frantically until she spotted
me when I went away from her. Not
that I minded it, but she appeared
as if she was fighting with something
inside her and that troubled me, for
some reason unknown to me.
Even now, she was sleeping beside
me holding my vest tight in her fist.
Though I knew she was extremely
drowsy owing to the medicines, her
eyes fluttered open the moment I
made a slight movement. As decided,
I didn't try to probe her hoping she
would try to talk to me. But with
every passing second of her silence,
my hope subsided. It hurt me to
think about the fact that she was not
opening up to me even after a little
over a month of our marriage. But I
knew, nothing could make her talk to
me unless she wanted to. And I
wished that moment would come
before my patience gave away to
frustration. And with these thoughts
disturbing me, I dozed off.
I opened my eyes when I felt
something pricking my cheek.
Rubbing it, I tried to go back to
sleep only to feel it pricking again. I
raised my head and looked around to
find out the disturbance. It took a
little over a minute to realize that I
was sprawled over Riddhima, my
head on her chest and that the
thing pricking my cheek was her
mangalsutra. I found her in deep
sleep with one of her hands around
my nape. Smiling, I placed a kiss on
her throat and made myself
comfortable beside her.
She whined due to the movement
and turned to me with a frown,
making me chuckle. I looked at the
watch and found the time to 5.15
am. I wondered what the hell was
happening to me. Never in my life
did I wake up before 8 unless
emergency. But for the past few
days, I was drifting awake in the wee
hours of the mornings and neither
was I able to get back to sleep after
Sighing, I turned my attention to her
face and kept staring at her face
wondering where we were heading.
At this pace, I doubted if we will be
able to consummate our relationship
before either of us turning 50. I
chuckled at my own thought. I found
myself asking the same question
again; why don't you say anything,
Riddhima? I also had no answer for
the question why I was hell bent on
thinking about her comfort, her
feelings, her emotions than my own
when I knew I was hurt. Being her
husband, it's my responsibility but I
myself felt it strange. I felt
something changing in me.
She stretched her body and opened
her eyes after a moment. She smiled
at me while I returned it
involuntarily. She came closer,
hugged me and nuzzled my neck,
surprising me beyond my wits. I
wondered if she was drunk again.
But that was highly impossible. This
woman was one hell of a mysterious
She drew apart and looked into my
eyes as I stayed still. "Good
morning." She wished me, after
placing a kiss on my cheek.
"Huh?" That was all I could manage.
Did I miss something? May be she
was sleep-talking! May be she was
not Riddhima at all!
I lost my ability to think when she
came closer again and touched my
lips with hers. Except for her
drunken state tactics, she never
initiated a kiss and I didn't
understand if I was dreaming or it
was really happening. All my senses
abandoned me when she slowly
caressed my nape moving her lips. I
knew this shouldn't be happening, I
wanted her to talk to me first but I
couldn't help it when her fingers
threaded my hair. Giving in, I pulled
her closer and eased her lips open.
But the moment her breasts pressed
against my chest, it all came rushing
back -the fear in her eyes, the way
she pleaded me to let go, the way
she clutched her shirt to her body
and the hurt. Amassing all my left
over self-control, I pushed her back
gently, both of us already panting.
"No, Riddhima." I whispered holding
her by her shoulders. "I can't-" I left
the sentence incomplete when I
looked at her face and got off the
bed. Running a hand in my hair, I
walked to the washroom.
"Armaan, I am sorry I stopped you
that day. I didn't mean to." She
spoke hurriedly when I stepped out
of the washroom. "I promise I-" She
searched for words. "I won't stop you
"What the hell are you speaking
Riddhima?" I couldn't help but raise
my voice at her choice of words. Stop
it? What was what!!
"I mean you can -we can -I mean -
you can touch me and-"
"Shut up Riddhima!!" I cut her. "I
don't want to have sex with you. I
want to make love to you." I winced
at my own bluntness of words. "You
don't get it, do you? I am not
bothered with you stopping me that
day. I respect that. But what was
that fear in your eyes that day for? I
couldn't get it out of my head. You
made me feel like I was forcing
myself on you." I noticed tears filling
her eyes and lost it completely. "I
want you to talk to me damn it!! I
don't want you to seduce me!!"
"It wasn't you Armaan." She
whispered in her broken voice. As
much as I wanted to cuddle her and
wipe those tears, I couldn't get to do
"Then what is it, Riddhima?" I asked
exasperated. But she looked down
and the silence in the room greeted
me with answer. "Fine!" I yelled and
made my way towards the door of the
"I was molested Armaan!!" I heard
her cry and stopped dead in my
tracks. "I -I was sexually abused."
She sobbed hiding her face in her
I felt my heart beating fast, and
numb. As I watched her hugging her
knees and shaking with sobs, I felt
my chest tighten, unbearable pain
gripping my body. I didn't expect
that. I stood still unable to
comprehend how to react. But when
she looked at me, her eyes red and
filled with tears, I couldn't help but
rush back to her.
"Do you hate me now?" she asked,
her voice broken searching for
something in my eyes.
"No no, Riddhima." I said
immediately. "I can never hate you."
I added.
"Can -can I hug you?" I heard her
ragged voice and came out of my
momentary trance.
"Though an orphan, I was happy
until I was a mere child. But the
moment, changes occurred in my
body, people started noticing me. I
was never comfortable with attention,
so it bothered me." She said as if in
a trance. "When I was in 7th
standard, a couple adopted me. The
woman was very kind to me and
loved me, but her husband-" She
"Ssh. It's okay Riddhima. You need
not tell me if it hurts." I hugged her
tight. I was vaguely aware of where it
was leading. But I realized it was
taking all her might to speak. May be
she didn't want to reminisce her
bitter past. That might have been a
reason for her not telling me. I felt
bad at that thought, for making her
go through this. But I was also hurt,
wasn't I?
But she continued, "He used to make
me sleep between him and aunty
during night saying that I would be
scared if I slept alone. Aunty and I
believed him. Infact I always wanted
to sleep hugging my parents." She
smiled, as if mocking at her own
desires. "It was fine for a week but
then I felt him trying to touch my
legs, waist. I didn't say anything to
aunty as I was scared that they
would send me back to the
orphanage. Then he started nuzzling
my neck and fondling with- with my-
my breasts. I didn't know what to do.
I used to bear everything but cry all
the night when he went to sleep.
One day when aunty was not at
home, he tried to -when I protested,
he slapped me, ripped my dress
open and -" She sobbed, gripping me
tight, her nails digging into my back.
I closed my eyes as my tears
threatened to spill. I felt as if knives
were being stabbed in my heart.
"When he tried to rape me, aunty
came back home at the same time
and rescued me. She sent me back
immediately to the orphanage. I
never got enough time to forget it.
Every step, I encountered those
hungry eyes watching out for me -be
it the workers at the orphanage or
classmates at school or college. The
more I tried to get away from it, the
more those situations haunted me.
People always seemed to take
advantage of the fact that I am an
orphan and that I had no one to lean
on." She drew apart and looked at
me, tears spilling as rivulets from her
red eyes. "It was not you Armaan. I
tried to forget it as time passed. But
when you touched me, it all came
back. For a moment, I was scared of
your strength when you pushed me
against the wall. I am so sorry,
Armaan. I didn't mean to hurt you or
your feelings. But I couldn't help
that fear that suddenly gripped me."
Her eyes pleaded me.
I hugged her tight not able to figure
out what to tell her, how to soothe
her. Now I understood why she was
always nervous around men, why she
took so much time in getting
comfortable with me. She used to go
stiff initially when I as much touched
her -be it a handshake or a friendly
pat on her back. She was so hesitant
to hold me or hug me. Even now, she
gets startled every time I touch her
in her sleep, I recalled.
"It's not your fault, Riddhima." I
cupped her face in my palms.
"Do you regret marrying me?" She
asked, holding my collar tight in her
"No." I kissed her forehead. "You are
a wonderful woman, Riddhima. I am
glad to have you in my life. You have
a beautiful life ahead. Don't let your
past ruin it, okay?" I whispered.
She nodded her head and few more
tears rolled down her cheeks. "I was
afraid you would leave me if I told
you about me."
"I am telling you for hundredth time,
Riddhima. I will never leave you,
come what may; never. You can let
go of that insecurity." I told her, my
voice calm and firm. But her tears
didn't seem to have an end. I leaned
closer and kissed her tears away
while she closed her eyes. "I know it
might be difficult for you to believe
me, but trust me Riddhima, I am
ready to wait for you -in every
sense." I whispered in her ear.
We lay back on the bed, with me
hugging her tight as she fell asleep,
yet again. I sighed involuntarily that
she wasn't deprived of her dignity. I
couldn't help but think about the
brutal scar that was left behind on
her innocent heart.
That's it for today! Please vote! Bye. Take care. Good Night. -Isha

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