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"Riddhima!! Hurry up, fast!! We are
getting late." I shouted from the
dining room, stuffing pieces of
parathas into my mouth.
"Stop it, Armaan." Mom smacked my
head. "Let her get ready in peace.
And you eat in peace." She
"Mom, it's cloudy. If we don't start
early, it might start raining." I
added, to my defense.
"Aunty, what he meant is that, the
earlier they start, the more he gets
to spend time with her." Rahul
added with a grin accompanied with
a wink.
Mom smiled at us, ruffled my hair
and excused herself. "In that case,
I'll go and see if she needs help."
When mom left, I kicked his leg from
under the table and glared at him.
"What! It's written on your face!" He
I couldn't help it, I sighed. Ever
since, a couple of hours back,
Riddhima had talked to me about her
past, I found this sudden urge in me
to make her try to forget it. I knew it
wouldn't be possible in a day or two,
but I wanted to try, so desperate
that I woke her up just an hour after
she dozed off in my arms and
ushered her to get ready to leave for
Nandi Hills for I knew that's her
favorite hangout spot.
We hadn't spoken after that, but the
smiles on our faces when we woke up
did the needful. I felt her eyes on
me the whole time we were in the
bedroom getting ready. I knew she
was still wary of my reaction to her
revelations. Infact, I myself was
scared of my reaction thinking I
would be uncomfortable around her
when I woke up. But all I felt was
this sudden feeling of tenderness
that I couldn't express; the need to
soothe her, to give her everything
she missed upon, to make her feel
I had smiled assuring everything was
going to be fine when I felt her
stealing glances at me , hugged her
from behind when we were brushing,
kissed her when I stepped out from
my shower on finding her sitting on
the bed lost somewhere. And to my
surprise she wasn't hesitant the way
I expected her to be. Moreover I felt
she was slightly relaxed around me,
not that she wasn't nervous when I
was close to her, but I found this
ease in her muscles when I held her.
That was something new and I knew
she was trying hard to let go of her
past. That only gave me another
reason to take her to the small
outing I had planned.
"Is everything fine?" Rahul asked,
breaking my momentary trance. I
noticed the concern in his voice.
"Awesome" I replied with a wide
smile and from his face knew he was
satisfied. These days I was starting to
wonder whose brother he was –
Riddhima's or mine!
"So when are we leaving?" Rahul
asked, after a moment.
"Early morning flight." I replied,
munching on my parathas. "4 am?"
He nodded and smiled.
A couple of minutes later, Riddhima
joined us. She wore a simple violet
colour salwar, yet appearing elegant.
She had her breakfast quickly, kissed
mom, hugged Rahul and on the way
said her byes to Padma aunty and
Muski before we left.
"Thanks Armaan." She said when we
were at the outskirts of the city.
When I turned to her, she smiled at
me. I knew what it was for so didn't
say anything. But that smile on her
face –so filled with happiness and
serenity gave me intense satisfaction.
I took her hand in mine and
squeezed it gently letting the
gesture convey all I wanted to say to
A few minutes later, I found her
sleeping peacefully hugging her
dupatta. Somewhere a part of my
heart wished I was in place of her
dupatta, but with me driving the car
it is impossible, isn't it?
Nevertheless, I switched the ac off
and lowered the window panel. I
stopped the car when we reached
the hills.
Parking the car aside at one of the
scenic points, I came around the car
to the passenger door. I caressed her
cheek gently before waking her up.
Unlike the previous times where she
would wake up with a start, her eyes
drifted open slowly with a smile.
Unable to resist myself, I placed a
lingering kiss on her cheek to find
her smiling wider. But the moment
her skin came in contact with my lips
the familiar rush of adrenaline was
back in my head and so was the
throbbing in my body.
"Where are we?" She asked, her
drowsiness giving her voice a husky
I took a moment to compose myself
and extended my hand for her. She
placed hers in mine and I pulled her
gently to feet. She looked around and
let out a gasp. Her eyes twinkled and
a slight smiled played on her lips.
We stood at a corner on the topmost
hill, it providing the beautiful view of
the dense valley of the Nandi Hills. I
knew Riddhima liked such places, for
the last time when we visited she
was so lost in the sunset and the
greenery around her. I also knew she
needed some calmness around her
now that I had triggered her bitter
"Its- Its beautiful." She whispered
turning to me, her voice choked with
emotions. "Thanks Armaan, for
bringing me here."
"Anytime." I whispered back,
standing beside her, wrapping my
hand around her waist. "We can sit
here." I said, pointing to the rock
beside us."
It being a cloudy day, the weather
was perfect to enjoy the scene, giving
it a romantic touch. When she sat
there, I brought the packets of chips,
sandwiches and a bottle of coke from
the car and sat beside her. I settled
beside her and gave her the packet
of chips.
"I bought them on the way." I
answered the question when she
looked at me surprised. "when you
were asleep." I added.
She smiled and we sat in silence for
the next half an hour or so, with me
sipping the coke and her munching
on the chips. She had a faraway look
on her face staring at the valley.
"You know Armaan," she spoke
suddenly after some time, "I
attempted suicide when I was in
depression four years ago."
My heart stopped beating for a
couple of moments at her words. I
felt difficulty in breathing at the
thought of having lost her, strange
isn't it taking into the fact that I
didn't even know she existed at that
time? Or maybe not!
"Not even once." She continued,
"Twice" She added, with a chuckle as
if laughing at her fate.
"Riddhima-" I tried to stop her. It
pained me to even listen to it, so I
kind of understood how she might be
feeling recollecting it.
"I didn't know that life would be this
beautiful at that time. I never even
imagined." She turned to me and
uttered in a broken voice. "Why
didn't I meet you earlier, Armaan?
Why didn't you come into my life
then?" She asked, her each and every
word squeezing my heart, while a
tear escaped her eye.
Unable to give answers to her, I
gathered her close in my arms. She
hid her face in my neck and I felt
warm tears on my skin. "Your life is
going to be beautiful, Riddhima, from
now. I'll make sure it is. Trust me on
that." I whispered into her ear
gently. I drew apart and wiped her
tears. "Okay?" she smiled and I knew
everything is going to be fine.
Going further ahead, I leaned in and
placed a loving kiss on her lips. I
knew she needs some sort of
confirmation concerning our future
and I gave her just that. Since the
car shielded us from the view of the
people on the road, I didn't care
about anyone having a glance at our
private moments.
"You are a wonderful person,
Armaan." She murmured, when I
caressed her cheek.
"And so are you." I replied, kissed
her forehead and moved back.
An hour later, when my stomach
started making grumbling sounds, we
headed to a nearby restaurant.
Knowing her appetite, I didn't order
much except for a couple of rumali
rotis, a bowl of biryani and curd rice.
But she surprised me by completing
more than half of it quickly that I
had to place and order for one more
bowl of rice. Looking at her I
wondered if she skipped her food for
the last two days. Or maybe the
emotional turmoil had worn her out.
Or maybe the tranquility of the place
increased her appetite. Nevertheless
I was glad to find her enjoying the
It was 3 pm when we were done with
our lunch. So I took her directly to
the lake nearby to spend sometime
around the lake and in boating. But
during our journey to the lake, I
found Riddhima looking out of the
window in awe. I followed her gaze
and spotted small wooden cottages
spread across the other end of the
lake. She quickly averted her gaze
when she noticed me looking at her.
Her excitement touched the sky when
we got into the lake on a small semi-
automatic boat. We paddled to the
center of the lake and then stopped
where we had a good look of the hills
around us. Even then, I found her
eyes going every now and then
towards those tiny cottages and
smiled. It was clearly written on her
face: she wanted to go there, but she
wouldn't tell that to me, would she?
Soon, it started drizzling but
Riddhima requested with earnest
face that we stay a little longer. We
continued boating until it started
raining. We paddled back to the exit
and by the time we got into the car
we were slightly drenched and she
was smiling. I drove her to the
cottages. When she got out she was
pleasantly surprised. Though we had
only four or five hours before heading
back home, I found it worth booking
a small cottage for the day. I paid
for the cottage, placed an order for
the dinner and we ran to the cottage
trying to escape the downpour. But
who were we kidding; we were
completely drenched by the time we
reached the cottage.
The cottage was a small wooden room
with a medium size bed, a small
dining table, a TV and a washroom.
Riddhima, as usual went and
surveyed the entire room when we
stepped in. My eyes followed her
wherever she went and that was a
mistake. With her clothes wet and
hugging her body as a second skin,
it's highly difficult for me to stay
calm. And the ambiance of the room
with a dim light added to my misery
I shifted uncomfortably on my feet
when I noticed her walking to me.
"I'll switch the TV on." I said
Right then, something struck me. My
act of bringing her to the cottage
might have given her false
impressions of my feelings. Though it
cost me all my control, I wanted her
to be sure when we consummate our
relationship. And right now, I didn't
think she was.
"Riddhima, I just brought you here
because I noticed you looking at
them when we were at the lake." I
spoke hurriedly.
But she only smiled. Damn that
"I mean, I don't want you to think
that I-" I went short of words when
she removed her dupatta from
around her neck and placed it on
the chair "I-" I forgot what I was
speaking when she stood infront of
I gulped when she hugged me, her
hands moving dangerously across my
back. I tried to look around but
nothing interesting caught my eyes.
Though I held her unsure of what
was going in her mind, I tried to
focus on something else, trying to
ignore the reactions occurring in my
body. Even that seemed impossible
when she pressed more into me,
making my senses painfully aware of
our closeness.
"Riddhima?" I tried to pull apart but
she held me tight. And with that
hold of hers, I grew aware of what
she was suggesting. "I think, we
should wait for a while." I added
gathering all my control.
Neither did she let go of me nor did
she say anything. She just held on to
me, tighter than a minute back.
When I didn't respond, she drew
back and looked straight into my
"Love me, Armaan." She whispered
and just like that took my breath
My heart started thudding, body
throbbing and mind spinning. Her
words echoed in my brain. Love me.
Love me. Love me….. I tried to string
words together; to say something,
but in vain. The words in my brain
seemed jumbled, incoherent with her
words ringing continuously.
"Please?" She added, her eyes full of
hope to be loved.
My heart jumped. And at the precise
moment, I made sense of what my
mind had been trying to put in. The
words came to me with such a force
that I stood frozen.
I was strangely exhilarated at the
realization that struck me. I thought
that the feeling would be as
complicated as universe but, now
that I am into it, I felt it as simple
as it could be. How could I have not
fallen for her? After all she was
everything I realized that I have
always wanted in a woman. She was
innocent yet calculative. She was
vulnerable yet headstrong. She was
simple yet complicated. She was
willing yet excitingly hesitant. She
was mysterious, a challenge that
could send me spiraling with an
ease. Above all she was mine –the
woman of my heart.
My feelings for her made sense now.
I knew I have always had a soft
corner for her, I was attracted to her
but they alone couldn't have been
an answer to the emotions that
surfaced when it concerned her. I
knew now why I have always been
extra cautious of her comfort; why I
have strived for her acceptance; why
I was hurt when she didn't share her
troubles for me; why though I was
angry, couldn't help but sit and miss
her; why her smile lightens my day;
why I couldn't spend a day without
her; why I couldn't keep my eyes and
hands off her. I didn't just want to
be her husband; I wanted to be her
lover –in every way possible.
Oh! I love her –up, front and center!
"Armaan?" She shook me gently,
bringing me back to earth.
When I looked down at her, I found
her brows knitted together as if
worried. I smiled and rested my
forehead against her.
"Anything for you, sweetheart." I
whispered. She looked at me
Now, my readers, I knew you might
be thinking that the line was cheesy.
But I couldn't help it. After all I am
a man who realized that he was in
love with the woman in his arms,
asking him to love her. Her intention
might have been different when she
uttered those, but they only helped
me realize mine. I realized that for
the past couple of years, I had been
searching for her in every woman.
She is a perfect blend of the woman
I wanted and the woman in mom I
always took pride in. It had to be
Taking a deep breath, I placed my
lips on hers, kissing her tenderly
pouring all my love into the gesture
for I was not sure whether she would
be able to take in if I told I loved
her. It might only complicate things
on her side. As much as I wanted to
yell my heart to her, I felt it was
better to wait until she realized hers.
Slowly, I guided her hands around
my neck and lifted her off the
ground, still our lips intact. I felt my
world shake for a moment when she
nibbled on my lips and it was
different; way too different; way too
intimate. My mind turned numb and
my senses powerfully erect. Unable
to take it any longer, I walked her
back to the bed and before I could
steady myself, we fell on the bed,
she on her back with me on top of
her. But I didn't let go of her lips. I
didn't want to. I felt as if my life was
depended on it.
But she pulled back after a moment,
gasping for air, breathing heavily. I
let her gulp a couple of mouthfuls
and then took her lips again in mine,
this time more aggressively. I let my
hands roam around her body,
starting from her back to her hips to
her waist. She trembled in my hold
when my hands moved further up
from her waist. For a moment, I
stopped, let go of her lips and
started down at her.
She seemed to understand my
hesitance for she smiled at me,
opening her eyes. She took my palm
in hers and raised it to her lips.
Looking straight into my eyes, she
kissed my fingers one at a time and
then without averting her gaze,
guided it down her neck, throat and
further down.
"Feel me," she whispered and closed
her eyes when my palm was rested
against her heart.
Her heart was thudding as hard as
mine. I was dazed at what she was
offering. I knew it might have taken
all her courage in doing so, and I felt
proud of her. I diverted her mind off
the obvious and let my palm fondle
her. The thin barriers of her damp
clothes were no hindrance, as I felt
her. She moaned into my mouth,
fisted my hair and arched her back
up in response to my caress.
Lowering my lips down to her neck
and throat, I unzipped the zip at her
back and slid my hands inside. She
quivered when I caressed her bare
skin at her back. Drawing apart, I
kneeled beside her on the bed and
took the end of her salwar in my
hand. When she opened her eyes, I
locked our gaze and raised her
salwar up to her waist and then over
her head. I dropped it beside on the
floor and gazed at her body. Her skin
was glowing in the dim light in the
cottage and I started sweating
inspite of the cold weather. Her
inner due to its dampness,
accentuated her flesh more than it
covered. I unbuttoned my shirt,
tossed it aside and lowered myself
on her.
"You are exquisite, Riddhima." I
praised her, pressing her into the
mattresses with my weight. I started
caressing her all over again, right
from her lips to her lower waist. I
felt her hands trembling at my back.
Within moments, I got her and
myself rid of whatever was left of our
I cupped her bare waist and kissed
her nape, behind her ear. I lowered
my mouth then to her breasts and
kissed her until she was breathless.
She let out throaty moans when I
kissed her belly while she squeezed
her thighs together. She was so soft
everywhere. For a moment, she
seemed unsure of what to do. Logic
said that she was married once and
that she should be comfortable with
this, but she was hesitant when I
parted her legs and was so tight
when I tried entering her that it left
me in deep thought for a while. Her
muscles were taught against that
stinging stretch and she held me
tight in her hold that her fingers left
marks against my shoulders and if I
am not wrong at my back too.
But the moment I was inside her all
my thoughts abandoned me except
for the pleasure and maddening
sensations. She sobbed when I
moved while I kissed her tears away
and took her in a deep sensuous
kiss. She arched her body and gave
up to me while I went along with her
into an earth shattering climax. We
held onto each other during the
tender quakes. The pleasure that was
too intense that it almost made me
weep apart from breathless. Then I
understood what was different. It
was the first time I made love with
the woman I loved. I dropped my
body on her, buried my face in her
neck and kissed her there.
A couple of moments later when I
raised my face and looked down at
her I was surprised to find her eyes
squeezed shut and tears leaking out
of her closed ones. Her face was also
contorted as if in deep pain. Pain!
The word caught my attention and I
recalled the reactions of her body
and couple of minutes back.
"Shit!" I cursed when the realization
dawned upon me. Hesitant, tight and
stiff! Afraid of intimacy and men! She
opened her eyes and looked at me
when I pulled the bed sheet up to
her body and drew apart to look at
"Why didn't you tell me, Riddhima,
that you were-" I searched for words,
my breath still ragged. But she only
closed her eyes. Sighing, I moved
close to her and turned her towards
me. "I don't understand, you were
married, right?"
"I didn't let him touch me." She
whispered lowering her eyes.
"You should have told me Riddhima."
I said, quite aware of the fact that
she wasn't the one who would tell
something like this to me. "I would
have been gentle with you." I added.
She shook her head slowly and
looked at me. "I wanted you to love
me with all your might." She said
slowly. "I wanted to forget everything
except for your touch and caress."
I hugged her closer and kissed her
forehead. I wanted to ask her how
she felt; because I knew that first
time experience at love making
makes a person better or bitter
towards it. But I didn't understand
how to ask her for I knew it would
only embarrass her. I realized, all
through she was yielding; never
demanding. All I could do was love
her again, giving all the pleasure
that she deserves and I just did
As I kissed her, caressed her and
took her through the journey of love,
I had so many questions. Now that I
realized I love her, I wanted to know
what she feels about me, about us.
Did she feel it the same way I did
when we made love. It might have
taken all her will power to overlook
her ugly past and let me closer to
her. So, I didn't want to impose on
her anything, even be it my love. I
wanted her to realize the depth of
our relationship, feel what I had felt
and then come up to me. Looking at
her peaceful face, I decided all my
questions could wait as long as she
lets me soothe her.
By the time, I closed my eyes for a
short nap; she was already in deep
sleep, dead to the world. I chuckled
realizing that I had worn her out
That's it for today! Please vote. Bye. Good Night. - Isha

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