22. 180

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"Okay," Darren wipes his face, some crusted blood from his lip wiping off onto his fingers. "Okay so you are pregnant." He nods, trying to convince himself this is happening. "What do we do?"

"I-I don't know." I shake my head. "They told me I couldn't have kids. We have wanted kids and they kept telling us no. And now-" my crying becomes more intense. "Now that I don't want it. Now that I can't have this happen to me, it's suddenly possible?"

He nods. Before he has a chance to respond, my father jumps out of a black vehicle driven by someone else. "We-we will figure this out." He speaks quickly. "We will also talk about why you bailed that asshole out."

I open my mouth to speak but he walks away to shake my father's hand. My sister steps out of the backseat. She looks around, sees me, and smiles.

I wave and walk over to her. "Casey, what are you doing here? Where is Fiona?"

"Uh, shes with the sitter. Dad was at my place when he got your text." She nods. "He wanted backup."

"Backup? Chris in a jail." I laugh. "Dad's got all the backup he could need."

"Backup-" she clears her throat. "Backup to handle you." Her tone is softer.

"Me?" I shake my head. "Why the hell does he need backup to handle me? I'm not his client who is currently sitting in a jail cell."

"No, but he thinks you are probably the reason his client, uh, Chris, is in here."

I shake my head. "I can't do this." I laugh. "I'm the reason he's out!" I shout.

I stomp over to my father who has just exited the jail with Chris by his side. Casey grabs me and yanks me backwards. "Dad is just stressed. This is already all over the news."

"Already?" I slap my hands at my sides. This is bad. My dad is going to have to do some major damage control to fix this.

"I guess the news caught him when he was being arrested." She shrugs, following him with her eyes as my dad shoved him into the back seat of the van. "I haven't seen them yet."


"The boys." She says. "You said they were back but I haven't actually gone to talk to them or anything. It's weird seeing him in person."

"Girls!" Our father shouts. "Get in the car. Let's go."

Both of us speed walk over the the van. I sit in the middle of Casey and Chris. I pull away from Chris, trying to be as far away from him as I can on this seat.

Casey grabs my hand and pulls me into her.

All of us sit in silence. My father has his head buried in his phone. I am sure he is busy trying to figure out a way to explain all of this to save the band's image.

"Does someone want to tell me why the hell my daughter is in a cast, my client is bloody and bruised, or why my son-in-law looks like he lost a fight?" My dad speaks up? "Right now the only one of you who I'm not pissed at is Casey! That never happens!"

"Gee thanks dad." Casey rolls her eyes.

"I slipped on the ice." I explain the broken wrist. "And for the other two," I laugh. "They slipped too while trying to help me up."

The look on my dad's face tells me he does not believe my story. He shouldn't. It's a terrible cover up. "How did they end up in jail then?" He raises an eyebrow.

"I said something stupid and he hit me, sir." Chris takes over. "It was uncalled for and he had every right to put me back in his place. He was just protecting his family."

My father nods slowly, trying to process.

"How did you know about the baby?" Darren leans forward and asks Chris.

I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping no one else heard him.

"The what?!" Casey squeals. "You're pregnant?!"

I smile awkwardly. "Ha, yup." I shrug. "Surprise. I wasn't ready to tell anyone." I glare at Darren.

Now that he has spilled the news about the pregnancy, it complicates things even more. I already knew the next steps I will have to take could be difficult but now he has added my family to the mix.

The news turns my father's mood around completely. his emotions have done a 180 degree rotation. He is so happy for us and our growing family.

He doesn't know how I ended up with the baby...

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