The True Followers

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"Wh-what is the meaning of this?" Kyo asked himself in shock, trying to grasp the situation he found himself in, he looked around and saw a whole bunch of people around him, far too many to count.

"How did I get here? I was just with Rio in my house. A-and Real Account? What is going on?!"

The teen didn't even have time to gather more thoughts before a man with a mask appeared. He had on a black shirt with "RA" on it along with a cape and pants.

"Hello! It's me Marble! Your mascot of Real Account!"

It's true, Marble is the name of the mini avatar for the app, he's cute and everything. But... this man, while sounding energetic with the mask of the mascot Kyo couldn't have been the only one to feel hidden malice behind this guy's behavior.

"What is going on?!"

"Marble?! What are you talking about?!"

"Send us home!"

"Quiet down all of you!"

The crowd went silent apon Marble's demand, he cleared his throat and began to explain their current position. "You are all trapped in Real Account and if you don't believe me then allow me to prove it to you."

Marble looked up in thought, his hand up to his chin. "Hm, now then all of you have a number on your forearms."

Kyo pulled back the sleeve of his jacket and saw the number 419 on his arm. Instead of asking what it was for he simply just listened to what Marble had to say next.

"Number 30 please come forth"

A man in glasses blinked in confusion and stepped out of the crowd. "Y-yes?"

A large screen popped up behind Marble, it was the man's profile on R.A, he had 215 followers and there were a few pictures of him by himself and with other people.

"215, heh. Not bad at all, you've got a decent following I guess I can admit that"

After Marble's comment on the man's account something very unexpected and shocking happened in the blink of an eye. The man suddenly had an arm pierced right through his chest.

Blood splattered to the floor, from his extreme injury and his mouth as he coughed up more.


That was the only sound he could make before collapsing to the ground, completely lifeless.

"I killed that guy for posting about my looks, rude" Marble pouted, his mask surprisingly changing its expression. "But, he was also an example, please look at the screen."

The audience looked behind Marble once again and were met with a feeling of dread at such a horrific site. There were a bunch of corpses, all had looks of shock as if they couldn't understand what happened to them.

"Remember those 215 followers that man had? Well that's one of the perks of this game! If you die your followers will die along side you!"


Kyo couldn't even gather his thoughts to make a sentence, be it long or short.  Everything moved too fast for him to process, he along with the crowd were completely helpless and at the mercy of Marble and the horror didn't stop there.

"That's not all" Marble chuckled and showed a screen of the man he killed in the real world, collapsed on the floor, blood flowing from his mouth. "When you die here you die in the real world!"

D-die?! That can't be true! But, sadly, it was true. The evidence of the poor man's body in front of him and on the screen was all everyone needed for their fear to be settled in their hearts.

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