Wolf Hunt (1/?)

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The players were all set up in their positions. Everyone giving looks of doubt right off the bat.

All but one person, Ryu. He simply chuckled to gather the attention of those around him, giving them all the smirk.

"Seems like the air is getting heavy around here, I can hardly breathe." He said, "how about we all try to relax a bit? Being so quiet only makes things worse, let's all introduce ourselves."

Ryu chuckled softly and bowed as if he were some kind of host for a party. "Now, I'm Ryu Otanashi."

"Tch, I'm well aware of who you are." A man spoke up, he looked furious as well. "You have quite the track record, you damn asshole."

Ryu looked at the one who spoke out to him. "Oh, and who might you be?"

"I'm Hojo Minataka. You might not know me but what about my sister, Satsuki?"

Ryu put his hands together as if a light bulb went on in his mind and let out a small laugh. "Ooooh yes, yes! I remember her, she did mention to me she had a brother. How is she by the way?"

Hojo clenched his fist, his rage clearly building up. "You already know that answer!" He charged Ryu, clearly ready to assault him but he found his arm caught by Kyo.


Hojo looked at him and pulled his arm away. "Trust me, you don't want to defend this guy."

"I'm not "defending" him, I'm only stopping this situation from getting in the way of the game." Kyo explained, "fighting like this will only make things easier for the wolf, they can sit back while the group crashes and burns."

Hojo took a deep breath to calm down, knowing Kyo was right.

"I personally don't care about what you two had going on in the past, I only care about surviving this game. That should be everyone's main goal."

Ryu chuckled and held up his hands. "I agree, we should all try to get along with each other. I admit my past actions in the last game were cruel but ultimately the end result was the same."

Futaba rolled her eyes and stood beside Kyo, practically hiding behind him as the tension didn't feel like it lessened in the slightest.

"May I speak?" A woman chimed in. She had long red hair and matching eyes and wore a black crop top and a matching skirt with black heels. "I think we should make a group leader"

"Why is that?" Hojo asked.

"Simple: this game is designed to have all but one player work together in order to find the wolf, correct? If we all act on our own then there's no trust along with too much suspicious activity." She replied and pointed to Kyo and Futaba, "those three have been close to each other since we started the game. They are clearly friends but who is to say that one is the wolf using the other?"

"Huh? That's not-"

"True? Please don't take offense I am only using you as an example but I could be correct as well. After all no one has checked their phones yet so our roles are still unknown even to us."

"Exactly, so I suggest you quit with your little "examples" came Kyo's retort, surprising Futaba and the young woman.

"Yeah, what's the big deal?" Tatsu glared at her.

"Oh, my mistake. I apologize" she bowed and introduced herself. "My name is Myu Matsuno."

"Didn't ask."

The woman simply giggled, brushing off the boy's coldness. "Well if it's okay I'd like to play the role of leader."

There was a long pause, seemed like no one wanted to object or it was that no one knew what to do.

"No issues? Well then I guess it's settled, let's all just get settled. I won't force anyone to speak if they don't wish to, we will save it for when it's time to vote or until we have our first inevitable casualty." Myu's voice was sweet and calm, her words had some power behind them, enough to make some think she's used to taking the spotlight.

Kyo walked off with Futaba following him, their action acting as a signal for everyone else to do their own thing for the time being.


"So, um... what's the status on your phone?" Futaba asked, her own device in her hand.

Kyo showed her his screen, his role in the game was a rabbit. Futaba smiled and sighed in relief, her phone matching his. "We're clear."

"Same here" Tatsu raised his phone for them to see.

Kyo crossed his arms, beginning to think about the game. "Clear, huh? That may be true but we have Ryu with us."

"Do you think he's a rabbit?" Futaba asked. "Or a wolf?"

"Worse, an instigator." Kyo replied, leaning against the wall. "He's always talking about having fun and making things interesting so we have some possibilities about him."

He held up three fingers as he made his points. First, if he's a rabbit he'll most likely be disappointed, this making the game boring for him. It's also our safest hope, he'll be on our side.

Second, he's a rabbit. This outcome will make the game far more dangerous, he's a tricky guy and hard to read despite how terrible he seems, there's more to him in the end result.

And finally he's just an instigator. This makes him a rabbit but at the same time to have more fun he'll do things to screw with the group. Helping the wolf more so than us."

Futaba clenched her fist as she heard Kyo's thoughts on Ryu. She truly hated being stuck with him, she knew just how messed up he was.

"What about Myu and Hojo?"

"Hojo, even if he's a wolf won't kill Ryu, it would be too obvious, his outburst already makes that clear enough. Myu on the other hand, I have no thoughts right now but I still don't fully trust her."

Futaba let out an awkward laugh. "Can we really trust anyone right now besides each other?"

Kyo nodded and looked at her. "True, so don't make me regret it."

Tatsu looked up at the ceiling. "You guys think Yuichi will be okay?"

"Of course! He's a smart guy! We'll all be with each other soon!" Futaba smiled, full of confidence.

"That's if he isn't against that Ichiro guy, he's in their group along with that Ayumi girl." Kyo mentioned, letting go of his other thoughts he had on his own group.

"I personally don't think she's all that bad." Futaba said, remembering how Ayumi saved her from Ryu. "But overall let's just have faith in our friend."

The trio continued their chat in what privacy they could have, though they were being watched by their most hated teammate or most hated enemy.

"Heh, seems like they have something going on." Ryu chuckled and looked at his role in the game, smirking like always. "Now, let's see how my next move will play out~"

He looked at the other players and put his phone over his mouth, hiding the grin that formed as his smirk grew wider.

"Shall we begin?"


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