The Other's Perspective

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"Trapped in Real Account?" The teen muttered to himself, listening to the masked man holding him and many other civilians hostage.

They all must play various games to escape, if they die then thier followers die with them.

"Heh, honestly. Such a thing sounds quite interesting I must admit~" He smirked.

This was Ryu Otanashi, a player who found some joy amongst all the panic and fear around him.

The teen looked down at his phone, watching as his followers began to quickly plummet. The man claiming to be Marble explained that if a player dies they die in the real world with their followers, they will also die if they reach zero followers.

Ryu chuckled softly. 'As expected of those consumed by fear' he thought to himself, 'even if they apologize they are ultimately discarding me to protect themselves.'

He felt no anger, no kind of pain whatsoever, in fact, he was curious to see if anyone would dare to stay by his side.

In the end he was left with only 5 followers and that was enough to make him chuckle.. "So, my life is valuable to five people out there huh?"

Ryu looked around, observing his supposed competition.

"Ah, Ayumi is here" He chuckled, seeing the black haired girl in the distance, he continued looking around and noticed a white haired boy.

"Ichiro... the famous hypnotist as well, he could provide some usefulness."

Ryu put his phone is his pocket, his grin nothing but noticeable to those who saw it but also unnoticeable due to the fact of Marble having the spotlight.

He took the chance to walk over to Ayumi, the girl rolling her eyes at the sight of him.


"Now, now. Don't be so heartless, I am one of your followers after all. But obviously I won't condemn you to death~" Ryu teased. "We are a team, so we'll have to support each other, but, I did notice one other person who would make a great inclusion."

"Who would that be exactly?"

Ryu motioned for her to follow him and took her to where Ichiro was.

"Hm? Hi how may I help the two of you?" He asked happily.

"Ichiro, the popular hypnotist on R.A. I am Ryu Otanashi, I won't say I'm a fan but I've heard a lot of good things about you."

"Hehe, looks like my reputation has no limits but let me guess, you want me on your side for this game, huh?"

Ryu could only chuckle. "I appreciate you cutting to the point but yes, your hypnosis skills along with my own talents and with the help of my friend Ayumi here, we would be unstoppable~"

Ayumi watched the two chat, to anyone else it looked like two people acknowledging the other's skill but to her it was simply two people understanding the other to where they ultimately would not like to be enemies.

The three all followed each other and Ryu smirked. "Excellent, our team has been formed and I will take the leadership role. I am counting on you guys."

"Of course!"

"Hmph, whatever."

Ryu put his hands together and glanced at Marble.

"Alright, then let's have some fun~"


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