Read and Ignore (2/?)

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"Why do you keep terrorising her?" Ayumi asked as she sighed.

"Cause why not? What I desire is to see Futaba fall to pieces, she's definitely a wonderful target indeed~" Ryu laughed and crossed his arms, closing his eyes with a smile on his face, "takes me back to when I first began this hobby."

"What made you like this anyway?"

"Heh, what makes all of us who we are? Society of course~" Ryu gave a shrug and waved his hands in a lazy fashion. "But enough about me, I want to talk about you, I didn't expect such an act of kindness."

Ayumi scoffed, her arms crossed as she glanced to the side. "Kindness? I was just stopping your psychotic ass."

"Honestly, you never let me have any fun. What's the wrong in just enjoying myself, living my life the way I was always told to?" Ryu's question would seem like he was asking to be understood to an outsider but to Ayumi, a person who's been around him for years it came off as his usual condescending self.

"Looking up people's private lives, emotionally harassing them to the point of severe stress is just a crime."

Ryu laughed at her words and looked her in the eyes. "Crime huh? You would know all about that huh?"

Ayumi suddenly grabbed him by his shirt, glaring at his smug face, that face that irritates her to no end. "You keep your mouth shut.. you know the reason for what happened so quit trying to be an asshole just once why don't you?"

She released him and swiftly turned her back to him and returned to her room in annoyance.

Ryu simply chuckled, shrugging his shoulders. "Honestly, I was never good with girls."


Futaba regained her composer and cleaned her face up, giving her cheeks a good tap and smiled at herself in the mirror. "Alright, I can't let that jerk get under my skin! You may be scared Futaba but you can't give him satisfaction!"

After her pep talk the girl happily walked back out of her room and bumped into someone at her door.

"Owww..." she groaned and looked at the human obstacle before her.

He was a young boy with short blue hair, dark blue eyes and a small bandaid on his left cheek. He wore a black blazer with a red shirt underneath with long black pants and white and blue shoes.

"Ugh, s-sorry about that little lady," he laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"No biggie! I'm also sorry but who are you?"

The boy smiled and put his thumb to his chest as he introduced himself. "The name's Tatsu Haruhiko! I saw you crying and wanted to console you but you went inside so I waited here!"

Futaba couldn't help but mentally laugh at the fact he really waited for her but also cringed since she was seen crying. "Well, thank you for the thought but I'm better now," she said.

Tatsu smiled and chuckled. "I can see and that's good, seeing a girl cry breaks my heart."

Is he a flirt or something? Or just overly sweet? Either way Futaba liked his vibe, he was already making her forget about what happened.

"Tatsu, right? Come with me for a second."


Futaba took Tastu to meet Kyo and Yuichi and the blue haired boy explained he was in a doll for the attention seeker game. He was saved by Ichiro before the explosion that happened, he even hung out with the boy for a bit but quickly left since he found him to have a few screws loose.

"Right choice, good to see you have a good sense of judgement." Kyo said before dragging Futaba along to the corner and whispered to her.

"Letting you know right now he's your responsibility."

"Hey, he's not a dog or a cat."

"Then why did you bring him like he was some stray?" Kyo replied, "I'll admit I have no issue with him now but if he slows down the group he's out."

Futaba gasped, she didn't think Kyo would let a new person in their little club but hey she didn't even need to ask.

The two returned to Tatsu and Yuichi, explaining their plan for the game and the new member tilted his head.

"Good plan but not good enough I think."

"What do you mean?" Asked Yuchi.

"Think about it, you guys are cooped up in this room, leaving for food at times but even with you trying to avoid certain chaos, what's stopping people from breaking in? It could be multiple, so three versus a mob sounds terrible."

"Then what do you purpose we do?" Kyo asked, raising an eyebrow, not thinking the other boy would think about such things based on his impression he made.

"Simple, look," Tatsu showed them his phone and they noticed he could use three stickers.

"What? But stickers and emojis are locked aren't they?" Gasped Futaba, checking her own phone to see her functions were unusable.

"The arcade, there's a gacha machine that gives perks for our phone, I've got a few like extended time to respond to message, auto filtered messages and things like that."

Kyo looked at the boy's innocent looking face, 'this guy, as dumb as he seems he's actually got a brain.' He thought to himself before asking his question, "how long have these perks been available?"

"Since the start of the game, Marble kept this advantage secret, once I found it I also kept it to myself but of course I'm not the only one who knows about them. The arcade is a public area of course." Tatsu smiled and crossed his arms with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"I think we should go there." Yuichi said, looking at his friends to see if they agreed with him.

"Alright then, fine. Let's go check out the machine at the arcade maybe we can find another advantage." Kyo said and the group made their way to the arcade.


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