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"On me, I belong, with you, and only you, baby"

When you are married to Antonio Ricci you learn a few rules.

Rule number one: Learn how to hide. When Antonio's upset, he is a beast. If you can hide well, he may just give up and show you mercy.

Rule number two: Locking yourself in a room is a habit you will quickly learn to acquire. Antonio will probably just punch through the door or unlock it with a key, but anything that will delay the beatings will be a blessing.

Rule number three: Pain medications are your best friend. After Antonio's had his way with you, you will feel like nothing but crap for a few weeks. Pain medication does not exactly take all the pain away, but it relieves it.

Rule number four: When you marry him, you have signed your soul to him. Every little thing about you is now his. After all, he is a very possessive man.

Rule number five: No matter what, keep your mouth shut. Antonio doesn't like when he's defied. It will result in a very brutal beating if he's angered.

Rule number six: He's not like normal people. He has unexpected mood swings. He has a short temper and he's a bit of a sadistic psychopath.

Rule number seven: He doesn't love you. He's obsessed with you. Don't get tricked. Love isn't abuse. Obsession is.

Rule number eight: He is very controlling. He monitors what you eat, what you purchase, where you go, who you see. Everything about you will soon become his to control.

Rule number nine. Never. Ever. Call the cops. Antonio has connections everywhere. Each and every single cop works for him. If you call the police or anyone for that matter, Antonio will be quickly notified. And as you already know, Antonio won't let any actions that anger him go unpunished.

Rule number ten: You will become so good at acting that you might just consider it as a career. I wouldn't be able to tell you the number of times I stared in the mirror practicing what I was going to say to Antonio to keep him content and happy with me.

Rule number eleven: Get used to nothing. Antonio is a busy man. He owns many businesses which are both legal and illegal. And he works in electronics and other futuristic devices. You will find yourself alone all the time, and Antonio never will allow you to leave the home without supervision. ( Him or him and his bodyguards) That means no working. Just sleep. He has got cameras everywhere so he's monitoring every move you make. You can't trick Antonio.

Rule number twelve: Just simply exist. Don't try to do anything just be the good housewife and make him happy. After all, all he sees you as is an object for wifely pleasures and duties.

Those are not even half the rules I had to learn the hard way while being with Antonio.

Throughout our whole relationship, I was nothing but a punching bag.

I was degraded and abused and seen as nothing but his little toy to take out his anger on.

I thought it was love but I soon realized that love isn't fear. Love isn't tears. Love isn't pain.

But he convinced me that it was. But I have had enough. Sometimes we reach a peak. A moment in life where nothing is acceptable anymore.

And my tolerance for his abuse was dying off.

Antonio has had a sick obsession with me since the very beginning.

I can't tell if he loves me or if he's just obsessed. But one thing I do know is that I've had enough of his crap.

I'm going to run from him. No matter what it takes. I will die fighting.

I mean, anything is better than being with Antonio Ricci.

Including death.

And if death was the only solution.

I was at peace with that.

Because being with Antonio, is like a long excruciating death.

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