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In Antonio's hands held a long taser. The type of taser that felt as if killer bees were inside your body individually leaving stingers in every part of your organs.

Antonio told me all about it. He informed me about how he used it on the people he tortured in his dungeon.

My numb lips finally got some feeling in them.

"Please," I begged in the tiniest voice.

The taser lit up the room as Antonio turned it on.

"Speak." He left no room for a single word to be said when he shoved the taser right into my belly drawing the loudest cry I've ever cried in my life.

He removed it from my belly.

"Don't do this." I pleaded with tears blurring my vision. He turned up the mode of the taser and it shined brighter than before.

He shoved the torture device into my belly again and I felt my soul leave my body.

My cries echoed in the silent room as the torture began.

My cries echoed in the silent room as the torture began

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"I would never even think of leaving you." My head was pounding like my brain was about to explode through my head. My body ached from a pain that I've never experienced in my life. 

It felt like my insides were on a fire.

My nightgown was leaking with fresh blood and Antonio didn't seem to have a care in the world as he proceeded with his torture.

I tried to think of ways to put an end to this wretchedness but I couldn't even think too hard without my brain feeling like shit.

Pleading words fled from my mouth like liquid. 

"You're hurting me." I've said that one a lot but I'm hoping it will work this time.

"It's what you deserve." 

"I could never get pregnant if you continue this mistreatment," 

All of this trauma to my belly would surely mess up a lot of things in my body. I knew I could get Antonio to stop if I used a delicate topic to persuade him with. 

Probably one of his biggest desires is to have a child with me. I personally think it's to trap me but he swears it is because he would adore having a product of our love.

That's partially true, but the trapping part sounds more convincing and much more like my evil husband.

"You're ruining my body!" I wept.

This seemed to grab his attention as he lowered the taser and stood like a statue staring at me. 

He was thinking hard, I could tell by the way he was practically mumbling to himself. Almost as if he came up with an answer, he tightened his grip on the taser and released a chuckle that made my heart drop.

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