Chapter 8

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I was walking home when five boys around my age stepped in front. They asked me, "Sind Sie der Oberbefehlshaber von Ooarais Sensha-Dō-Team? (Are you the head commander for Ooarai's Sensha-Dō team?)" I said, "Ja. Wer sind Sie? (Yes. Who are you?)"

One if them said, "Ich bin Wilhelm Keitel. Das sind Alfred Jodl, Wilhlem Mohnke, Hans Krebs, Wilhelm Burgdoff und Felix Steiner. Wir möchten Ihrem Team beitreten und Ihnen helfen, den Sieg zu erringen. (I'm Wilhelm Keitel. This is Alfred Jodl,  Wilhlem Mohnke, Hans Krebs, Wilhelm Burgdoff, and Felix Steiner. We wish to join your team and help brinf you to victory.)"

I nodded and told them, "Du kannst mitmachen, aber erst nach unserem nächsten Spiel. Keitel, du wirst die Maus kommandieren. Mohnke, die SU-152 "Taran". Steiner, die E-100. Jodl, den Jagdtiger. Krebs, den Leopard. Und Burgdoff, den Tigerjäger Design B. (You can join, but after our next match. Keitel, you will be commanbing the Maus. Mohnke, the SU-152 "Taran". Steiner, the E-100. Jodl, the Jagdtiger. Krebs, the  Leopard. And Burgdoff, the Tigerjäger Design B.)" They nodded and left.

I continued walking until I got stopped by two more people. I asked, "How can I help you?" The first one said, "Ich bin Ferdinand Schömer. Das ist Otto Skorzeny. Wir haben gehört, dass Sie der Kommandant des Sensha-Dō-Teams dieser Schule sind und sich anschließen möchten. (I am Ferdinand Schömer. This is Otto Skorzeny. We heard that you are the commander of this school's Sensha-Dō team and wish to join.)"

I told them, "Du kannst nach unserem nächsten Spiel einsteigen. Schömer, du wirst den Sturmtiger kommandieren, und Skorzeny, die Tiger-Maus. (You can join after our next match. Schömer, you will command the Sturmtiger, and Skorzeny, the Tiger-Maus.)" They nodded and left.  I thought to myself, 'That completes our team.'

I walked over and prepared for our match, as we were nearing land.

Time-Skip- Anzio Match

I was in my Tiger 1, waiting. The match had started and I sent the Tiger (P) to do reconnaissance. The crew reported back, "Wir sehen das Team von Anzio an der Kreuzung. Sollen wir eingreifen? (We're seeing Anzio's team by the crossroads. Do we engage?)" I told them, "Nein. Das ist eine Falle. Das sind Lockvögel. Das sind nicht die echten Panzer von Anzio. Halten Sie sich an unseren ursprünglichen Plan. (No. It's a trap. Those are decoys. They aren't Anzio's actual tanks. Stick to our original plan.)" After a moment of silence the Tiger (P) reported back, "Jawohl." We continued advancing.

Meanwhile back at Ooarai

On Ooarai's school ship, the Taran was being repainted to German colors. Hitler was walking towards the automotive club with Goebbels and Bormanm. A man walked upto them and said, "Mein Führer, the Taran is coming along perfectly and has been finished. We have painted it in the colors of the 8th SS Tank Destroyer Batallion." Hitler nodded and said, "Good. Let me see it." The man nodded and signaled for the Taran to move forward. To say that Hitler was proud would have been an understatement. He couldn't have asked for better.

Hitler smiled at the sight of it. "And the Soviets' greatest tank has been Germanized.", he said. The man smiled and said, "I'm pleased that you're happy mine führer." Hitler turned around and walked away. He told Goebbels, "Ich hoffe, dass unser Plan fast abgeschlossen ist. (I hope that our plan is nearly complete.)"

Goebbels smiled and reassured his führer, "Es ist mein führer. Wir müssen es nur richtig timen. Vielleicht nach dem Finale des 63. Sensha-Dō-Turniers? (It is mein führer. We just need to time it correctly. Perhaps after the finals of the 63rd Sensha-Dō tournament?)" Hitler nodded.

"Ich stimme Goebbels zu. Rommel wird nicht wissen, wie ihm geschieht. (I agree goebbels. Rommel won't know what hit him.)" Hitler and Goebbels began to laugh.

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