Chapter 5

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I was in my apartment thinking about strategies for our match against St. Gloriana's. Currently, we couldn't win if we decided to attack their tanks head on. But if we managed to ambush and trap them, we might have a chance. The match is a Flag tank match, so if we manage to take out St. Gloriana's flag tank first, we win the match. Now my Tiger I should be strong enough to immobilize it with one shell, if it's well aimed that is. Maybe two.

Perhaps a shot to the engine, to immobilize it, and then we shoot the turret ring so that they can't rotate their gun and retaliate. So many options, so little time to choose. I'm going to ask Guderian, Manstein, von Bock, Model, and Rundstedt what they think.

I found them by the tankery sheds, and we sat down, and started planning. I told them, "Wir sollten versuchen, St. Gloriana mit einem Angriff aus dem Hinterhalt in eine Falle zu locken. Wir stellen uns in einer U-Form auf und warten. Wenn sie in unser Sichtfeld kommen, greifen wir an. Ich nehme meinen Tiger 1 und greife ihren Flaggenpanzer an, einen Churchill MK. VII.

Der Panzer 38 (t) wird die hintere Verteidigung von St. Gloriana durchbrechen und mit der Speerspitze auf den Flaggenpanzer zugehen. Der B1 bis und der Typ 3 Chi-Nu koordinieren einen synchronisierten Angriff auf einen ihrer Matilda MK. IVs. Guderian, Sie werden den Hauptpanzer der Kreuzfahrer angreifen. Es wird der schwächste sein. Rundstedt, Sie greifen den Matilda MK an. III, Model, Sie werden Guderian unterstützen.

Bock, Sie werden den M3 Lee, Tiger (P) und Panzer IV anführen, um den Rest der Kreuzfahrer und Matildas anzugreifen. Schließlich Manstein, Sie werden Bock unterstützen. Sind alle einverstanden? (We should to try and trap St. Gloriana in an ambush attack. Set ourselves up in a U shape, and wait. When they come into our fields of vision, we attack. I'll take my Tiger 1, and attack their flag tank which is a Churchill MK. VII.

The Panzer 38 (t) will go around and break through St. Gloriana's rear defenses, spearheading towards their flag tank. The B1 bis and Type 3 Chi-Nu will coordinate a synchronized attack on one of their Matilda MK. IVs. Guderian you will attack the main Crusader tank. It'll be the faatest one. Rundstedt, you are going after the Matilda MK. III, Model, you are going to assist Guderian.

Bock, you are going to lead the M3 Lee, Tiger (P), and Panzer IV to attack the rest of the Crusaders and Matildas. Finally Manstein, ylu are going to aid Bock. Is everyone im agreement?)"

 Is everyone im agreement?)"

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They all nodded. I said, "Gut. Unser Match steht bald an, und ich möchte diese Mädchen über ihre Grenzen bringen. Glauben Sie, dass Sie das schaffen können? (Good. Our match is coming up soon, and I wish to push these girls past their limits. Do you think you can do that?)" Guderian said, "Ja, natürlich. (Of course.)"

Time-Skip- Match against St. Gloriana

Everyone was in position, and I was looking through my binoculars. I saw St. Gloriana's team walking right into our trap. I decided to go for their flag tank now. Leave them in disorder and confusion. I told Klaus, "Zielen Sie auf den Motor des Flaggentanks. (Aim at the flag tank's engine.)"
Klaus said, "Jawohl herr generalfeldmarshall." Klaus took aim, and I waited. When I decided that we could hit the flag tank's engine, I said, "Feuer." Klaus fired and we saw the shell hit their engine.

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