Chapter Nineteen

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(Jox's POV)

"I-I love you."

Delkeles words still echoed away in my head even after he had fallen asleep in my arms, his head a comfortable weight on my chest. Those three little words echoed in my mind for hours and warmed my heart to the point I swear I would melt.

And I'll be honest, when that conversation initially started, I had begun to lose hope. I loathed that he had been pushing me away, and I had forced myself to understand his side, and why he was making the decision he was making. He was just scared for his people. He wanted to protect them, protect all those innocent people who had no right to be dragged into any kind of war, and I had come to terms with that. After all, I wouldn't want my decisions to negatively impact Glacida, or hurt anyone I cared about. I was just saddened that I would have to leave Delkele so it couldn't come to that.

Then he told me he loved me, and at first, I wasn't sure I had heard him correctly. But as soon as I turned and looked at him, seeing the truth and intensity within those beautiful crimson eyes of his, I was filled with the sudden urge to both devour him, and cry, because I was just so damn relieved and happy that he felt that way about me.

No one had ever told me they loved me before, not in a romantic way, at least. Not any of my past relationships, and not even when I had been intimate with my ex best friend, Luthiaer, who I had feelings for, at the time.

Delkele was the only one to have said it to me and meant it, and I was absolutely elated he felt this way about me. And to be completely honest with the time that I spent here, thinking while Delklele slept...I realized that I loved him too. Hell, how could I not be infatuated with him? He was kind, and shy, and incredibly beautiful in a way that made my heart go crazy. From the first moment I met him, I was a gonner.

I felt myself smile fondly as I glanced down at the man in question, his face completely relaxed as his warm breath ghosted across my bare chest. His hair was like a crimson waterfall against a backdrop of porcelain, and when I saw a rogue strand of hair spill between his eyes, I indulged myself and tucked it behind his cute, pointed ear before I trailed my fingers against his smooth cheek, his skin so much warmer than mine.

He was gorgeous, there was no doubt about that, and I felt like the luckiest man alive to be able to hold his heart like this. To be loved by a man so pure and caring.

I nibbled at my bottom lip and moved my hand to the arm that was thrown over my chest, letting it rest there as my mind delved into a different, serious problem.

Was the intimacy and closeness we shared last night going to alter Delkele's decision to marry Emylle? I knew it was pretty stupid of me to wonder, considering I likely already knew the answer to that hard question...but we had an amazing night last night, and he confessed again that he loved me...and I don't know, I guess I was just hopeful that he would call it off, even if it were a dumb, ridiculous hope.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose, trying desperately to think of a solution that would benefit all parties involved with this mess. Where Delkele, Emylle and I could get what we want. But what could it be? Maybe...maybe we should go through with the marriage ordeal...but let Emylle pursue her own romantic interests in private once everything is finalized? It would ensure Eter's treaty with Naraka, and ensure both Emylle and Delkele to be happy on their own terms.

It could definitely work. As long as Emylle agreed with the plan.

My body tensed when Delkele shifted closer to me, a yawn pulling from his pretty lips as he snuggled closer to me and bleerily opened his eyes. "You're already awake?" He muttered against the skin of my neck, causing goosebumps to raise on my arms as I shifted to look at him, giving him a sweet smile.

"You know, you look a lot younger when you sleep."

Delkele blushed darkly and averted his gaze to my chest, his tanned fingers tracing imaginary shapes between my pecks. "As do you. Also, you snore."

I smirked at his pathetically endearing attempt ag a lie, and leaned forward to kiss him on top of his head, causing him to peer up at me curiously. "Cute attempt, Del, but you're as transparent as glass. I totally do not snore."

Delkele smiled sweetly and shrugged his shoulders before laying his head back onto my chest. We were silent for a few minutes, just basking in one another's company. I was dragging my fingers up and down Delkele's spine, while the other man simply laid there in content. After a moment, he spoke, his voice soft. "I want you to stay," he said, shifting his head to look at me. "I don't want you to go."

My heart filled with warmth, and I lifted my free hand to cup his cheek, his skin soft against my palm. "Then I'll stay." I then pulled him closer to me and pressed a loving kiss against his lips, enjoying the taste of him before I pulled away, staring into his beautiful eyes.

Delkele then sighed and sat up, sitting crisscross on the pod, only a blanket covering his nudity as he averted his gaze to the side. "I want you to stay, but...I don't know what to do about Elphes and Emylle." He huffed and covered his face with his hands. "Gods this is such a complicated mess."

I pursed my lips and sat up as well before I reached out and took ahold of his hands, causing the man to look at me through thick, red lashes. "Actually, about that...I may have an idea that could, potentially, satisfy all parties without risking a war or angering anyone." I tilted my head as Delkele's brows rose with curiosity and hope.

"A-And what may that be?" He wondered, voice filled with a desperate hopefulness.

I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck. " go through with the marriage with Emylle, if only to sate the bastard that is her patera. We go through the ceremony, get everything down on paper officially, then, when we're out of the limelight...we let Emylle pursue whatever romantic interests she wants. That way, she's happy, you're happy, and Elphes is happy. If everyone's happy, there's no threat of war, and your people are safe." I then sat back and nibbled my bottom lip, suddenly nervous for some reason. "What do you think?"

Delkele stared at me in silence for a moment, which didn't really help with my nerves, before the taller man nibbled at his bottom lip with a fang. "What if Emylle doesn't agree with the terms? W-What if Elphes finds out we played him? What then?"

I scooted closer to him, giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. "Look, I'll talk to Emylle. She seems reasonable, and I don't think she would want to pass up the opportunity to spend the rest of her life with a man or woman who wasn't in love with someone else. Maybe if we give her the hope to find her own happiness...she'll agree. As for Elphes, he lives on another planet. Spends most of his time there, I believe. As long as Emylle maintains the illusion that the both of you are happy together, should he actually visit, I don't see why he would have any reason to suspect anything amiss." I began nibbling at my bottom lip. "That's the best plan I can come up with that leaves everyone content."

When Delkele started tearing up, I moved forward and pulled him into my arms, holding him close as he buried his face against my neck. "I-If this works..." he muttered against my skin before he pulled back with such hope, my heart ached for him. "Jox, if this works, w-we can be happy together." He then blushed darkly and averted his gaze. "I-If you'll have me."

I grinned and turned Delkele's face towards me before tucking a strand of crimson hair behind his ear. "Of course, I will have you, Delkele." I pressed a kiss against his lips. "I'll always have you."

A/N: Awwww, my buff babies are just the cutest!!!! Lets just hope that Jox's plan actually works, and that Emylle is compliant with the plannnnnn. We shall cross our fingers and hope for the best for our buff cinnamon rolls!

Anywho, hope you all enjoyed the chapter! Lemme know what you think! I love feedback!

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