23. Very British

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My ass hurts like fuck when I was awoken by my alarm. It was 7 in the morning now and the competition was in 3 hours. I was able to sleep for two hours which was not enough to boost me for the competition, adding on the pain my ass was in.

I whimpered when I sat up and pulled my boxers to my waist. I was in the mood for some energy booster I forgot Bryan fell asleep beside him. His hand took hold of my elbow and dragged me back to bed. I fell ontop of him and he smirked when his manhood twitched under me.

"Don't go," He hums kissing my temple.

"I need a run, we have a competition in three hours." I pointed out, his eyes shot open and he sits up with me.

"Fuck, competition." He groans rubbing his eyes.

"I tought you didn't care and I quote; fuck the bloody competition." I rolled my eyes.

"Please don't remind me about yesterday," He begs groaning into his hands.

"Well I'm going to run,"

"I'll go with you,"

He gets up and is about to exit until he realises he had no pants on. He slapped himself and I had to laugh and fall onto the bed when he place his hands on his hips and stared at me.

"I know you like the view," He teases and I had to intentively roll my eyes.


We both ended up running down the streets of the neighbourhood. The weather was humid; not too hot nor cold. I still insisted on wearing a hoodie though, I've got cuts on my wrists. I honestly don't think Bryan saw the butterfly stitches I had by my waist. If he did, shit is about to go down.

I paced up a little when we reached an incline and was greeted by the ray of the sun when we approached the hill. I don't want Bryan to know I cut, anyone in the first place. I want less people to know I cut because I don't want a lot of people to remind me I was a mess once. I just want a small group.

My suicide story is differnet though, it happened months ago and suicide was off my mind now but the need to have blood gush out was still there. I don't think I will be able to not think about cutting in the near future however I so badly wanted to stop but I just couldn't. And that's what makes it dangerous.

"Bullocks!" I yelled when a dog ran across me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I had to take deep breaths and held onto my knees when I felt like they could collapse. Not Warming up was not a good idea. When I got my breath back, Bryan caught up with me sweating and his shirt wet that clung onto his muscular chest.

"You're very british are you, bullocks," He mocks copying my accent. Oh yeah, he doesn't know much eh.

"I'm from California, born and raised but when I was 10 we moved across the globe to Malaysia where I studied in a british school and my American accent was violated causing me to switch into british." I explained panting.

"I see," He squints when the sun started to rise more.

"We should go home and get ready," He suggest and I nod my head as we walked home.

Both of us were to tired to even dare to say a word. We consisted of silences between us and smiles. I blushed when he laced his fingers over mine giving my hand a tight squeeze. And so we walked home holding hands, we ran pretty far, I came to realise.

When I got home, we ran up to my room to avoid my mum. Hell knows we haven't sorted things out yet. I switched the heater on before flopping onto the bed to remove my trainers. Bryan was by his bag checking something on his phone until I finnaly started to say a word.

"What's up?" I asked, he looked up.

"Ashton has just texted me, dad was a drunken mess and there's a chance we might not do the competition." He explains sighing.

"Water's ready, joining me or-" And I regretting saying that.

He followed me suit to the bathroom when he stripped down naked and I was thinking hard of ways to bail out. I don't even know if I should tell him I cut because of the conflict we had yesterday but I wans't too sure about reminding him about yesterday either.

"I saw something this morning when I made love to you, why'd you cut?" He whispers snapping me out and I was back cornered.

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