08. Sex Machine

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"Thank fuck you're here, come on let's get a drink," I coaxed and yanked Lilly out of the booth.

"Someone's a little too thirsty," She coos following behind me to the cashier.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes.

We searched the menu to see what coffee shit they had. I honestly needed some strong shit caffeine because I'm thinking of binge watching TV shows tonight even though I have school tommorow.

"Can I have myself a java chip with an extra shot of coffee," I smiled to the guy at the cashier as he punched my order in.

"I'll have myself a caramel frappe," Lilly cheers and kissed my cheek and skipped back to the booth.

I rolled my eyes at her. I could feel her lip stain on my cheek as I placed a 20 by the cashier. I grabbed my change and walked back to join her. She's so adorable, like a little red head running aorund except she wasn't short for a female.

She had a cheeky smile plastered on her face as I sat in front of her.

"Why what a gentle man, paying for the lady I see." She jokes.

"Well today was pay day from Taco Bell," I joked back.

"Go get my drink," She points to 'collect' counter.

I rolled my eyes and went over to pick up both our drinks. I returned only to be seen with Lilly's adorable grin.

"What's with the grin?" I seek.

"Nothing, it's just that hardly ever has a guy actually taken me out," Hse sighs.

"You serious? You're fucking beautiful and no one has taken you out?" I was honestly shocked at her statement.

"Yeah," She smiles nodding her head. I held her soft hands and smiled at her.

"What do you want, come on. I know you want something in return for getting me starbucks," She groans.

"Ok fine, I need you to tell me who's who."


I laid in bed that night. Revising on who's who in our school. Turns out Bryan and Ashton was the popular guys. And a girl called Ashleigh who happens to be the school whore.  And Lilly was indeed, the newsletter. Or gossip letter. It's not a bad thing, pretty impresive to know all those stuff. I've spent five years in my old school and I didn't even know who the popular kid was.

Then there goes the sex machine, Bryan. So I guess the whole school evolved around Bryan then? Besides the whole 'i'm a jock thinng', he's a working sex maching that's always there to support your sexual needs. I groaned into my pillow, just how could I work my plan with some sex machine by my back.

I flipped my mac open and logged into Netflix. Searched through the TV show lists and found myself snuggled in my duvet with Grey's Anatomy on.


My eyes started to heaved when my alarm buzzed. I jumped realising binge watching TV shows meant staying up until your alarm did it's business. How did that extra shot of coffee kept me up the whole night. Starbucks!

I shook my head and slammed my head on my pillow. I checked my phone to see that I don't even have time to chip in a nap. I set my alarm accidentally an hour late. Oh great, what has my life turned to.

"WARREN!!" A loud shout roamed my room. I swear if I was in a cartoon, objects would be shaking.

"Mum," I groaned but she slipped the curtain allowing the brightest sunlight enter.

"Overslept? Seriously?" She complains.

"Sorry mum, I'll go to school but log in late." I explained.

"I'm going to the office today and Ian asked me for dinner so I'll be back at around 9:00. Bye, there's pizza in the fridge." She says and walks out the door.

I rolled to wake up but I ended up rolling all the way to the floor.

"Ouch," I complained.

I jogged down the stairs in some black shirt and a my school bag. Picked up a can of coffee from the fridge and walked out the door. I blared Blink 182 as I started to walk out the house. By now there were no bus available and I wasn't in the mood to walk to school. I looked around if there were cabs but surprisingly there were none.


By the time I arrived school, I would've already finished listening to Green Day's Album.  Yeah, that long

I walked to the front desk and was greeted by the same red head with plastic smile.

"Where you been sweetie?" She seeks.

"Over slept," I didn't wait for her to ask more. I just signed my name and started to walk to the building.

It was around snack time now so I was left with me and music but on the school library this time. I was about to fall asleep until I felt a presence beside. It was that strong Axe, the same one Brian wears.


Surprisingly, it wasn't him. Rather a girl with crazy hair.

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