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Stephen spent the rest of that day reading. He was hunting around the library in the Sanctum for anything that wasn't a spell book. Eventually Stephen decided on Harry Potter, just because the descriptions of the wizardry and magic and wands and broomsticks were just so ridiculous compared to what magic really was. Whenever he imagined the wizards he knew playing Quidditch it made him actually laugh out loud.

That made most of the time fly by, but after the first novel, Stephen couldn't be bothered to read the second one, so he started to compose a list of people to buy Christmas cards for, because why not? He added Wanda and Loki's names too, writing a little question mark next to them.

Before he went to bed though, he couldn't help habitually checking the messages to Wanda to see if she'd replied. She hadn't. Strange lay staring at the ceiling for ages before he finally drifted off.

Then he started dreaming.

Somewhere on Knowhere: Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now