Chapter 5

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We carry on walking and talking until we arrive back at the hotel finally. I look at my watch, "God it's been 2 hours!" I say. He comes over to look, his body is close to mine again and making me shiver.

"We better get in then," he says. Before Zack opens the door, I pull him back, "thanks for coming with me, I'm glad you did." He smiles. "Oh, and your hoodie," I rustle to take it off even though I really don't want too. "It's fine, you can give it back tomorrow." We share a smile for a moment and then I follow him in.

Frank comes up to me and immediately I get nervous, "Where have you been?" he growls, Zack steps closer to me warily, and Frank spots him and quickly changes his tone, "You missed a good game of Charades," he laughs and walks away but I know it's not over he's just waiting till he's got me alone before he does anything. 

Everyone else are all crowded round the table waiting for us to answer. "Just getting the food, the journey was longer than we thought that's all," I respond. Zack gives me a weary look eyeing Frank which I try to ignore.

As we put the food on the table and Zack puts his hand around my waist, "Want to sit with me?" he whispers in my ear and I smile, "yeah, I'll be over in a moment," I respond making him smile and walk off. The food is handed out to everyone and my mum comes up to me, "What was that?" she asks inquisitively smiling at Zack, "Nothing," I respond, I don't want to say anything until I talk to Brandon, he deserves that. 

"I just wanted to say, thanks for coming, I know you didn't necessarily want too." I smile. "I'm glad I did though, Zack and I got to sort out a lot of things, actually do you mind if I go sit with him instead?" She smiles, "Yeah sure."

After dinner, I go up to my room early, I need to be honest and straight forward with Brandon once and for all. I fight with myself inside. Am I making the right decision? I press face time and it rings twice before Brandon's face appears on the screen smiling, it almost breaks my heart - almost. 

"Hey," he says. I smile back. I am such a monster for doing this to him. "What's wrong?" he asks looking at me carefully. "Brandon we need to talk." I say. His smile vanishes and I watch his Adam's apple bob in his throat. "Okay..." he replies unsurely. 

Tears start to form in my eyes, "It couldn't wait, I'm trying to be honest with you and so I have to tell you. I k-Kissed Zack tonight I'm sorry Brandon, you have to believe me I am so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you or do this. I don't know how it happened." 

He looks speechless and hurt and I just want the earth to suck me into a hole. "Please say something," I beg him. He takes a deep breath and I try to wipe some of my tears away with the sleeve but in Zack's hoodie and it just reminds me of him and what I did to Brandon. 

"Well...Do-Do you have feelings for him." I can't answer and I think we both already know the answer. He puts his head in his hands, "Shit," he whispers in anger to himself. "Are you saying you want to break up?" he asks. 

His eyes are red. "I'm really sorry Brandon," I whisper crying into my hands. There's a long silence, "I love you Emma, I always will but I want someone who loves me only back and there's obviously something between you and Zack." There's a silence, both of us thinking.

" there any chance we still be friends, I can't lose you Brandon," I say any hope inside of me left awaiting for his answer. 

He takes a deep breath rubbing his hands over his face, "I'm going to need some time..." he says and I can't blame him. 

"I'm so sorry Brandon," I say and then he says goodbye and ends the call. I throw my phone down and flop back into my bed before walking to the bathroom to wash my face, wiping the tears away.


I hear people coming up the stairs. Soon after I hear the door open and close and heavy footsteps. I gulp and open the bathroom door, Frank is there, and he's drunk. It's always worse when he's drunk. 

Panic starts pounding at my chest as he grabs both my arms and slams me into the wall hard, squeezing his finger nails into my skin. 

He growls close to my face, "Don't leave my sight with that boy again otherwise it will be worse," and pounds me back against the wall but as he does it he stumbles back a bit dizzy and I quickly slip away and out the door nearly running into Zack whose passing by to get to his room. 

He holds me a second, "Woah, what's wrong?" he asks quickly. He spots Frank stumbling out my room and tenses. "Can I come to your room for a minute, I need to talk to you," I say quickly, already backing away from my own room. "Yeah sure," he says following me.

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