Chapter 1 *uwu*

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Edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2021
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It was another boring day in Harry's life. Yesterday he had arrived at the castle and had attended the grand feast. He was starting his 6th year and he was not at all looking forward to it. He had received his time table, earlier this morning at breakfast. He was a little relieved after realising this year was not as hectic as the previous ones.

Harry was eleven when he got the admission note from Hogwarts. It wasn't really a surprise because he knew he was a half blood and had already showed signs of magic. He lived in an orphanage for children with witch and/or wizard parents. His muggle mom died while giving birth to him and his wizard dad passed away soon due to a heart attack. He didn't really remember his parents but he still loved them and was thankful that they gave him his life.

It was lunch time and he was sitting under a tree reading a muggle story-book. He wasn't shy, he just preferred being alone with his mind and surrounded by nature than being around people. The soft grass around his bare calfs felt like clouds and the chirping of birds gave him a sweet background music to hum too.

It wasn't like he didn't have any friends. He did. He was in Hufflepuff and had two best friends from Griyffindor- Niall and Liam. He loved them but they could be a handful sometimes. Niall was sweet and energetic and he had beautiful fake blonde hair with dirty brown roots. He was always doing something, whether it was eating or talking or carrying out a silly prank. He loved eating. Sometimes it felt like the only thing he needs in his life are chicken breasts.

Liam was kind and funny. He was the type of person you can easily have a laugh with. He has brown hair matching with his brown eyes. If Harry had to describe him, he would describe him as a bear with nice abs and biceps. He was calm, sweet and caring. A nice lad.

Harry started to feel a little bit chilly due to the cold breeze. He ran his hand through his hair, tugging at some knots. He had started to grow them out a little. He liked his hair, it was soft, silky and curly, he was a brunette and had green emerald eyes. He was really tall, like 6ft tall. He sometimes felt like it attracted a lot of attention. He didn't really like to attract attention to himself.

He was zoning out while reading the book when a group of loud whistles and laughs shook him out of his trans.

He looked up from his book and saw a group of Slytherin students walking past him, talking about Quidditch. But the one who caught his eyes was the english blue-eyed boy. His name was Louis and Harry didn't like him much. It wasn't anything specific, he met him in his first year and they just didn't click. The feeling of hatred was mutual, they have already come to terms to that, thankfully.

Louis was just so mean and arrogant. He thought that the world revolves around him but he's wrong. He's not more than 5'7ft tall. But that made him cuter than he already was, he had beautiful dark-brown, feathery hair and Harry wondered how they would feel against his fingers. He realised what he was doing and let out a breath.

Damn Louis and his fucking blue eyes.

The thing was that Louis was really handsome, anyone with eyes could tell that. And that made Harry hate him more, because he was the rudest person on this planet with what can be explained as garbage as an excuse for his personality.

With Louis, there was Draco- another person Harry didn't like, he had silver-white hair and was a cunning dickhead. Then there was Hermione- Draco's girlfriend, she was ok, not a bad company. Harry knows this because he once got paired with her for a potion's assignment and she wasn't that rude. OK to work with. She also sometimes, sits in the library with him because, well Harry is smart. And then there was Pansy. She was a total freak and a bully, he stayed away from her.

At last there was Eleanor. Harry didn't like her much. He called her Smeleanor sometimes. Pretty creative, if you asked him. She had a huge crush on Louis. Everyone in the school knows that. She's head over heels for the lad and Louis completely ignores her. As if, either he's clueless or doesn't give a shit.

The bell rang and he got out of his haze. Harry got up to go to his next class. Care of Magical Creatures with Ravenclaw.

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