Chapter 3 *uwu*

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Edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2021
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Harry was going so fast, he didn't even realize who he had bumped into. An 'Oops' left his mouth and when Harry opened his eyes he saw a lad sitting on the floor rubbing his behind, grunting, head bowed down.

Harry got on his knees and asked, concern dripping from his voice, "Are you OK mate? I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you hurt? Do you want me to take you to Madam Pomfrey?"

The boy on the floor, tilted his head upwards and Harry realised who he was. Louis. It was Louis. All the colour drained out of Louis' face like he had seen some ghost come back to life, when he realised who he had bumped into.

Then everything happened really fast. Louis backed away from Harry in lightning speed, stood up on his legs, hissed an 'of course it's you, dickhead' with a heavy northern accent and ran away.

Harry was dumbstruck. He was still on his knees, a shocked expression glued onto his face. As much as he liked Louis' accent, he was pissed right now. Louis just bumped into him, in all his glory, didn't even apologise for it, called him a dickhead and ran away.

Harry was really angry. He wasn't the type to be though. He was all about treating everybody with kindness but Louis got on his nerves. The little kindness which was left in him for Louis was all gone.

He was currently climbing down the steps, to reach the basement and was fuming with anger. That son of a bitch was so arrogant, he didn't even had the decency to say a small 'it's ok, m'fine'.

When he reached the basement, Harry tapped the barrel two from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', which made the door swing open, exposing a passageway that lead to the Hufflepuff common room.

He walked through the common room straight to his dorm. The Hufflepuff common room was the comfiest and the coziest. There were many windows with potted plants everywhere. A fireplace with couches all around it with soft pillows and tables and chairs to play wizard chess. The walls were painted in a light amber colour. Being close to the kitchen, the common room smelt like freshly baked bread and chocolate coffee.

His anger had now turned into exhaustion, he just wanted to sleep, he didn't care. The day couldn't get any worse than it already has. Hopefully. When he entered into the dorm room, he saw that Cedric, his roommate, was not here yet.

Cedric was a handsome lad, his cheekbones were defined, though not as sharp as Louis' but Harry was furious with Louis so it didn't matter. Cedric was not that bad of a company, he was chill and fun.

Harry quickly stripped out of his robes and slided into his sheets with just boxers. He likes to sleep naked but because he has a roommate he had to put boxers, just in case.

He liked his school. It was different from a muggle school but not that bad. He was a half-blood, so he was already familiar with both magical and muggle world.

Hogwarts didn't allow the students to use their wands outside classes, if permission given otherwise. It was a new rule but Harry liked it, it meant no magical fights between two students.

Harry's thoughts started to wander around to his orphanage in London, his friends there, his sister Gemma (she was half squib, she didn't show any sign of magic and right now, attends a muggle college), Niall and Liam, Louis.... No, not him. Definitely not him.

When his eyes started to drop a little, he heard the dorm room door open, it was Cedric. He said a short 'good night' to Harry and he hummed in acknowledgement.

Soon after, his eyes started to feel heavy and the night breeze slowly lulled him into a good night sleep.

Maybe? (L.S.) *Harry's Pov*Where stories live. Discover now