Chapter 4 *uwu*

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Edited on Wednesday, 27th October 2021
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Harry was eating breakfast with Cedric at the Hufflepuff table, the next morning. He woke up today, sporting a hard on. That was not the usual morning wood, it was because of a strange dream he had and he would never ever think about it, ever again. He has totally forgotten about it. Of course.

He went for a cold shower after that. He didn't want to wank, not after that dream, for sure, and he didn't want to wait it out either, because it was getting painful now. He got dressed in his black and yellow robe with crisp white shirt and black pants. He also wore a Hufflepuff tie. His hair was lower than his ear, so he put it in a half ponytail. He thought he looked adorable.

He was eating toast when he saw an owl flying towards him. He made space for the owl and it landed in front of Harry's plate. He took the parcel and the owl fled away. This was very unusual for Harry, because he didn't get any percels, like ever. His sister was half squib and she definitely didn't know how to send an owl post. He opened the letter attached to it. It said,

I'm sry

Now that was really, really unusual. It didn't even have a name! He was a little skeptical about opening the parcel but he gave in. The parcel contained a small rainbow-coloured, bondage (it had body straps on so Harrys thought, that is, what it meant), Teddy bear.

Now that was definitely creepy. It was cute but- he didn't really know what was wrong. Maybe the fact that it had body straps and blindfold on. It also looked like someone owned it before, because it didn't specifically looked brand new. Harry thought of throwing it away, but it was a gift, he didn't know who gave it to him, but it was still a gift and it was really cute.

After breakfast he went for his potions class with Slytherin. Snape's class. Snape was OK, well just because Harry was smart and one of the best student in his class, but he didn't really mind it. The classroom was in the dungeons, oval in shape with large windows. The windows didn't allow any sunlight to pass in, for some reason, making the room really dark.

He entered the class and saw Slytherin students sitting in the front, laughing. He sat in the back with Cedric and waited for Snape. After some time, Snape entered the class and announced that they will be going to make the wit-sharpening potion, in pairs, one Hufflepuff student and one Slytherin student.

Harry was not worried because he knew he's gonna get paired up with Hermione. He always did. He looked around the classroom and all the colour drained off his face, when the realisation hit him. Hermione wasn't there. She was skipping potions today. She didn't skip any class, like ever. It was ver unlike-Hermione like

Harry was so shocked, he didn't even realise when Snape called out his name. He turned his face to the front, and saw Snape glaring at him. He spat out a 'Styles go and sit with Tomlinson' and moved to the next pair.

Harry didn't think the day could get any more worse. There was definitely someone out there, seeking some kind of revenge. He slowly turned to look at Louis and saw him staring back. Harry stood up and walked towards Louis' table. He sat down next to him without saying a word.

Louis was still staring at him, it looked like he was stuck there, his eyes wandered on Harry's face. From his silky, soft brown curls, to his beautiful green emerald eyes. His eyes looked like a green ocean of emotions. Then Louis' eyes travelled down, to Harrys lips and his breath hitched. Harry's lips were pink and plump and full, very feminine-like.  Harry was squirming in his seat. Why the fuck was Louis looking at him like that?

Harry cleared his throat and startled Louis out of his faze. He mumbled a quiet 'fuck' and they started paying attention to Snape. The class went alright, Louis was smart too, surprisingly. Their potion was the best in class and they got dismissed. Before leaving Louis let out a small 'you're welcome' to Harry and speaded out of the room. It was, as if, not meant to be heard, but Harry heard him anyways.  He was confused though, he didn't understand what Louis meant by that.

He didn't think much about it and went for his next class, Transfiguration by Ms. McGonagall.

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