Chapter One

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     The war was over, most had survived but the one that mattered most, didn't. It had happened right before my eyes, we where fighting back to back like always. A monster ran up in my blind spot but Annabeth was busy fighting her own battle and didn't see it. Right when it was about to strike me in a fatal spot, Annabeth jumped between me and the sword it held. 

   The monster had hit her, she had taken the hit that was meant for me. It seemed to play in slow motion as she fell to the ground. I caught her before she hit the ground and her stormy grey eyes found mine, in the midst of all this chaos she seemed peaceful. A soft smile had graced her face as she looked up at me. 

"Percy." Her hand reaches up to hold my cheek, a tear rolls down my face.

"No, you're going to make it wise girl." I get up to carry her to the medics, but she stops me.

"Oh seaweed brain, you know I won't make it. The blade was poisoned and hit a crucial artery." Her thumb rubs off my tear and continues to do smoothing circles on my cheek.

"You have to live for both of us, okay. Go see your mom after this ends and tell my dad please. Tell him I love him and that," she coughs and I take her hand and squeeze it, "that I love him."

"I will. Trust me wise girl, we'll go see all those places you wanted to see. The Washington Cathedral or what about the Lincoln Memorial, huh those seem nice." She smiles and I play with her hair.

"I love you seaweed brain." Her eyes stare into mine as she smiles softly at me, I smile back.

"I love you wise girl."

"See you in Elysium, but not too early or I will judo flip you." She coughs again and I know she doesn't have long.

"I wouldn't dare go against your orders." I lean down and kiss her forehead. As I do so she takes her last breaths.

   I get up with her in my arms and tears in my eyes I carry her to the side of the battle field where she'll be safe from everything. I move through the battle a sadistic smile on my face and tears running down my face. The Demi gods who see me seem to move away from me and the monsters hesitate before going towards me. 

   Everything was a blur from there, I finally went back to the real world when there where no more monsters to fight. The rest of the seven come up to me, we where ready to fight Gaea. The ask about Annabeth, I just shake my head and stay quiet. They look down but don't say anything  we move forward. We all know we have to get her away from her power source, we're running and we where almost there. 

"I got this, don't worry."

"Wha- Percy!" 

   I run gathering water around me in a hurricane, if I was tired I didn't notice. All I knew was I have a lot of anger and sadness in me and I was going to defeat her, even if it took my life. When I get to her she has that serene smile on and her black hair falls again her face. 

"Ah, alas little Demi god you have come here to fight?"

"You're going to lose."

"Why are you so sure of that." The earth around her moves to her command, vines grow a reach out for me but I cut them and dodge them. The Hurricane around me grows stronger every second and she realizes it. 

"Because you made me mad, and when I'm mad," I chuckle but it isn't full of life like usual. It was dark and promises death. "Let's just say it never ends well."

  With everything in me I pick her up off the ground and her power weakens, I hear the Gods and Demi gods shouting at me but I ignore their pleas to blinded by my anger. Riptide clutched in my hand, water swirling around us I strike at her. She uses some of her power to bring earth to us but the hurricane surrounding us washes the dirt away, making the water turn a brownish color.

   For the first time, she looks afraid. I strike over and over till my arms are weak but I continue for my wise girl. Eventually her being gone from her source weakens her enough where she can't fight back, I take riptide one last time before I strike her right where Annabeth was hurt. I pull out my sword quickly and strike her one last time in the heart, for the pain I feel there. 

   As one last stand I urge the water around her as she morphs into dirt and I use the water to disintegrate her. The hurricane slowed down as I go to get closer to the ground, the water helps me not to pass out from exhaustion. I reach the ground and everyone stares at me in shock. The seven run up to me and then I black out.


   I open my eyes and I see Will moving around the infirmary treating Demi gods, very few are wounded badly and I take that as a sign that's it's been a few days since the war. Nico sits watching him move until Will tells him to stop being lazy and help. When he looks over at me his eyes widen to seeing that I'm awake.

"Percy!" Will's head snaps back to my bed and he starts fussing over me asking all kinds of questions as Nico runs out, getting the seven I guess.

"Will, I'm fine I promise." The seven, Nico, and Thalia run in and break out into smiles see that I'm awake and okay. They each take turns scorning me and punching me much to Wills protest, I smile at them softly. I just wish she was here.

   Chiron comes in and nods his head at me and the rest head out seeing as he probably had something to say.

"It's not your fault."

"Yeah well if had been paying attention she wouldn't have jumped in front of that blade." I look down at my hands angry at myself. 

"Percy, it was her choice. You couldn't have stopped her."

"Doesn't mean I couldn't have prevented it." He sighs knowing it'll take awhile to convince me otherwise. 

"The funeral is soon, we all decided to wait till you woke up seeing as you where a crucial part of everything here. After that it is by the gods request you and the rest of the seven plus Nico, Thalia, coach hedge, and Reyna visit Olympus to be rewarded for your efforts."

"Thank you for waiting, how many days has it been."


   We sit in silence until he's called away and everyone enters again. The inform me of everything that has been happening the last few days and I just sit and listen. Eventually they leave and I head to my cabin, after strict orders from Will to be careful, I walk in going straight to my bed. I reach under the pillow and grab the small box under my pillow, when I open it a ring  is there. A sea green and stormy grey jewel there and engraved inside the ring is 'Seaweed Brain & Wise Girl, Never apart again'


First chapter complete! 

I don't know about you guys but I teared up a little.

Thank you for reading my book and I hope you come back for more, just don't forget to comment and vote!

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