I Can Finally Afford One

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My name is Jake Stone and today is finally the day! I have been saving for over two years to finally purchase my very own Demi-Human.

All my friends, co-workers, the news media, and even my family have said how useful they are. I am told they can clean, cook, and do all the chores around the house with no problems, which is exactly what I need.

As I work nearly sixty hours a week at my advertising firm, Steele's Ads, I need the help. The maid service provided by my apartment building is outrageously expensive. The yearly cost alone nearly doubles my rent.

I've even heard you can have your Demi pleasure you on command and they are into it. That would be so nice. I just don't have time to date with my current schedule and some relief now and then would be awesome.

I am walking out of the office early and I have taken tomorrow off to arrange the party I have to host the next day. I can feel my excitement pierce through to my smile and there is a pep to my step.

"Stone! Hey, Jake Stone." Sounds from behind me and I turn. Walking up to me is Brandon Williams.

Brandon is an agent at the firm, the same as me. He's blonde, in his forties, and thinks he's better than everyone else. I don't blame him either. He has designed and guided the most successful ads in the company to date, meaning big-time money and perks. All the ladies think he's gorgeous. I hate the guy because of how condescending he is, even if it was he who convinced me to save for a Demi all those months ago.

"Brandon. What's up?" I ask, trying to not let his annoying face ruin my good mood.

"You're going today, right?" He asks, giving me a knowing smile.

"I am. I'm leaving right now." I answer quickly then turn to go. Before I can take a step, Brandon's arm is around my shoulder.

"Don't be so hasty, Jake. I'll walk you out, buddy." His cologne is so overpowering, it threatens to make my eyes water almost as much as I want to punch him.

"I appreciate it, Brandon." I lie. "But, I don't want to miss my appointment."

"We can walk and talk. It'll be fine. So, have you decided on what kind of Demi you want?"

"I don't know yet. I want to see them first." I hedge. I am leaning towards a Kitsune or Neko myself, but he will try to talk me out of both and to go for something different or new.

We have a variation of the coming conversation often since he convinced me to look at the brochure he had. It was covered in all sorts of sexy female Demi-Humans in skimpy outfits. I'll admit, it peaked my interest

He will ask his question. I will suggest a Lupina, the dog-humans, or something common like it. He will push for something exotic like a rhino-girl, or mantis-girl, and I will refuse.

"Of course you do. But think about this. Something exotic might not be around later in case you change your mind and have to use your free one-time exchange token." Brandon reminds me. Again.

"I know." I roll my eyes and Brandon finally takes his arm off me now that we've reached a more populated hallway. I need to get him to leave me alone or I really might miss my appointment. I have to piss him off and the easiest way to do that is to win an argument. So, I do. "Ah, but what if there's something better next time that wasn't here this time?"

His eyes widen in realization. "That is true." He says, his hand on his chin. His eyes go suddenly angry for a brief second when he realizes my point is just as valid as his. Then his greasy smile returns. "No matter what you do, stay away from Nekos. They are so common." His tone sounds disgusted.

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