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Tough love 

Tough love is the act of treating a person harshly or sternly with the intent to help them in the long run.

I'm a terrible mother, well that's what most people say. Lock my daughter in a cage and tie her up with iron chains, why? Because I'm the Mistress of Evil!!!

But that's not true, I would never do such a horrendous thing! Especially to my own flesh and blood.

I want my daughter to grow strong and independent. 

She should never depend on anyone!.

If I do too much for my child, my child will not do much for herself.

So my dear beasties, let me tell you the real story of how I raised my daughter.

Maleficent Jr.

Notice anything, my lovelies? First person to notice wins a shout out in the next chapter!!!

Tough Love 🐉( A Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now