Chapter 9

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"Hello there," an older woman said, walking up to mal.

"Hi," Mal said in response.

"Now, have we met before"

God forbids.

Mal shook her head. "No, I don't think so. I'm new. I'm sort of like a transfer student"

Smart. Smart. I know I raised you well.

"Oh, yes"

"Grammy," Audrey said, smiling at the older woman. "Oh, Audrey" the woman exclaimed "come give grammy a kiss"

If that brat's beastie's kid then that must be...Leah


"Sleeping Beauty's mother," Audrey told her, Breaking away from her grandmother's embrace. "Grammy, I don't think you want to be near this girl. Unless you feel like taking another hundred-year nap."

I change my mind this cannot be beastie's child

"What?" Leah asked "You...How are you here and how have you stayed so young?"

...We look nothing like each other.

"Queen Leah," Ben said, quickly coming to his girlfriend's defense. "It's ok. Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a second chance?"

Second chance...I don't remember them getting a first.?

A chance to destroy us !!? Come on, you remember the poison apples and the spells!? Curses?

Queen Leah turned back to Mal "My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps, I missed it all"

...Last I checked my curse said before the sunset on Aurora sixteen birthday- It did not say from birth to sixteen. You still good have raised her but instead decided to give her to three women who had no business taking care of a child. To be honest I raised her instead.

It all went downhill from there. Ben's parents told him it was his fault, Evie knocked Chad out, Everyone made sure Chad was alright not caring that he assaulted Evie. typical Auradon.

I mean it's Auradon what did you expect. Growing up children are taught the difference between a hero and a villain. A savior and a lost cost but what if the only difference really is just who's telling the story.

Mal almost laughed and to think that they were gonna change for Auradon. For a place that would never accept or want them. They were going to defy everything they ever knew, learned all for a better life, a life where they wouldn't have to keep looking over their shoulders, they wouldn't have to steal, No more rotten food, they would have been able to live a life of freedom. Freedom that was stolen from them since birth. Trapped on an island as Auradons prisoners for sixteen/seventeen years without a second thought and Mal was as sure as Tartarus that if it weren't for Ben they wouldn't be here, Pity there won't be anymore Auradon.

Hey, that's one of my domains!!

...Spoiler Alert Auradon still stands.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow," Mal said as she faced her friends armed with a fake smile so as to not reveal her true emotions. "Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand.

The four of them walked off in the opposite direction of the auradon kids. 

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