Chapter 4

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Hey everybody I know I was going to update yesterday but!! Someone updated the last official chapter of their book while I was editing this And it was so sad that I was crying real-life tears after the little break down I looked back at my Doc's and realized I didn't save half the chapter so I had to do that this morning and crying makes you tired so...... hence the late update sorry. It's a short chapter btw.

Today was the day that Mal and Uma's friendship was going to end. Lately, Mal had been feeling threatened by Uma's evilness and felt she needed to take out the competition, hence her perfect plan was put into action. Cruella and her son were both taking a stroll past the docks without Any clue that they were about to be pelted with smoke bombs. The girls hid behind some wooden boxes of shrimp to not be seen. During the attack Mal made it look as if she slipped for Uma to come and check if she was alright.

I always liked that Uma girl. It's a shame they didn't last.

"MAL!!". Kneeling to look in the water the teal-haired-haired pirate couldn't see any signs of the person who would become her former best friend.

"MAL" she yelled again, turning around to see her friend all dry with a bucket of shrimp larva "Are you okay!?"

"I am now," she smirked. Dumping the shrimp onto Uma's hair "This friendship is over shrimpy" Mal laughed and skipped away.

Uma stood there completely drenched and humiliated with the islanders shouting what mal's new gang would start to call her.

That's how villains are made: the good that was in that child will be partially covered until someone; maybe a true love or friend can uncover it again.

"Shrimpy. Shrimpy. Shrimpy."

Fighting back tears she made her way back to her mother's shop to try and wash the stink out of her hair while making Mal her new rival.

Mal had arrived home a few hours ago. She didn't know why she was feeling this miserable. She wanted to apologize but her life wouldn't let her in a few minutes she would be meeting up with Jay and they would form a new crew but for now, she would just lay on her bed.

Maybe one day in the future they could be friends again.


Hades: I want my version of this story to be told *approaches me in front of my laptop*

Maleficent: Absolutely not! *also approaches*

Hades: No one cares about your opinion

Maleficent: Must you have everything?

Hades: yes I AM A GOD!

Me: Okay everybody chill out, Hades what would it be about?

Hades: My daughter obviously

Maleficent: She's my Daughter only!

Hades: Since Uh☝🏽when. (if you understood that, you're my favorite person now)

Maleficent: Since you left!

Me: *clears throat*

Maleficent: Do as you please. I'm out of here.

Hades:*watching maleficent retreating form* It would be a story of why I left my child and her mother.

Me: Interesting I like it.

Me: Readers Assemble what do you say? Should we give Hades a Book?

Hades: YES!!!!!!!!

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