«The Springs»

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They were in the springs, due to Zhongli's insistence of wanting to treat Childe. They were sat side by side and were close, so close. Childe could feel his face going red. It was probably the spring and the steam, right?

"It's uh... odd to see you with your hair out Xiansheng." Childe said, trying to make conversation.

"Well, I thought you'd like it." Zhongli said with a small smile gracing his lips. Childe could feel his face getting redder. Fuck.

Childe wouldn't admit it, but Zhongli looked pretty nice with his hair out. He wouldn't admit it, never in a million years.

Zhongli took one of Childe's hands and kissed the palm. Childe panicked and looked around to see if there were other people around.

Zhongli gave a low chuckle at this and pulled him closer. Childe could feel his body heat and he wanted to faint then and there.

"Don't worry. It's just us." Childe gulped.

He felt something enter his entrance. A finger, not clawed this time thankfully. He squirmed as the archon held him by his waist, his gaze never wavering from his body.

"N-not here!" But Childe's pleas fell upon deaf ears as Zhongli continued, his speed consistent.

"I'm seriously going to- Zhongli! No-"

Childe let out a whimper as he came. He felt the finger leave him and he felt empty. He wanted more.

He began to pant however, when Zhongli left bite marks on him, started to trail kisses and suck on bits of his skin. Fuck, Fuck- He was losing himself in ecstasy and could no longer hold in his voice.

This time he felt something bigger enter him.

"Zhongli I don't think-"

"It will be fine Ajax."

Zhongli thrusted himself into Childe, fully entering him. Childe gave out a small yelp and shuddered. His insides felt like melting already.

"Ajax, I'm going to move now."

Childe felt his sensitivity going off with each thrust. He was losing it and he was close. It didn't help the fact he knew Zhongli kept watching him say obscene things and that Zhongli kept smothering him with light kisses. He was really close now and so was Zhongli.

He heard a low grunt from Zhongli and the next thing he knew he was filled to the brim with his seed. Childe came moments after that.

"Next time... In the bedroom..." that was all Childe could mutter before passing out on Zhongli's shoulder.

(Here you are you horny fucks)

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