Chapter 12

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Iruka startled, falling back on his butt in shock. The ANBU in front of him shifted again, groaning as he went.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Iruka asked.

The ANBU seemed to pin him in place with a stare. "Yeah. Just low on chakra. It'll pass." His voice was deep, but still carried some of the lightness of childhood. And here Iruka thought he was an old man!

"Oh that's good. Mama says it's important to get help if your comrades are injured."

The ANBU nodded and remained silent.

Iruka squirmed a bit before remembering his camera. "Oh, I'm sorry I almost took a picture of you. I've never met an ANBU before and I really like your mask."

"Usually you aren't supposed to see us," the ANBU reminded him. "Who gave you that?"

"My mama!" Iruka smiled. "I got it for my birthday! I'm ten now!"

"Oh yeah?" He sounded tired. "You any good?"

"Course I am!" Iruka dug his little notebook out of his pocket and held it out. "Look!"

The ANBU didn't move.

Iruka nearly smacked himself. Of course he didn't move! He said he was low on chakra!

"Wait okay I'll show you."

They lost time going through Iruka's photos, both sidled up together at the base of the tree, Iruka would hold one up and tell him all about it. Some of them were of his parents, some were of flowers or the Hokage rock. The ANBU seemed especially interested in one he took of a stray dog stealing a slice of watermelon from a shop.

"Mama says photos are memories so I gotta make sure I take pictures of things I want to remember." Iruka said smartly. He glanced up to the ANBU beside him. "Do you take pictures too?"



"There's not much in my life I want to remember right now." The ANBU admitted quietly.

Iruka stared at him for a second. He'd never heard someone sound so sad. He thought back to how he found him, slumped alone against a tree, hidden away from the world. It was only by chance Iruka had found him at all. It made Iruka's heart hurt to think his new friend was so alone.

"Will you..." Iruka paused, suddenly nervous. "Will you remember me?"

The ANBU turned to consider him silently and Iruka did his best to keep his returning gaze steady.

"Then promise we will be together," Iruka pleaded.

"Here." The ANBU reached for the camera with sharp-gloved hands. He considered it for a moment before turning it so the lens faced the two of them. "Let's make this memory together."

Iruka's smile was sunshine bright as he got closer to the ANBU, practically vibrating with excitement. He could feel the ANBU's shoulders shake with a hidden laugh. Iruka knew even without their photo... He would never forget this.


End of Flashback

"You... Remember that, The Third Emperor said to erase that memory," I said awkwardly.

"Of course! I would never forget about that!" Iruka yelled, puffing his cheeks out and crossing his arms in a cute way.

I smiled, carefully pulling his cheeks and rubbing his soft hair. Iruka seemed to react to the affection by his skin turning bright red.

"Can I kiss you?"

Iruka bit down on my bottom lip, nodding.

"Then close your eyes."

Iruka shut his eyes, tilting his head slightly. My hand moved to the small of his back, steadying him.

I tilted my head, and I felt his hair brush my ear as my lips met his.

I moved my hand down his face, resting it on the back of his neck. I wrapped my arm around his waist as I moved my mouth against his, anxiety and worries making way to numbness.

It was the kind of kiss that was so intoxicating your brain couldn't handle thinking about anything else. We only broke when we needed to breathe, and I briefly basked in the image of his heavy-lidded eyes and slightly messy hair before our lips met again....

"Let's get back home now, and maybe make your dream a reality," I whispered before carrying Iruka in a bridal style and heading back.

"What took you so long, I thought you got captured again!" Naruto yelled jokily, giving me a sly look before walking away proudly. Sasuke just gave a bored look before following Naruto, leaving both of us to our thoughts....

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