Chapter 6

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I don't own Naruto or any of the characters in the story.

As we got everything we needed, we headed back to Kakashi's home, only to be stopped by a woman with red eyes and a tall tanned man, who both looked like very serious people, well that what it 'looked' like.

"Kakashi, the Emperor-," The male stopped as he looked over to me and the children, his eyes widened slowly as if in realization, "You have a wife and two kids, why didn't you tell me, I thought we promised not hide anything from each other!"

Mine's as well as Kakashi's face both resembled a tomato as we looked away from each other with embarrassment, as much as I wanted to explain that I was just his maid and we weren't together it was useless with the male called Asuma talking over me.

"Sweetheart, can't you see their embarrassed!" The woman called Kurenai said, smacking the head of her boyfriend and started playing with Naruto and Sasuke.

"Guys, we're not together, this is my maid, Iruka Umino and these two are Naruto and Sasuke," Kakashi finally said, "They're orphans and we got permission to take care of them by the Emperor himself,"

After hearing that Kakashi had a mission, the couple took his place to walk us home as he rushed to the Emperor's office.

"So do you like Kakashi or are you just here for the money," Asuma whispered just for me to hear, but I don't know about you because Kurenai heard and now Asuma has the biggest bump on his head.

When we were at the Hatake's residence, it was already noon and I put Naruto and Sasuke to bed. For some reason, I thought Asuma and Kurenai would have left but they were sipping tea that I didn't even make and making themselves comfortable.

"Here, have some tea,"

"Um, thank you," I said taking a sit in the kotatsu and sipping the tea that was there alone.

After a long time of silence, Kurenai finally spoke up in a serious voice , "How long have known Kakashi for Iruka-chan,"

It felt like I was being interrogated but I answered the question with honesty, "Just a few weeks ago, he saved me actually,"

Both Kurenai's and Asuma's eyebrows both went up in confusion at my answer before Asuma said, "What fo you mean, 'he saved you'"

"I meant what I said, he also saved Naruto and Sasuke," I said drinking the warm tea though after a few dips, I could tell it tasted weird.

"Oh, I knew those two look similar," Asuma said, but then his voice changed into a more darker tone.

I quickly knew that they was something wrong and threw the tea away and spitting the rest out of my mouth but it already had affected my body.

"I guess already taken over his body, now let's him, the nine tails fox and the Uchiha boy and get out of here," I could see that they weren't the people I met, they looked like....

???'s POV

"Yeah let's take them and go-" Before my subordinate could finish his sentence, there was a flash and he on the floor on a minute.

"What is the world-" I said but before I could finish, I saw the flash again come behind me and I was able to react just in time.

I could see that the flash was actually Iruka with the most scariest grin I've ever seen. After blocking some of the attacks, it was getting faster that finally my soul flew out of my body as I felt a karate chop on my neck.

"You picked the wrong maid to mess with," That was the only thing I heard before my eyes rolled to the back of my head....

He was right, he was just too powerful, but I've got to inform Boss about this before I go, this would be useful for him, now that we found the only user of Alitrix...

"Boss, boss, we found him, finally," I whispered to my ear piece and hearing a small chuckle from the other side.

"Good work peasants, you shall be rewarded enormously, now keep an eye on him for the meanwhile,"

"Ye- Yes sir, thank you sir," I said happily before passing out...

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