Chapter 15

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I don't own any of the characters in the story as Masashi Kishimoto owns it all.

"With this ring, thee I wed," I solemnly intoned as I slid the silver ring-–apparently a family heirloom I have now given on Iruka's finger, a similar one already hugging his own ring finger. He was certain his face was as red as the roses he favored, since it felt incandescent, but he had never thought he would muster up the courage to marry the male of his dreams.

But, there really was no one else for him but Iruka. 

"The ceremony is now complete. You may kiss your spouse," The Emperor said, the smallest of soft smiles quirking their lips.

I immediately leaned in and simultaneously swept Iruka's feet out from under him, making him fall into a dip and kissing him soundly.

Sakura voiced a quiet squeal as Asuma chuckled while I released Iruka from the kiss and set him back on his feet. Iruka had looked a bit unnaturally pale through most of the ceremony, although he had said his vows with such passion and sincerity that I knew that he wasn't being forced into anything–he had gotten very good at telling when Iruka was dancing around something–but now his eyes sparkled with joy and his smile was so broad that I reflexively smiled in return.

"Thank you for agreeing to marry me," I murmured and took Iruka's hands in his own, kissing the back of each before holding them against his chest, behind which his heart was struggling to escape from his ribs from how hard it still pounded.

"Come, we need your signatures, too, and then you're free to do whatever you wish," Asuma said, cutting into our whispers and bringing them back to the reality that the ceremony was over but not yet complete. Asuma looked a little misty-eyed, which reminded me that the man had been married himself, and may be thinking of the happier times he spent with his wife now.

Me and Iruka walked over to The Emperor's desk, where a license was in triplicate–one for the Church's official records, one for mines, and one for Iruka. They signed each one, Iruka's flowing and impeccable signature paired with my signature.

Asuma rolled up each copy and they were sealed with The Emperor's shiny new Official Seal, then one was handed to both Iruka and me.

"Congrats!" Anko exclaimed once all the formalities were over and gave us both a tight hug that I swore it cracked at least one of my ribs.

"Thanks, Hilda," Iruka said and hugged her back.

"But do you really have to leave now?" Anko asked. I had to go on a long mission today and I completely forgot, when you're planning your wedding it's easy to forget.

"Yes, you should at least spend your wedding night with your new husband," Asuma insisted. "We will keep anyone from bothering you for the rest of the night, you need to make the memories that will sustain you until you two can meet again."

"Don't worry about cleaning up after yourselves, although you are now required to say goodbye before you leave and let me know when to arrange for a coronation gift to be sent to you," Kurenai said firmly, a subtle spark of mischief in her eyes. "If I truly am your friend, you'll do that much for me."

"Sure thing," Iruka said, a tiny note of unease in his voice. I gently squeezed the hand he was holding, and Iruka returned the gesture. "But, Kurenai is right. We should get to making memories!"

"Have fun you two," Anko said and waved as they walked towards the residence. When they turned into the stairwell, it was my turn to sweep Iruka's feet out and pick him up in a bridal carry. Iruka laughed and clung to me as I made my way into the bedroom. Iruka unlocked the door, and kissed me soundly as we stepped into the room. 

I placed Iruka back on his feet, and Iruka immediately leaned back in and caught me in a long, deep, torrid kiss that left him panting once Iruka pulled back.

"I love you," Iruka mumbled.

"I love you too Iruka-chan," I whispered back.....

The End.

Hey guys! This story is officially finished and sorry I had to rush it, I didn't have much ideas! Anyways bye!! 

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