Chapter 24

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I never thought I would be here. seven years ago, when I came out, I was told it was a phase. I sought out help within the community, and was told I wasn't really bisexual if I dated guys. now, a sunset, a bottle of beer, a soft mouth.

I love him. it's undeniable. I love him and I'm proud. I'm still just as bi if a date a girl or guy or enby.

our lips part and rejoin in muddled bliss. I love him. he loves me. I feel at peace for the first time in years.

I raging storm inside me doesn't stop, but gets more violent as I press my lips to his again. again. my hands on his chest. he doesn't stop. we kiss, wild and free, until the moon illuminates our young and helpless faces. 

"I love you." I breathe

he exhales softly in the hot moonlight. "I love you"

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