Rose Visit the Hashira's Estate

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After the swordsmith incident and nezuko conquer the sun, they headed back to the butterfly estate to heal. Zenitsu saw Rose wearing Tanjiro's haori and her big breast revealing.

Zenitsu: Rose, why are you wearing Tanjiro's haori?

Rose: Well, you see....

30 mins later

Zenitsu: What?! You're about to be rape by a demon until the mist hashira save you!

Luna: Zenitsu!

Inosuke: Wow, I wanted see her hot body.

Luna: You too, Inosuke!

They have an agruement while Rose changes into her new kimono and headed to shinobu's room and ask her that she can visit other estate.

Shinobu: Of course.

Rose: Thank you, Kocho. Also, look after Grim while I'm out.

Shinobu: I will.

Rose headed to the flame estate where she meet a young boy who look exactly her friend

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Rose headed to the flame estate where she meet a young boy who look exactly her friend. The boy has unruly golden hair that flares out around his face, becoming red near the ends above his ears and shoulders, that he wears messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin and large, gold eyes that redden near the pupils, that are slanted inwards and shaped so as to give him a determined yet kind appearance and wore a plain white yukata with darker hakama pants.

Rose: Hello there, sir. Is this the home of Kyojuro?

???: Yes, it is miss. Oh I'm Senjuro, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Rose: The pleasure is all mine, I'm Rose.

Senjuro: Well, Rose come inside.

The boy now known as Senjuro lead you inside and taking you tea while she wait for him to come back. Then, she saw another one with the flaming hair but older; he has possessing unruly orange hair that flares out around his face, becoming redder near the ends above his ears, that he wears messily tied back behind his head. He has fair skin, bushy black eyebrows and bright, orange eyes that redden near the pupils, that are slanted inwards and shaped so as to give him a furious appearance and wore a traditional kimono. He look at Rose with gentle eyes and calm.

???: Are you Rose Briar?

Rose: I am, sir.

???: My son... Told me about you and Luna were from the future 10 years ago before your family were killed by the demon king and imprisoned you. It's good to meet you that you're the one who defeat the demon. I'm Shinjuro Rengoku, it's pleasure to meet you.

Rose: It's nice to meet you, too Shinjuro.

The man was now known as Shinjuro; they get know to each other and Rose ask Senjuro about his mother and answered it for her. How she was kind and sweet as her late mother; Soon, she left the flame estate and headed to the love estate to meet Mitsuri.

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