Rose in Danger

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Tengen and Kyojuro are looking for tengen's found inside the house and found Makio and she was hurt.

Kyojuro: I think I found her.

Tengen: Makio, are you okay? What happened?

Makio: Yeah, I'm fine.

Kyojuro: Good.

Tengen: Kyojuro, Find my other two wives!

He left to find two other wives and makio explained to him what she told him the bad news and show him the picture.

Makio: Bad news, the demons are looking for the master's bride! (handing him the picture of rose)

Makio: Bad news, the demons are looking for the master's bride! (handing him the picture of rose)

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Tengen: What?! Rose.....

Makio: Wait, you know her?

Kyojuro: Tengen! I found them!

Tengen: Suma and Hinatsura! I'm so glad to see you! (hugging them)

Suma/Hinatsura: Wahh! Tengen, We miss you!

Kyojuro look at the picture and shock to see rose that she look like rose's late mother.

Kyojuro: Rose!

Tengen: Look likes, they're aftering her.

Makio is angry at tengen for annoy her and start hitting him.

Makio: Don't annoy me! And, how did you know her?!

Tengen: I met her at the trial and saw her at the lake bathing.

Makio: What! That means Rose is in danger!

Meanwhile, Rose was taking a break from practicing until she bump into Daki and quickly apoloy to her but turns out she was nice to her.

Rose: I'm sorry for bumping to you! (bowing her head)

Daki: That's ok. (smiling)

Rose: Oh, ok.

(Why is she so nice?)

Daki: Meet me at my room.

Rose: Sure.

Daki: Good, she fell for it. (evil smile)

As soon as daki leaving rose standing there shock and rose started to look for tanjiro and luna but she felt something is not right and run to koinastsu room and saw in horror Daki a demon who's wrap koinastsu.

Daki: Sorry, Rose you had to see this. (evil smile)

Rose: Daki, you're a demon and a uppermoon six...

Daki: That's right, I'm taking you back to my master.

Rose screamed and tried to get to tanjiro and luna to warn them but she was too late. She was wrap in cloth tying her up and Daki planning to bring her back to her master but then, kyojuro arrived here 

Rose: Kyaaaaaa!

Daki: Hahahahaha!


Kyojuro: Rose, are you ok?!

Daki: In a bad time to see her.

Rose: (muffle)

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