3 | KAI

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When I wrote this, I was listening to these songs so feel free to listen too while reading!

Marry you // K.Will
My wish // Lena Park
Story // Park Shin Hye (i like the most)
Heaven // Ailee


Your POV

I woke up after heard my clock rang loudly. I quickly woke up from my bed and took my bath. I wore a dress blue coloured with black cardigan.

Then I looked at myself through the mirror. I rewinded back what dad said last night.

"Leave him. Or I will kill his mom without any grave. Leave him. That guy is not suitable for you. He is poor! Leave him or his mom die. Remember I can do everything I want"

"Yes I agree with your dad"

"Urghhh! Forget about that!" I exclaimed.

After that I walked toward dining room. I wanted to take my breakfast with my family who were my dad, my mum and my brother. They already waited for me at dining table. They did their own works before I went there. My bro, had frowned on his head. Maybe he was thinking about something.

I looked at the table fulled of dishes made by mum. "Let's eat" I said slowly as I sat on an empty chair beside Kyungsoo, my brother. But I didn't want to make eyecontact with mom moreover dad. I hate them. So much.

"Do it today" Dad suddenly said. I looked at him angrily. We were supposed to eat not to argue. And what? He wanted it? Of course I will not! Never!

"I don't want to! I love him dad! I love him! Only him. What you said last night is nonsense!" I exclaimed. Dad only looked at me with widen eyes. His face was full of anger as he stood, slamming the table hardly. He was looking at me sharply.

"Do it today. Leave him today or his mom will die" Dad left the dining table as mom followed. They were really cruel. What they wanted last night really hurt me. I was so scared. I tried to ignore but I could't. Kai loved his mom very much. She was only the one he had. But I didn't want to do what they wanted because I loved him. They were selfish, cruel!

"Oppa, I don't want to" I said slowly as my tears started to fill in my eyes. Luckily he was there beside me. He always cheered me up when I was sad. He always gave me spirit to face my hard life even he was also spirited up himself. He and I had such a tough life just because of our parents.

Kyungsoo looked at me pityly after put down his phone on the table. "Sister, I don't know what to say to you anymore because I already told you last night. They will never take back what they had said. I know this because I already faced it when I was 20. I bet you still remember Jung InRa" I heard his words carefully with tears.

I respect my parents but looked what they did toward me. They destroyed my life. Not just mine, but Kyungsoo's life as well.

"Y-Yeah I still remember eonni" I answered as my mind rewinded back her face, InRa. Who was she? She was Kyungsoo's past. She was Kyungsoo's girlfriend until one day she broke up with Kyungsoo after dad blackmailed her. She was a poor person but good at everything. Her face was pretty, she was perfect, she was an intelligent student, she respected people. No wonder Kyungsoo fell for her.

"Stay tough my younger sister. Even they acted like that, they are still our parents. We need to respect them" Kyungsoo made me turn back to the reality world.


"Just go. Do what dad want" He said then stood and drove out from the mansion.

I really need to do it? Kyungsoo already gave up on everything. It wasn't like he wanted it. And I didn't want to be like him who just followed all my parents' nonsense commands.

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