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Azlaan's POV,
"We're going back to India." Dad announced abruptly at the dinner table and both me and Mom gaped at him as if he grew two heads.

" on a vacation?" I asked putting the paused spoon in my mouth.

"No....for good."

I choked on my rice and somehow managed to take the glass of water and drank. Mom was too shocked to pay attention to me too.

"Akram... you're joking right? It's been 10 years, we have a life here, we can't just leave everything behind and live in a country like India?!" Mom stated.

"Exactly, it's been 10 years that's why we must go back to our Vatan (country)." Dad snapped.

" know Azlaan has applied for a job here and soon he'll be a professor in a prestigious college. Why should he leave such a good opportunity and go to an underdeveloped country like India. What is there for him?" Mom said as a matter of factly way.

"His Wife!"

His words froze me to the core and the memory from 10 years back flashed through my eyes. Meher Qadri is supposed to be my wife. I married her a day before I left to London and since then I haven't even heard her name. To be honest, I'd completely forgotten about her. About my promise to her father to come back for her, accept her, cherish her, and whatever other nonsense he asked me to swear to him, I cannot even remember anything anymore. I don't even remember how she looked like or how she was.

"Th...they were just kids and it's not even on paper. Who cares what happened 10 years ago?" Mom smiled nervously at which Dad got mad and slammed his hand on the table making her flinch.

"Who cares? Didn't they both had a halal Nikah in front of The Lord himself and his witnesses?! How could you say such a thing? Meher is Azlaan wife, nothing can change that and it's been 10 years, they've both matured and Azlaan is very capable of taking care of her now. Do you know how ashamed I feel that I've even lost contact with my dear friend. How guilty I feel just thinking about that innocent child waiting for soo long for her husband to return to her? It's high time now. Start packing your things. We're moving next month and if you want to return back, we can bring Meher with us after a proper wedding ceremony for the world to know."

His words were set in stone and we had no chance of any objection. Still, this argument went on between mom and dad for the whole month until it was finally time to depart. We agreed to come back to London some day and not settle back in India, that was good. However, it had left a bitter taste in my mouth as within the past month I tried to recall how Meher was and all I could think of what kind of pain in the ass she was. Always crying, stuck in her own world and soo creepy when she used to talk to herself. It was as if she was possessed or something. That girl was my wife and I have to tolerate her for the rest of my life?!

No way in Hell!

Because of her I had to give up such a good opportunity of earning in dollars and would have to roam around in Mumbai searching for jobs to earn a handful of cash? That's preposterous!

Qubool hai!
With just this one word that brat dared to shakle my legs and drag me down huh.

Just wait and watch Meher, how I turn this one word into a noose around your neck and turn your life into a living nightmare!

And what better way to do it than being able to be the one she hates the most. Among all the things that I remembered about her, I also remembered how terrified she used to be of teachers in her school. She used to quiver if a teacher as much as took her name in front of her class of landed thier eyes on her. What a stupid fool!

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