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Azlaan's POV,
I had to take the support of the stairs' railing so as to not fall of shock after I overheard what the doctor told Mazhar bhai.

Meher was dying....and it was all my fault. At that moment, every terrible thing I did to her, everything I put her through came flashing through my eyes and this unbearable feeling of self loathing I felt at that moment made me wanting to fall in her feet and beg for forgiveness.

What have I done! How could I do all that to her? How could I had tortured her to such an extent so as to drag her to suicide?! What if she dies.... because of me?!

I love you Azlaan...

She loved me even after I made her go through hell. Why did I even do that? What did she ever do wrong to me? She was always trying her best... even after knowing about me and Kashish, she was trying to stop me from sinning while I just....hurted her instead.
She was protecting me while I murdered her!

She was never at fault. It was just my pointless hatred towards her that caused all this. I'm responsible and.... I need to face the consequences of it. I need to be punished and for that..... I need to come clean.

So taking a deep breath, I walked towards Mazhar bhai and seeing all the blood on his clothes and hands made me shiver.

It was her blood!


"It' fault... Meher's condition... it's because of me. I'm responsible...." I finally said swallowing the huge lump in my throat.

He looked at me as if I grew two heads.

"It's true." My eyes were on the floor as I was even too ashamed to look up at him and suddenly my collar was in his grip and his face right in front of mine as he grunted in an animalistic tone.

"! YOU did that to my Meher?!"

I couldn't say anything else as he was dragging me in an empty corridor like a sack of rice and slammed me on the wall harshly making me wince.

"Start talking!" He demanded.

The murderous instinct projected in his eyes was probably, something similar to the look I must've shown to his delicate sister at some point.

"It's because of me that...she tried to kill herself."


I took the support of the wall at the harsh impact.

"What do you mean? What did you do to my sister?!" He gripped my chin making me face him. Again something I had done to his sister before.

"Exactly...what you're doing to me right now. I hurted her physically, mentally, even emotionally. I did horrible things to her that broke her completely."

He stepped back in disbelief with that look of horror on his face.

"Y... you... Azlaan?"

His face was getting blurry in my vision as I remembered the horror on her face and her screams when I....

".... I raped her."

A sharp punch on my jaw almost made me meet the floor but my collar choked me again and I was lifted up like a sack and one after the other sharp punches showered on my face till the point I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Because of sister is in that state ... she's.... fighting her will live ... she's cold and alone .....she was in pain.... she has....lost all hope..... I can't see her smiling..... I cannot hug her.... I cannot talk my baby sister.... All.... because....of YOU... AZLAAN KHAN!"

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