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Meher's POV,
"I've applied for job in two companies in Pune and that's why I need to go for an interview there. So I'll be away for 5 days." Mazhar bhai informed.
"Just keep praying that I might get this job. It's pay is well and I can get good experience too."

I didn't know what to feel after hearing that. Of course I was happy for him and really wanted him to get a good job and settle down but I also didn't wanted to go away from us....from me. Sometimes, it feels like he's the only support I have in my life and even Daddy's leaving for Saudi tonight. Just the thought of Bhai moving away and settling down made me always feel soo lonely.

"Now a days, it's become soo difficult for you youngsters to get jobs. What did the prime minister said before being elected? That I'll increase the number of jobs for the youth. Huh? Since then there have been even more rise in unemployment in india. Even my precious son has to go to Pune. What will you eat? How will you stay and who will wash your clothes? Huh? We should soon enough get you married now." Mumma turned all emotional.

He chuckled
"Mumma, it's just 5 days not 5 years. Don't be soo melodramatic. And the apartment, me and Arsh will be living in has a small restaurant right below the building. They made home like food. We'll buy that." He assured her.

"It would be 5 years too, soon. You've grown up soo fast." She was already crying as he consoled her.

And I was again overthinking. Bhai snapped his fingers at me bringing me to reality.
"Where are you lost at?"

I shook my head faking a smile.
"I'm happy for you."

He smiled patting my head. Just then we heard the door bell and my heart jumped to my throat.

"Oh, it must be my son in law!" She shreked excitedly.

"Meher, go and open the door."

I shoot my eyes at her frightened. I didn't wanted to face him.

"Why are you just looking at my face? Go, your husband is here!"

Bhai made a face at her comment and she pushed me harshly making me jerk forward and I forced my feet to walk to the door. My hands were trembling has I grabbed the handle and opened the door with my head down.


I looked up and relief flooded over me bringing a smile on my face. It was just Zoya.

"Oh it's Zoya. Come beta come in...." Mumma said camoflaging her disappointment with a smile.

"Why aunty? Were you expecting someone else?" She closed the door and walked in as I walked in after her.

"I invited Azlaan for lunch. Maybe he's still busy at college. My son in law is soo hardworking!" Mumma was literally fawning all over.

"Oohh..." Zoya nudged me teasingly and I forced a smile.
"Aunty, please give uncle this. Mummy has given this parcel to forward it to my Mammu."

"Ok, he's packing inside. Is your Mammu still in Jeddah?" Mumma asked her.

"Yes he is...."

They talked for a while as I quitely stood back listening. I hardly get a chance to talk to Zoya now a days as she's too busy with her CA CPT exam. Her new friends group is from the same department so they're always together so I don't like to interfere. But today I could talk to her. She's my childhood friend, maybe she'll understand. She has a wrong idea about me and Azlaan. So I can explain her the situation. My Zoya would understand me.

This thought gave me hope.

"Zoya...." I patted her shoulder but she didn't notice me.

"Assalamualaikum Mazhar bhai." She was smiling soo widely.

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