Chapter 2

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The silent prayer that Draco offered up to the sky came true, in the sort of way that you believed a genie would grant you wish. It was not as bad as he thought it would be. In fact, it was much, much worse.

Pansy and Blaise seemed to be pushing him into any trap they could figure out, and after being pushed into a cluster of spider webs for the third time and having cold air blown into his face, he had enough.

After removing all of the webs from his face, he turned around to give them a piece of his mind. This would have been a big stepping stone for Draco, if his so-called "friends" could be found. Instead, they had edged him into the spiderwebs and ran off together, laughing to themselves.

He was utterly alone now for real. Before, at least they had been near him. Now, there was nowhere to go, and he was forced to find the way out alone.

Someone reached out of the wall to grab at Draco, and he screamed, falling backwards as he tripped over something in the darkness, and narrowly missing cracking his skull open as he felt arms wrap around him.

Harry Potter had known few pleasures in his early life, but one of his favorite things had always been scaring people. Until his godfather Sirius and his now husband Remus fought for custody of him, Harry lived with his horrible relatives who made it a point to call him a freak and make him feel as isolated as possible.

At age 8, Harry had been removed from the harsh environment, but the memories of living with his aunt, uncle, and cousin still lived on in his mind. Harry would have moved in with Sirius and Remus sooner, had the court system not been so judgemental of his godfather.

Tattooed, gay, wore his hair long, and with a criminal record (he had been framed for a crime and spent over a year in jail for it before he was proved innocent and the charges were expunged from his record), Sirius Black was a force to be reckoned with. He refused to give up on Harry. Harry had lived in a loving home ever since, and never looked back.

While Harry loved scaring people when they took joy in it, he always had a soft spot for those who didn't share his passion. The striking blond man with the sharp cheekbones was no exception. The people the man came in with were cruel, and had been talking about ditching him for a laugh. They reminded him of Dudley, and Harry instantly took a disliking to them.

Especially when their actions almost caused the blond to be seriously hurt. The girl had purposely moved a prop behind the man so he would trip. Harry was furious, and not just because it was a liability. He hadn't been able to move the prop in time, but he could catch the man before any serious harm was done.

"I've got you", Harry whispered softly in Draco's ear, ironically trying not to frighten him.

"You would be the only one. No offense to you, I'm sure you're lovely, but I refuse to turn around. Judging by your muscles you can easily snap me in half, and I'm not up for that today. Would you be so kind as to point me to the exit?"

Draco had half a mind to take a page out of Carrie Underwood's book and dig a key into the side of Blaise's car and smash a hole, not in all four tires, oh no, just one tire and then the spare. He would never suspect it, and for a family with as much money as the Zabini's, it would be a minor inconvenience at best. Yes, the spare tire will do quite nicely.

"Normally I'm supposed to point you to a fake exit, but I've never had someone so beautiful jump onto me before. Plus I can tell this isn't your thing, and your friends are jerks to leave you alone when you clearly don't want to be here.

Go down the dark hallway, stay in the middle. You're going to see a door marked exit, do not take it. That will send you in a loop and bring you back here. Right before that door a ginger clown will try to chase you through it. Scream and run past him. Don't even look at the door.

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