DAD I WILL BE A HERO! The Fated Fight..

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Jaune was currently sparring with shirou swords were flying everywhere. spears, arrows, swords axes and much more any type of weapons clashing against each other. jaune was now getting the upper hand on shirou as he slashed him with Excalibur before pulling pulling gae bog and using caladbog sending shirou flying. he then traced thousands of blade and sent them at shirou who traced avalon and used it to block the swords before throwing dangers at jaune. jaune managed to cut then all and threw another gae bog at him and used shirou trying to block as a distraction and got behind shirou stabbing his brain out winning the fight.

jaune then saw shirou generate as he walked up to jaune and held his hand.

you passed we will become one shirou as he disappeared and a light surrounded him as all version shirous and archers memories leaked into him there fighting style, battle experiences and everything combined worth jaune. suddenly jaune awoke clutching his head in pain. After the pain resided he got his memories of archer and shirou he noticed his body had changed to that of a archer and shirou hybrid. he then traced yellow version of archers attire. it was 6 am he then write a note saying he was going outside and went outside to the forest where grim were.

jaune saw a grim come when he saw a grim that looked a monster riding a horse. it was a Nuckelavee. i will be a hero of justice jaune thought as he he started channelling his prana into his his circuits. 

(play music).

i am the bone of my sword. jaunes says as he was tracing caliburn jaune realising his prana was currently being filled since it was the first time using his magical circuit. come at me you ugly beast jaune yelled as the beast charged but jaune with a sonic leap slashed his head off as he saw several lower grims like Beowulf and ursa. jaune moving at the speed of sound. cracking the floor as he moved slashed the heads of the all 30 grims in a few seconds less then 5. 

This power with it i will defend the innocent and take out evil i am the legacy of shirou emiya the counter guardian hero of justice. jaune says. as he walks home. Jaune had forgotten that his father was having a small (actually big) gathering with family friends which was almost every important man or women in the hunting business. The entire arc family were at the arc castle the only remains of the royal kingdom of arcadia. Well all apart from him. Due to having a information overlord jaune had forgotten about this and walked in through the front door in his combat attire only for it to be  and greeted by 2 faces he knew Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch of beacon coming behind. he thought his dad like usual had missed him.

Arthur arc  the patriarch of the arc family and jaunes dad smiled as he saw Glynda and ozpin. ozpin glynda you here im glad you can make it he says.

well we couldn't pass the opportunity to get some arcs into beacon ozpin says as arthur sighed. You know they are set on going to mistral he replied. as they were led to back yard.

well help but try ozpins says.

im the arcs will do good in whatever school they go to gylnda says

sorry gylnda i almost forgot about you arthur says to which she rolled her eyes.

its ok ill just talk to juniper you both have a lot to discuss she says. as arthurs noded and the two started to continue theyre conversation.

jaune walking through the house saw everyone gaze at him as they will saying stuff like who's that is that the arcs son. he looks like an hunter and he has the arc signature blonde hair and blue eyes he's got to be. i wonder if hes strong as naming one his sister same, prehaps they were hiding him as a secret weapon or to surprise us.

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