Ch 8 | Surprise Voices

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"Where have you been? You've been coming home late and I just saw you passing by with a boy. Have you been hanging out with a faggot?!" Chris yells. He came storming into the teenager's room first thing in the morning. "I thought I told you to not talk to those freaks."

(M/n) ignores him as he turns off his alarm clock, twenty minutes early. Hmm for once he didn't have to slam his alarm off. Getting off the bed and making his way to his connected bathroom, he went with his day. Most likely story will be Chris getting tired of yelling for five minutes and soon leaving alone.

The banging on the door was a fading sound just as (M/n) blasted some music into his headphones. Vibing with any song from his playlist he just went on getting ready for school. By the time he had to leave the bathroom, Chris was out of his room. Probably went and escapes for work. A normal routine at this point.

Getting downstairs he sees his portion of breakfast waiting for him. His favorite breakfast, even though he wasn't a breakfast person, to begin with. Knowing his mum put this aside just for him in the middle of her busy schedule brought a smile to his face.

I'll have to remember to text her thank you after eating, (M/n) reminding himself. Eating the delicious food and grabbing him to go back he was out the door for school. Deciding to take a walk to school was greeted by the sight of a bubbly Leo coming out of their house. They're adorable large light blue hoodie-created sweater paws. Soon Leo notices (M/n) leaving his house too.

"Good morning (M/n)! How are you?" Leo asks walking beside the male. (M/n) couldn't help but find the shorter bean to be adorable. In fact, he'd always found Leo to be adorable no matter what they wore.

'Mornin Leo...same old. Finally decided to finish unpacking yesterday,' he explains letting out a tired yawn. He clearly wasn't a morning person. 'How about you? Anything new?'

"O-Oh um the same really. Dad thought that my pronouns were stupid so he gave me a long lecture about there being only two genders. Then told me I was grounded for another week."

(M/n) stayed quiet for a moment, he really hated parents. For some reason, he didn't have many fond memories of any parents in this town. Leo's parents, or specifically his dad, were in the top 10. Being so closed-minded and punishing your child for even breathing is the worst.

Before he left South Park, (M/n) would always have sleepovers at the Stotch's residence. The fact his parents at the time didn't care about him helped him escape home more often. Sometimes Stephen, Leo's dad, would be nicer on punishments all because he wanted to keep a nicer public image. But as time went on so did his reputation.

At some point, he said screw reputation and public image, I'm going to ground my son for being on this earth. Not much of an image to save after that since everyone will know I had an affair with a gay man. Yea that was pretty popular once people found out. Now him being clean means him having a phobia toward the LGBTQ community.

'That just sounds typical and hypocritical of him to do something like that. He might be your dad but half the shit he does shows how he doesn't even reach the bare minimum at being a father. And don't even get me started on your mom...' (M/n) rants trying to contain his burst of anger. Immediately it went away as soon as it came. 'Shit sorry about that Leo. I didn't mean to start ranting or anything.'

'It's just I find it stupid that you have to get the short end of the stick because of having shitty parents. It's mostly because of your dad but your mom doesn't help either. So both of them are to blame. You are literally one of the nicest people in this town and all the shit your parents put you through, you don't deserve.'

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