Ch 11 | Something in Common

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By the next morning (Y/n) was late for school.

His mum wasn't there to gently wake him up. Instead, it was the sound of thuds coming from the next room over that did. At first, he was confused, it was far too early to be moving furniture around.

That is until he heard a woman's moan.

Yeah, he wasn't staying around to hear that crap so early in the morning. Grabbing everything he needed for school and a new set of clothes, he was ready to head out. The sounds didn't stop and it only left him sick to his stomach about what Chirs was doing to his mother. She luckily was out shopping and had a few job interviews she was planning to go through.

Once he made it to school he was already 35 minutes late for homeroom. Steadily walking through the empty school hallways he made it to administration. Knowing the drill, writing his name in his notebook for the staff to see in exchange for a tardy slip. It was a good thing his mom was his first parental contact, as she never misses a call and trusts him.

So with the slip-in hard, he makes his way over to his homeroom with only 15 minutes before the bell right for the passing period. Walking right into class he could tell there were already eyes on him.

Particularly a set of Blue and Greenish Blue eyes were watching him come toward them. (Y/n) knew he made them worry over his sudden disappearance and rude departure. But what he didn't expect was for them to just ignore him.

As soon as he was in his seat they didn't seem all that interested in him at all. When they had a study break both Craig and Kenny were having their own conversation excluding (Y/n) from it all. Although he knew he deserved them being upset with him but not to the point of excluding him from the conversation.

It got worst once homeroom was over.

Everyone was ignoring him! Everyone who went to the mall with him yesterday was, which is a majority of all his friends. At least he thought Leo and Tweek would talk to him, considering they were non-confrontational types, but they did too. It seems they both had guards with them in case they slipped up and talked to him.

This left (Y/n) to be alone most of the day. Wendy noticed how the boys were treating her friend but said nothing since it was none of her business. However, she did make time for him whenever they were in class together. But by lunchtime, she had to meet up with her club to talk about an upcoming debate meeting. So now (Y/n) was all alone at lunch.

Everyone was at the usual table, eating, talking shit about one another, or just trying to take a break from school. (Y/n) knew that if he got any closer they would just ignore his existence because of what he did. At least they acted like he was alive rather they what they did to Cartman. Sometimes they could be so childish.

He knew Token, Kyle, and Jimmy weren't there with them but they were still hanging around them. What if they told them about him bailing on them and they took their side. They were smart but peer pressure is a total bitch.

So (Y/n) opted to just eat lunch in one of the abandoned classrooms. He use to do it all the time before he left South Park. When he wasn't hanging out with anyone he spent most of his time in a particular classroom that no one seems to go into. Probably because everyone thought it was haunted.

Taking two flights of stairs up and turning down a particular hallway that had a few abandoned classrooms. Since the renovation of South Park when he was younger, they added another building on the other side of town. So the junior high and elementary grade students share the new building while the old one belongs to the high schoolers.

Entering an old-looking classroom everything was in place just as he remembered. Sure the school was still shit old but at least they made sure the classrooms weren't going to destroy themselves. The desks and furniture show signs of neglect and nature taking over. The few teacher plants that were left to die seem to be flourishing. Maybe someone came by to water them.

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