Ch 9 | What? Who?!

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   The sight of sweat-soaked teenagers is always a sight no one wants to see. Even if the girls are always horny for sex no one, in their right mind would want to see that. So Stan, Butters, and (M/n) decided to take it easy and jog the mile.

   It wasn't like they were slow. Stan being part of a sports team could easily finish it in 3-4 minutes meanwhile (M/n) and Butters liked to take the lazy route. Sure they could run if they wanted to, but do they? I don't think so. If it wasn't running away from their parents or sometimes special there was no point in running at all.

   "Have you guys seen Cartman? The PE teachers are looking very pissy again" Butters quietly ask. "They've been murmuring his name for the past 10 minutes..."

   The three glance over toward their teacher. It was like every stereotypical PE teacher. Either too old or taking their job too seriously, like it was the military. In the far-off distance of the grounds, you could clearly see Eric trying to hide from the class.  

   "Let them be Butters. It's better them going after Cartman than the rest of us and having to suffer. Besides, let's just get this lap done and we'll be able to get a break from the heat" Stan replies speeding up. Both (M/n) and Butters look at each other before following after.

   Only taking a few more yards until the three finished at various times. Butters could feel his legs wanting to buckle right under him. It didn't help that their time for PE was at the hottest hour of the day. The (h/c) haired male notices and soon walks over. 

   Without even asking to help he pulls the blonde closer to him by the waist. Grabbing an arm and throwing it over his shoulders while holding his wast. Butter's face gets all red from the sudden contact and the kind gesture. The two hurry over to the shaded part of the bleachers where Stan was waiting for them. Looking over to the two he couldn't help but feel jealous of how close the two were.

   Leaning closer to the ground he gently places Butters closer to the grass. Stretching for a few minutes (M/n) grabs his phone from his shorts. The sun was shining for once and the three decide to just sit this one out. It's not like they were going to get in trouble for doing this, they did their assignment. 

   "I can't wait till lunch to just relax in the cafeteria. Or maybe we should go out to eat outside of school? We haven't done that in a while" Stan said thinking of the various possibilities. (M/n), who hadn't said a word in a while, realized something.

   'Hey, I heard they were opening a new fast food place near the mall. Why don't we just drive up there for lunch?' 

   "That's a great idea (N/n)! The only problem is we don't all have rides maybe we need to ask the guys about who's driving?" Butters added. He went to the main group chat where all eleven boys were in.

   Asking the question about going to the mall everyone seemed interested. Sadly Token and Kyle decided to sit this one out since they were doing an AP project together; plus Jimmy had a date with a comedy club worker. Next was transportation, Clyde had a vehicle and so did Stan but there were 8 people. The best solution would be each car seating four people.

   But there was just one more problem. Which car will (M/n) sit in?

   They didn't want to obviously get called out by the male so they took their feud to another group chat that didn't have him. (M/n) remained oblivious as he talked with Butters about a sleepover. At that time another group of PE students came over once it was their turn to do the mile. It just so happened Clyde was in that group too.

   "Somehow I knew I would find the three of you here" Clyde jokes seeing how his prediction was right. Now the four rested while Clyde's class was doing the mile. It was just fun watching other kids suffer in the heat while they got shade and water.

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