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Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker

You're a cocksucking, ass-liking, uncle fucker

You're an uncle fucker, yes it's true

Nobody fucks uncles just like you

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker

You're the one that fucks your uncle, uncle fucker

You don't even sleep or mow the lawn

You fuck your un-

   "(M/n) how many times do I have to tell you to not play vulgar music?! It's not appropriate to listen to such music, especially if the Canadian's made it" mom rudely says just as the song was getting catchy.

   "Shut up Kelly, (M/n) is a grown-up now. The fact you're still bothering him is just so pathetic to" Chris, my father, grumbles while on the wheel. He speeds past a small sign saying, Welcome to Colorado!

   I just roll my eyes before taking off my headphones to stare out the window. There was nothing but snow as far as I could see it. We're back in Colorado and going back to my childhood town, South Park. It's been a couple of years since we've left and now we're just coming back.

   Leaving was very sudden that I doubt many people would miss me or anything. I was told to go outside and make friends but I didn't have that many close friends over the years.

   Sure I roleplayed with the boys and made alliances but never ones that stuck out from the games itself. After so long I was still considered the new kid even if I've been there for a few years. Not even the teacher knew my real name even if that was their job in the first place to remember. Damn, I am an outcast in that town.

   The town was filled with my old memories from childhood but I can't say most of them were anything to smile about. I can happily say however, I did have an interesting one compared to most kids I've met. Especially when having really weird powers that I can't explain anymore.

   "Hey champ how does it feel, going back to South Park? You must be excited to see all your old friends again, right?" dad asked, glancing over to me from the mirror. I just stare right back at him before he grumbles away about me being an ungrateful brat.

   Another thing that hasn't changed, I don't speak still. Sure my parents have brought me to a therapist who evaluated that I knew how to speak but I chose not to. You'll have no idea how angry Chris was when he found out. But it didn't matter to me, I was okay with being called mute. Less of a hassle to talk to others.

   Putting back on my headphones I let whatever song come on play. Usually, it would be at random music or even emo. (Totally not because of the Goth Kids who corrupted me back in grade school.) Most of the music was pretty catchy to hear...

I said, what what, in the butt

I said, what what, in the butt

I said, what what, i-

...except for that one.


   We were slowly approaching the town's main entrance and I could see all the houses and building in the background. This place hasn't changed at all and it sort of was relieving to see. Once driving through the entrance, my attention was on the outside rather than on my music.

   Passing by old places where we roled played or just hanged out after school. I even saw the huge boulder where we threw pebbles at nearby cars. Old homes that I remember most of my classmates lived in and then the bus stop where I went to school with the old gang.

Have Myself a Time |  South Park x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now