ೃ⁀➷ 6 ༊*·˚ First Time for Everything

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Back at the workshop, they were having a moment of silence for Sandman. But Althea wasn't conscious yet, which causes Jack to worry even more. He had made a promise to himself that he would protect her, but he failed.

Tooth places a glass lantern on the Guardian symbol, where Sandman's likeness is. She looks over at North, who shuts his eyes in grief. She looks over at Bunny, who offers her his paw. Then she offers her hand to North, who takes it. All around the symbol are other lights; the Yetis stand by, as do the elves. They nod their heads, making the bells chime, creating a dirge for the Sandman.

But, Jack is not present. He's sitting off somewhere, hood up, by a window. He touches the pane and it starts to frost over, creating the same likeness of the Sandman as on the Guardian symbol. North approaches him.

"Are you alright?", he asked the boy.

"I just, uh- I wish I could've done something", he muttered, his eyes was slightly puffy and wet as he had been crying.

"Althea still hasn't woke up and Sandy-"

"Would be proud of what you did", Jack stands up, taking his hood down. "I don't know who you were in your past life, but in this life you are Guardian".

"How can I know who I am, until I found out who I was?", Jack questions.

"You will. I feel it - in my belly", he replied and he let out a small smile, North was about to walk away when..

"Hey, North", Jack called out to him, he stops and turns to him. "Can we talk.. about girls and feelings?".

North excitedly ran back and sat next to him, "It's Althea, isn't it?", he asked with a grin.

His eyes widens slightly, "Y-yes? Maybe?", he chuckles and blushed. "Is it that obvious?"

"I mean, either you have bad skin allergies or you like her", he smirked at the young boy.

Jack sighed, "I don't know, i-just, she means a lot to me.. and- and i made a promise to protect her. I feel nervous around her, sometimes and i just always want to impress her somehow. Ugh! What am i saying?", he blurted out.

"Hah! I knew it, i knew it, i knew it! You're in love!", North cheered.

"Who's in love?", Bunny poked his head out the other room.

"Did someone say love?", Tooth walked in, followed by Bunny.

"Yes! Jack Frost is in love!", North points a finger to the boy who's face looked like he was about to explode.

"Lemme guess.. Althea Nishant?", Bunny smirked at him.

Jack covers his face with his hand and groaned, "Have i always been that obvious?".

"Yes!", the three of them answered, simultaneously.

"What do i do?", Jack looked up at them and asked.

"Tell her, ya' gumbie!", Bunny smack him in the head causing him to yelp.

"What?! I've only know her for a couple of days!", he exclaims.

"So, what?", Tooth asked. "If Romeo and Juliet can fall in love in one day, who says you can like someone in a few?".

Jack sighed, "Alright, i'll tell Thea when she wakes up", he gave in.

"Tell me what?", the group jumped at the sound of the girl's voice behind them.

"Hey, Thea.. how are you feeling?", Tooth asked her.

"The burnt mark is fading, i have a massive migraine but fine none-the-less", she shrugged.

"Say, Jack. Why don't you go talk to her.. on the balcony?", North offered him a tight smile.

"Okay- uhh, come on", he grabbed her hand and walked down the hallway.

»»----- ➴ -----««

As the cold wind blew through her hair, she placed her hand on the railings and leaned forward, Jack stood silently beside her, building up a speech of what to say.

"I'm sorry i couldn't save Sandy", he sighed.

She glanced at him, "Jack, there wasn't anything we can do. We tried, and that's all it matters", she spoke, softly.

"I just wished i could've saved him", he said, quietly.

"Me too, me too"

The two began to engaged in a normal conversation, asking each other questions and laughing along. But no matter of calm Jack seemed, his mind was battling how will he express his feelings for her.

"So.. what's you center?", Jack then asked, curious.

"I don't exactly have one center, i mean.. i am the Guardian of Mystic Arts which is magic. I am a mythic elf. I lead the three c's. Charisma, Compassion and Courage", she listed.

"That's really nice", Jack chuckled and there was a moment of silence. "I'm sorry about your parents..".

She sighed, sadly. "It hurts to think that they died because of me.."

"It's not your fault, Allie", he responded.

"But it is!", she shook her head. "It should've been me, i should've been the one died, not my parents, they've done nothing wrong!".

"But neither have you", Jack cut in.

"You don't understand, i was supposed to die that day but i got revived with crazy powers i don't understand. Last night, it was supposed to be me!", she cried and paced around. "If i died than Sandy would have survived and-"


She was cut off in not the way she expected to, Jack grabbed her by the waist and pulled her towards him, attaching his lips on to hers.

She was in-shock. Holy- he was kissing her.

She didn't pull away, and placed one her hand on his shoulder while the other was around his neck. His grip on her waist tighten as he pulled her as close as they would allow. One of his hand reached up to her face, caressing her cheeks.

She gasps slightly when she felt his tongue and they explored each others mouth. After parting away for air, he rests his forehead against her, panting and breathing heavily.

"You were rambling..", he muttered and a small smile graced her lips.

"And that's your way of silencing me?", she asked and he grinned. "Or is this the way of telling me that you have feelings for me?".

He chuckles and kissed her cheek, "Do i have to stamp it on my head 'I like you Allie'?".

"You know, when we first realized that you were going to be the next guardian. Bunny said that you were the exact opposite of me", she tells him

"Well, he's not wrong", he pulled away slightly to scan her face. "But they also say opposites attrack".

She giggled, "You're such a dork"

"But i'm your dork"

"That was not cringey at all..", she laughed, sarcastically.

Someone then cleared their throat, causing them to turn their heads. They were startled to see North at the door, first he tried to put a serious face but broke into a proud grin.

"Hate to ruin the moment, but we have children to save", he chuckled.

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